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Messages - acman

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Do a Google search on "Stradivarius value".

Wow, didn't know that. Lol

Guess I should rephrase my post to read no Violin in that condition is worth the M word.

My goodness they are milking this. Anyone see dave jester make a fool of himself with the fake strataveris violin lol

He was throwing out the M word like it was penny candy.

OMG, Dave Hester needs to STFU!

Watching the new storage wars because I am bored.  He just showed a violin and is throwing the M word out there.  Shut up, it's a broken violin that is worth junk.  No violin in the world is worth the M word.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Mattresses!
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:12:09 PM »
mmm, tricky to me.

See lots of items that can sell quickly if you have the right channels. But not for very much money.

The Back of the Grandfather clock really sticks out for me. But it does not look very old, then again I may be wrong, but I can see its not complete. If all the pieces are in there and it is an older piece, I can see this unit going up quickly. I see what looks to be a vintage curio, cant really tell if I am looking through glass, or if its just a wooden shelf made recently.
Now if this pinball machine really is in there, wooo, at a regular auction I wouldnt be surprised if it goes over $1,500. However I would stop at $850. If this is a silent bid, lol, good luck, cause everybody will be thinking of two things.

1. I want to get it as cheap as I can, so they make really low ball offers.
2. Others will see the value, and over compensate, and throw outrageous bids on it.

Yeah, Im not planning on bidding on the last unit because there is no way it goes for less then a grand, but maybe I may put in a bid and pray.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Mattresses!
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:48:40 PM »
On the first one, I wouldnt bid no more than $100, and that from what I see is mostly a gamble. Only thing I see of value is the table, and that is if I am assuming correctly that it is antique. Second that, I also see a chair or a stool, so I give it an extra $50. So $150 for the unit. Mattresses used dont sell well in my area, couch looks beat up, and all the boxes look as if they have been searched through. I get suspicious when I see boxes like that.

Second unit, I may go $175, primarliy just because of that bow, there is alot of hunters that I am sure I can unload it quickly for $250 - $300. But then again, not sure on the quality of it since its a small picture. Some of those boxes look sealed still, so something may be good in there.
Thanks man.

I think I will take your advice and see what happens., Really appreciate it.

Hell, I'll post the other picture of the 3 of 4 units(last won I wont show is a front load wassher or dryer, Side by Side Fridge, BBQ, Table and like 3 boxes)

This other one is a 10x30 and supposedly has a Pinball machine.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: got a biggie today.
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:40:19 PM »
Who the hell stores a door in a storage unit?  There are just some items I'll never understand why people store them.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Mattresses!
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:36:29 PM »
Ok first where is that auction at? Second the first unit I wouldnt bid over 150 and thats a long shot as most just looks like trash. Beds if in good condition might go for 25 each that table maybe 15 books 10 but who knows whats in the boxs. The second unit looks like its trash also as things are just thrown in there. The books seems to be a single cam if lucky would get 75 tops for it. Personally I wouldnt go over 120 but then might just break even.  Good luck on them.

Chesterfield Twp.

Dude, Sealy are hella expensive man, I am thinking I can get at least $100 if it's good on a few day turn around, but I'll have to go craigslist stalking.  The tree is worth 20ish bucks, the tables are $20ish IMO.
It's just a little more different 30 miles south man, units aren't cheap if they have anything of value.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Mattresses!
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:04:37 PM »
Ya 250 from what you can see. Maybe 3 if you spot anything else. But ya u may end up donating a lot of that
Yeah, this unit right now looks like I may end up being able to avoid going to a dump and just setting the items I can't sell on the curb for tuesdays trash day.  The couch will more then likely get donated to Salvation army or go to the Apartment I work at for my day job of it has no bedbugs/insects or isn't broken.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Mattresses!
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:00:05 PM »
Most matresses that I see in units are crap, with stains, rips, etc.  I'd check your area craigslist to see if anyone has some up for sale and maybe call on a few of the "older" listings to see if they did sale.  The one on the left is junk imo.  But the sealy may be ok as it's a pillow top.  Don't see any stains in the picture.

The couch looks like it's toast also.  Everything else looks interesting.  I'd say it would go for about 250-300 in my area but we have a few big bidders that like "family / furniture" units.
Just curious as to where you are.
 I think I am going to go with my bid and hope then.  I should know by next saturday if I got that unit.  Keeping my fingures crossed.  There is a 5x10 im going to bid on also, half full of boxes with a bow, I'm thinking $100  I'm thinking the bow may well drive that unit to the 100ish mark, again anyone with sealed bid auctions under their belts wanna throw some advice my way?

General Storage Auction Talk / Mattresses!
« on: August 31, 2011, 05:11:48 PM »
I know most people pitch them, but does anyone ever resell them?

Reason I ask is there is a sealed bid auction coming up next week that has what apears from the picture I have to be a quite decent looking Sealy mattress(unwrapped), that looks like it could be sold if I got the unit.

Since I know terrorbow is like my only competition on here, anyone also care to spit out a bid I should throw on this?  I have my thought on it about $250ish but anyone care to tell me if I am to high on a sealed bid or way to low.  It's a 10 by 10.  37 emails were sent out from the storage facility.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 31, 2011, 04:48:55 PM »

If you sense hostility in my statement, let me explain my position and experience.

When I got into storage auctions I intended it to be a hobby/investment strategy. Due to changes in my financial situation it has morphed into a full time business and I am dependent on the income it generates.

Regardless, when I first started I knew many of the "regulars" depended on the income generated from storage auctions for their livelyhood. I also knew some were hobbiest or retirees just having some fun. It was important to me to find out who the regulars were, why they were doing storage auctions, what type of units they bid on, and how much they were comfortable spending. Reason being is I don't "run up" the regulars, and they don't "run me up". I also don't bid against the guys how are obviously living "hand to mouth" and would be in big trouble if they can't make money on storage units. These are guys have been doing this for years and probably would have a hard time finding another way to take care of themselves.

When I first started going to auctions it was obviously a "working class" crowd. In the last several months it has turn into a carnival of yuppies. Upwardly mobile individuals with disposable money to burn. They come in without any care or concern about the people who do this for a living, bid units above what many regulars can afford to spend even if they want to win the unit, and get burned (because after a few big auctions they don't return).

Am I saying that wealthier people should not be going to auctions? No, and I am not supporting class warfare, I have nothing against wealthy people or the creation of wealth. I am just commenting on how this new crowd of newbies/noobies are making things bad for the regulars that depend on the inventory won in storage units for thier livelyhood, and they are making it bad on themselves by jumping into an industry so carelessly and wasting thier time and money.

Right now it is a lose-lose for all concerned.

I have nothing against "new" auction attendees who genuinely have spent some time researching the auctions and learning the business coming in. As legitimate "newbies" come in, "old timers" will leave for other ventures or retire, and a natural balance will be maintained. The issue I see right now in my area is somehow upper-middle class people have gotten the idea that storage auctions are like some kind of loose casino and are turning the auctions into an expensive hobby.

I, like the other regulars will have to ride out this storm, and I hope in the end the newbies who were smart and patient are here to stay.

Didn't mean to jump to conclusions, it's just the way I am wired sometimes.

Let me say your post now explain in excellent detail how you meant your original post to come off. 

Also, I don't run up bidders either, I bid on what I see and guesstimate on the amount of time the item would be in my inventory while subtracting the cost of doing business(Dump runs, multiple storage visits, etc.).  What has it got me so far, Nothing.  I have gotten run up though. Mommy and Daddy were bank rolling little Johnny, I got the last laugh when He got a $1 locker for $23.

I'm just spending my time selling off Items in my place that I no longer need or want to grow my seed money while faithfully attending auctions and bidding when I see fit to make a profit.  I have no room for error here myself, I am working class(Paycheck to Paycheck) and I have no one bankrolling me.  This is intended to be my second job(Work won't give out Overtime and I pay dearly for Health Insurance).

Guess the way you have put it, all I can do as a responsible newbie and be patient like every other person in the biz.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:37:07 PM »
Each person is different of course and we have no way of knowing who truly will be in it for the long haul until time goes by...might be six months, a year and I would consider that someone is in it for better or worse.  I can list easily on one hand the screen names of 5 people who were enthusiastic as little as 3 months ago here on the forum and are already gone. Not saying you are one of those, I don't know you but in 6 to 12 months I will know you better.

As to waiting for the bad weather....if you mean you'll be out in it while others will not, you might want to rethink that one. It's been a common thought that if the weather is too hot or too windy or too wet that people will stay away from the auctions...just the opposite happens as everyone thinks that and they all go !

Now "newbies" (however we might define them) WILL get a taste of working in 110 degree metal units after buying one, and THAT might discourage them.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and profit from auctions and stick it out.

I was just getting a general sense of hostility from that statement he made.

As for bad weather days, I'm talking about days when it is snowing/bitterly cold/etc.  When people will stay home rather then go out.

And as for working in 110 degree units, already been there and done that when I work in hot environments.  I bring a huge container of water with me to these things to stay hydrated and somewhat cool on summer days.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 30, 2011, 03:27:26 PM »
acman, you need to learn a bit of terminology. Noob/Newb is a term used to describe a clueless individual who goes into something they are unfamiliar with, and have no clue about what they are doing.  They can screw up a wet dream in short order.
   New People, which I've seen the term on here, are people who are new to the storage auctions, but have at least a basic concept/grasp of what they are doing, and, while competing for the units, aren't retarded noob's that show up with a wad of cash and piss it away on everything that shines.
   I'm new to it as well, and I'm not stupid enough to want to piss off people that have ten, twenty or thirty years in this business because I think I'm just that damn smart.  You can smart yourself right into stupid, and I have no interest in doing that.
   As my dad always said, 'everybody pisses in the fan once in a while.  The retard does it while shouting about how he's making it rain'.

I guess you and I have different definitions of newb/noob then.  I sometimes get the feeling that anyone who isn't in the pre 2010 cliche is a noob/newb to them and is seen as poison, although that just my view.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 30, 2011, 02:37:26 PM »
Well the big spenders kept me out of the game this past week. I guess I took on the role of "runnin them up man". I had no intention to do this but they just would'nt quit and let me win any. I was willing to take some chances since my last batch of units was so profitable, so I bid pretty high above my comfort level on many units this past week. One guy "beat me" out of a 5 x 10 filled with totes for $500! *hand to face, shakes head*

A couple of observations about the newbies who have jumped in the last couple of months. Half of them are gone! Big spenders one month, vanish after that. The other half who have stuck around? Not bidding, hardly bidding, or spending small amounts on smaller units. I guess this verifies that me and the other regulars have not been missing anything by letting the newbs pay retail prices for units.

Old Newbies (been doing auctions last couple of months) Licking there wounds!
New Newbies (been doing auctions less than a month) Still think theres gold in them there hills!
When are the Old Newbies going to tell the New Newbies not to waste thier money?

Some of the old regulars are starting to come back! This is great because we all cut up, make jokes, laugh at newbies, and have a good time during the auctions. Some of them have taken to fighting off the newbies for units and winning them at all cost. I think they need more inventory for their stores. I am there too, I need more inventory.

That's it for August, let's hope September is even better!

Well, then your "Regulars" better get to liking losing cash on units regularly then.  Because the smart newbs(myself included) aren't willing to get a locker at all cost and really don't give a flying bleep if the "Regulars" are losing money because maybe, just maybe they will get the hint that not every newb is a complete DF.  So if your in the group of winning at any cost, enjoy being hurt by legit new buyers. 

Because people like me are in it for the long haul.  Can't wait for the bad weather day auctions.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« on: August 30, 2011, 01:30:30 PM »
Well, got mad respect for you movieman, I would have told the women to save her tears and move on.

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