Storage Auctions

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Messages - MovieMan

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watching it now , you made one of glendons videos

Watched 2 minutes 50 seconds of it and that was all I could take. During that entire time the screen shot of rockin's first post was on screen, THEN he started reading it. Bye, bye for me.  No way I could make it through the 29 minute video.

Just started watching it with 16 minutes left. Interesting idea .... them trying to break even or make a profit on the $5K they spent.

Just sold an empty safe to a guy for $1k.

I imagine this will be re-run and I'll take a look at the first 45 minutes I missed.


It's over, and granted I missed the first 45" so I am not speaking with much under my belt about this process, but here's my question.

What if they had bought the normal vault with general household, etc.  What an interesting show THAT would have been !

This is the THIRD time this person (under three different names) has posted this in our fourms.

Administrator has been notified.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012...

First half hour...a $1900 paintball gun ?


2nd half hour...Leesa's husband tells her to take her JFK Wanted for Treason poster to Dallas to the Texas Book "Suppository" museum to see if it's real.  ;D

An appraiser told her it seemed real and he heard of an auction where one of 5,000 went for $1,200. Theres one on eBay (maybe not an original) right now for less than $10.  ;)

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #3...March, 2012
« on: March 19, 2012, 06:07:55 PM »
saw 4 totes and 3 trashbags go for $600 today , it wasnt even newbies just 2 whales who dont like each other

Now the "winner" of that match will hate the other guy even more and the loser will be saying "Enjoy your stuff a**hole !"  ;D

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #3...March, 2012
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:42:24 AM »
Over the last few weeks I have missed more auctions than I have gone to.
Part of that is that I am still cleaning out a packed 10 x 20 I got about 3 weeks ago but MOST of it is final
acceptance of the changes that have taken place since the tv shows started.

Once again the crowds are large, the prices are staying high and in my area we are doing as much work for
1/3 the profit we used to get. Used to pay $300 for a locker and maybe make a $1K profit if it was a good locker.
Now pay $1k for a good locker and make $300 profit.  That alone is a downer, but the time involved in watching 60 people loiter in front of a locker I can assess in 1 minute is pretty discouraging.

Starting in a week I'll miss some I wanted to go to as I am taking a 10 day vacation and going out of state...a needed break from the madness and the box moving !

Flea Markets / Re: 3/18
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:31:28 AM »
Saturday forecast for my area was 30% chance with rain coming in around 9 a.m.

Got there at 5:45 as usual; if reserved people aren't signed in by 6 their spots are sold to daily vendors.

Maybe 1/3 of regulars were there with others either scared off or just decided to take the opportunity to take the day off.

I "shopped" the few who were actually setting up and while I usually start setting up at 7, I didn't get started until 8...latest ever I have done that.

AND...the day turned out good. No rain and with fewer vendors more money came the way of those who DID sell. Can't complain about that.

Flea Markets / Re: Different flea markets are different.
« on: March 18, 2012, 09:40:16 AM »
I never thought that adjusting price based on the race of a person is advantageous for good business.

I think it is not necessarily a judgement by race (though it could be) but rather a judgement based on ability to pay price "x" based on their economic status...that status MIGHT be affected by their race and it might not.

If I have an item for which I would want $25 if I could get it, I feel I am more likely to get that from a certain class of buyer (race or economic status).  If that item does in fact sell for that $25 that's great, but if it's been out a couple of times and doesn't sell, I might price it at $15 to someone who didn't look like they could go the full asking price. This would be if I didn't have a tag on it.  So, if I had in mind $25 and a likely "looking" customer "looked" like they would go $15, I would offer it at that.

Now if they then offered $10 or $12, I might stick to my $15 guns.

I really thing there are too many variables to really categorize who buys and who doesn't at what price. There are rich blacks, rich hispanics, poor whites and all combinations of above. Throw in a few Filipinos, Vietnamese, Cambodians, et al and you have to fly by the seat of your pants on each pricing decision.

hi may name is beshir and my wife june we buy storage units ,we would love to be on storage wars ny ,we live in ny.

Beshir are you aware this thread was started last spring...almost a YEAR ago.  I'm sure they have already done the casting for New York if in fact they plan to follow through with it.  Meanwhile, Storage Wars Texas is the butt of many least on this forum.

Flea Markets / Re: Different flea markets are different.
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:07:20 AM »
I have 3 flea markets in the city where I live and they all suck! Mostly walkers and pickers.

Whoa, that fact alone sucks!  But I enjoyed reading your analysis of the shoppers by ethnic background, i.e. RACE and I would agree to that pretty much.

However the hispanics in my area do know the prices on tools...especially if they are from Harbor Freight!

I think we all use the ploy  of quoting different prices to different people (by race, age, etc) and I'm sure this is "profiling" which is a dirty word in police work, but no ad man or network executive worth his/her salt would survive without "profiling" a demographic and an ad medium combination that would return the most return for the dollars spent.

So, yes, we do it and we bump the price up to provide for the haggling for the most part, but there are exceptions such as pricing a brand spanking new book ($15 to $25 retail) at say $3 just to sell it, and then getting low-balled because they think every price is negotiable.

My "better half" tells me "it's a flea market after all" to which my response is..."I think I know this biz better than you do".  I don't mind people walking off if they don't want to pay my price. Someone else will buy it...if not that day, the next. If my life depended on making that sale it would be a different matter, but it doesn't and once you go the "too low" route or "turn and burn" approach, there's no going back.

Now don't get me wrong, if I "pick" something for $5 and want $200 for it, I have no problem going down to even $100, but that will be after I have exhausted eBay and Clist for possible higher profile buyers.

Flea Markets / Re: What a dick move!
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:59:24 PM »
I buy/sell/trade with other vendors all the time, and it's often for resale on both sides.  That's really common at swap meets.  I don;t like to sit on stuff for a long time, and sometimes I sell stuff to other vendors then watch them sit on it for weeks before they make their money on it.   As long as I made money on it I don;t care if they do too.

I  have flea friends to support your approach and I know a lot of folks do it that way, but for eight years now I have been selling primarily to the "end user" and therefore not may vendors come to do business with me. There is one fellow I will sell collectibles to at a decent price because I know he will go 50 miles away to sell them to a colllector clietele that I do not have locally. That person is the exception though.

Now on the other hand I "pick" items from unknowing sellers and usually put that stuff on eBay (or maybe the flea). These are folks who just aren't that bright or knowledgable about certain items. I seldom buy from vendors like myself who know what is going on. All my vendor associates are on the ball for the most part and they know I am going to resell something I buy from them, and most of them are going to try to get the end user too.

Flea Markets / Re: Different flea markets are different.
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:54:01 PM »
That was just a made up example.  I usually ask the same price on eBay/craigslist and swap meets.  For the bigger power tools shipping gets so expensive on eBay that it eats in to what you get for the item so I don;t often eBay bigger items.

If I sell a bigger tool on eBay for say $100 and the shipping is $25 because of weight/bulk, that's the buyer's end to worry about. If he is getting a $250 tool for $125 total to him, I'd say he would be happy.

I always use calculated shipping and they can see what it will cost to their zipcode. I also charge a $3 packing/handling charge which I make apparent to them up is automatically calculated in. That $3 helps pay for any eBay charges I incur and it can also account for any weighing or measuring errors I might make.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: scored my first locker
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:49:07 PM »
Movie...i know retail is beyond reality...but even if i got half of retail. .Just on the new stuff that would be you think that is realistic?...i have a local flea market or ebay...which do u think would produce the better profit...any info is appreciated...thx

Yep, if you got half of would have your expenses covered....and you might have more in the locker than you know.

I would try both flea and eBay. That's what I do. You can always put something on eBay (with its bigger audience) and see if it sells. If it doesn't take it to the flea. Don't be in a hurry to sell. You can ride out that $400 probably without too much trouble. The idea of course is to make a profit, not break even.

I bought a locker last August and just today sold an old blanket chest (somewhat ornate). That's something like 6 months or so ago. I tried it on eBay at $100 for local pickup and got no response. It sat for awhile and I have been running it on Clist for a month or so (with weekly updates to keep the date fresher). It sold for the $50 I was asking, and that $50 is all profit as the locker was long ago paid off (and did about 8.75x the money).  For a look at that locker, look at the Jackpot! Jackpot in the safe ? thread which is a sticky under the stories category on this forum.

Good job...keep it up !

Flea Markets / Re: Different flea markets are different.
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:43:33 PM »
Your post was an interesting read and something I'm sure we've all experienced.
I have four fleas in my area (within 10 miles of each other) and they are all a little different. I only sell at one of them.

If you have a $200 retail tool, why not put it on eBay for $35 to start and hope to get $50 or a little more?
I do this and have good luck with it. If the tool is specialized enough you can do even better, maybe get $100.

Anyway, thanks for the thread.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: scored my first locker
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:31:51 PM »
Got my first one today..loaded with toys in the boxes never played with..some of the boxes are beat up but the toys look great...after scanning all the bar codes...retail over 900.00!!
Also a nice leather rolling desk chair..a fax machine..a printer..some brand new printable note cards that scanned at 15.00/ 3 boxes of those...lots of nintendo game boxes but only 3 games in the boxes..also some empty ps2 cases...4 boxes with brand new shoes...reebok..fila..some misc womens leather boots in decent shape...i also got two of those lock boxes that realtors put keys in..they are the electronic kind...gotta research those with a local realtor..also some brand new clothes with the tags on...some medical scrub uniforms..and some misc a really nice space heater. .Two portable fans..a toaster oven..some crockpots...and some stuff i haven't
 even opened...overall i think i will do ok....i paid 400.00

Congrats...sounds like a good one !

Now if you could just get your customers to pay you retail !  ;D

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