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Messages - acman

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Storage Auctioneers / Re: Auctioneers and the established long time buyers
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:47:10 PM »
its all cash to the auctioneer.  If they wait an extra 2 minutes to get an extra 200-500 dollars in bidding, thats a pretty nice commission.  To the auction buyer, it kinda sucks.

This seems to happen more with actual autioneers, the facility managers generally just want to get it done.

These auctions have had enough shill bidding to outweigh auctioneers waiting for the regulars.

Storage Auctioneers / Auctioneers and the established long time buyers
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:25:21 PM »
Seen this more then I care to see at certain auctions.

Auctioneer today was auctioning off a unit at a new location after coming from a previous location.  Bidding continues with a regular and someone I have never seen before and regular is about to win the unit.  Then another long time buyer(His name is Bill and he buys everything, literally) shows up, Auctioneer stops in the auction and lets him get his on personal f'ing look, digest on it, then bid.  What do you know Bill buys it.

I have also seen Auctioneers wait for all her regulars to arrive.  This ***** takes forever and her waiting for all her regulars are a royal pain in the ass.  If someone isn't there at the advertised auction time tough ****, my time is worth just as much as Mr. or Mrs. Long Time Regulars time.  Maybe they will learn to get to the auctions on time or not stop for that cup of coffee and doughnuts between facilities.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: This is a great article and very true
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:10:26 PM »
Great read.

After seeing first hand last month the Public Storage caravans that bordered Detroit, I don't ever think I will do those again.  Not only is the auctioneer painfully slow, alot of the item were truely ****.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: R6 motorcycle
« on: September 21, 2011, 01:49:18 PM »
Sooooooooo...............apparently motorcycles and cars at certain auctions are still going for retail. The R6 went to auction yesterday and fetched $4.5k.  Mmmmmmmmm, retail on a bike you can't even test drive, Brilliant!

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Bed Bugs ???
« on: September 20, 2011, 08:20:51 AM »
fyi...i dont think bed bugs will just hang out in old mattresses etc... They are blood suckers so if there is no food(someones blood to suck) there they are going to move on.

Actually mattresses and furniture are the first place they hit, usually because humans occupy those areas, but also because it is dark and usually warmer there.  Trust me, I went through a Bedbug issue with the clients I work with about a year ago.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Was this a one time deal? or my noob mistake?
« on: September 16, 2011, 01:47:50 PM »
Classic Doan :
Everybody seen it ALL DONE!!!!              SOOOOOLD

I find it funny that you were trying to steal it last second and didn't.  Sorry.
Same here.  If the person your bidding against really wants it, your $5 and $10 last second bid isn't going to snatch the unit.

I would say 50/50...definitely a reality to it considering they have shown/people have visited Dave and Jarrod's store, but at the same time, got to have some kind of entertainment where I believe the scripted part comes into play....around this area, if someone were to get into someones face like Dave/Jarrod that one episode, cops would be on the scene, because someone would have gotten punched in the face...There are some characters at the auctions around here, but they would need better scripts to actually turn it into a tv show.

My favorite local characters are the guy who doesn't talk to anyone and barely acknowledges your friend hello, etc.

How about reality checks in the show, like showing the winning lockers, but then minus the dump fees and then divide the profit into hours spent selling the locker.  I know its a pipe dream, but IMO it would be cool and a good way to maybe reel in the out of hand auction spending.

Having said that, love Jarrod and Brandi, I think they do less on inflating the prices on merchandise then Hester.

I love Barry's attitude, but I think he is a huge reason people buy lockers, to find that one thing.  Ever notice how many losers he gets on the show!  Wonder how his other losses go? lol

Hester, well I love his work ethic, his I'm not intimidated by anyone has also caused shills and money waivers to get stupid when bidding.

I also respect Darrell, dude for the show, is probably the closest thing to an everyday bidder in that while he may get in a bidding war, he seems to have the sense to not get carried away bidding and lose his ass on units.

For Belalo, flat out dudes an idiot.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Bed Bugs ???
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:40:04 AM »
From my first experience, issues are going to be ants and spiders.  I doubt that in any non climate controlled unit in the US is going to have Bedbugs after going through the heat of the summer and the hibernation of winter.  Also mind you that a bedbug needs an animal or human to feed on and in the summer(the bugs active season) they live for about a month with a host to feed on and 6 months in winter.  So in summer, they are going to be dead by the time the auction comes round and in winter, your going to kill them before they have a chance get at you if they are still alive.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Should I buy just to buy?
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:37:28 AM »
Try out sealed bids too. Many times due to the lack of competitive bidding these lockers will go for less then what your seeing from competitive bids. A for heaven sakes just avoid Saturday auctions.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« on: September 15, 2011, 11:51:22 PM »
Just curious on how many trash runs you have had to make on this unit?

The Treasure Chest / Re: Theres pep in my step, got the first Locker
« on: September 15, 2011, 12:05:37 PM »
Also forgot to mention this storage company doesn't even mess with contacting previous owners for personal non sellable items. I threw away like 4 birth certificates, a marriage license, a SS card, hundreds of photos, ring appraisal, tax forms, etc. Seriously, if so one goes dumpster diving, the literaly could steal this persons identity in 30 seconds flat.  I mean I could have dropped her **** off at her last known mailing address, but I didn't want to deal with that. Although when I buy from this place again, I may drop items off at a club house or whatever there is, I don't know though, the lack of drama may turn out to be a winner.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Theres pep in my step, got the first Locker
« on: September 15, 2011, 09:10:06 AM »
I wouldn't list the motorcycle dude for under $75.00.  Yeah, it's high, but it appears to be trench art, and folksy looking, which does have a following.  You would be surprised at what art collectors/fans will pay for something like that. 
   That includes bikers. If it doesn't sell at that price, then I'd drop it to about $50.00, but I'd be surprised if you don't get an offer on it for that range to begin with.  It's funky, and funky sells.
Yeah apparently you, me and my father are on the same page, cause me and the pops were thinking at least $50.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Are prices finally back??
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:32:02 PM »
I've been lucky in my part of GA.  Most of the crowds are under 20 people.  Depending if any other auctions are going on the most I've seen is close to 30.  The exception is saturday auctions.  That brings out the crowds and clowns. 

True that! Lockers that would got for $800 max go for $3500 and $200 units that go for a grand.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Theres pep in my step, got the first Locker
« on: September 14, 2011, 08:28:30 PM »
looks like some recent trench art.

Curious to know more about the picture that is above that though.

Just a hepa air filter, needs filters but I might be able to pull a $20 bill from it.

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