I have 3 flea markets in the city where I live and they all suck! Mostly walkers and pickers.
Whoa, that fact alone sucks! But I enjoyed reading your analysis of the shoppers by ethnic background, i.e. RACE and I would agree to that pretty much.
However the hispanics in my area do know the prices on tools...especially if they are from Harbor Freight!
I think we all use the ploy of quoting different prices to different people (by race, age, etc) and I'm sure this is "profiling" which is a dirty word in police work, but no ad man or network executive worth his/her salt would survive without "profiling" a demographic and an ad medium combination that would return the most return for the dollars spent.
So, yes, we do it and we bump the price up to provide for the haggling for the most part, but there are exceptions such as pricing a brand spanking new book ($15 to $25 retail) at say $3 just to sell it, and then getting low-balled because they think every price is negotiable.
My "better half" tells me "it's a flea market after all" to which my response is..."I think I know this biz better than you do". I don't mind people walking off if they don't want to pay my price. Someone else will buy it...if not that day, the next. If my life depended on making that sale it would be a different matter, but it doesn't and once you go the "too low" route or "turn and burn" approach, there's no going back.
Now don't get me wrong, if I "pick" something for $5 and want $200 for it, I have no problem going down to even $100, but that will be after I have exhausted eBay and Clist for possible higher profile buyers.