Storage Auctions

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Messages - acman

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Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: My first bids!
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:31:26 PM »
Success, well Kinda!

Found auctions that no one is going to.  Not good quality items, but if today was an omen for what this business was like before Auction shows, I'm going to be tickled pink.  Lockers were going for a dollar and they had at least $20 profit(seen in them).  I didnt get one because I thought they were doing all the auctions today, and I was wrong.  If judging by today, I'll may end up getting 3 to 5 lockers tomorrow.

The items may not be the best but it will cover my gas expenses and get my nose wet(something I am dying to do) without actually curing a lose of cash.

General Storage Auction Talk / Cars at storage auctions.
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:28:58 PM »
How much cash should you bring if you know a car is going up for auction?  Would it be impossible to win a Buick Grand Natinal for $3000 or $3500?  This is roughly half the price of a quick resale.  What is known about the car is that the owner is in Jail and wont be claiming the car before auction.

I want this car but don't want to not have enough cash.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Got one today, but have a question.
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:55:45 PM »
Learned my lesson there. Wound up paying 500 for 8 plastic tubs full of holloween ****.
Ouch, you recoup any of the cash?

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: My first bids!
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:08:40 PM »
Had my dad with me today and we had a good laugh at a few of the locker prices. IMO when your not getting a locker and prices are outrageous, having family with you to laugh at the prices can be just as fun.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Scoring on a cheapo
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:42:41 PM »
No this was in caro. Glad to know about almont though I almost went. But I figured I would do garage sales but first stopped by this auction.

 The umit that went for 325 had vintage coke bottles in the metal case also a 700 dollar bow washer dryer loveseat and lots of military gear including a kevlar and many other awesome items. Follow me to auctions I seem to find the good ones. Just waiting for the fifth theres one in brown city with about 10 units. Looks promising so far also one in marlette on the first has a motorcycle guns 4 wheeler maybe more.

I am almost wishing I went to Almont.  I went to Clarkston, which is run by Wayne Blair, dude draws like 40 people all the time but most are lookers.

Talked to the lady who bought one of the Hoarder units I saw a few weeks ago and she said she made about $500 or $600 on her unit.

Stories about Storage Auctions / My first bids!
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:35:30 PM »
and damn it, none of them got me a locker.

Bid on a locker with a art deco style dresser and a fail apart desk and not much else.  Dresser is probably worth $100 bucks on a quick turnaround, locker went for $110.

Bid on a locker with cloths and a wolverine shoe box.  Locker should have gone for $10 bucks tops, went for $23.  Talked to the winning bidder and he said he was bidding because his pops told him to get a locker today at all costs.  Another locker I bid on went for $900 bucks, what was seen was about a quarter that price.  I bid up to $400 and said screw it.

Learned a valueable lesson today.  Saturday auctions blow!

The Treasure Chest / Re: Scoring on a cheapo
« on: August 27, 2011, 01:38:45 PM »
terrorbow, was this auction in Almont?

Better then what I saw today.  Units that should have gone for half of what they went for.

Some idiot kids bid $3300 on a 10x15, another 10x15 went for a G, a unit that had next to nothing in it should have gone for $5 went for $23.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:54:34 PM »
OK, safe fans ! Here's the latest.

Safe guy comes to the storage unit Monday, Aug 29, 2011 at 1 p.m. Pacific time; that means I'll either be jumping for joy or figuring out how to get it home (or both) about 2 p.m. or so. I'll be posting here sometime between 2 and 5 pm if all goes well.

Waiting with baited breath!  I really wanna know if my thoughts on how the safe was positioned worked out.

Good luck!

Craigslist / Re: Having trouble selling items
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:35:18 PM »
One of the tricks I use on CL is inflating my price sometimes when I know I have a strong chance on getting talked down(just sold some rims and tires and got talked down $50 on a quick sale),and I also bundle items.  Say I have an old NES, Old Sega, and a boat anchor computer, I will bundle items to garner more interest.

Also, use the Keyword BS everyone uses.  Learning alot from people who do good sales on Cl and they do the best when you keyword your post.  Like if your selling a used laptop try keyword like DVD player, Itunes, Microsoft, Vista, and so on and so forth.  This way you you have expanded your search area from just plain jane computer to like 30 or 40 different words that will be seen in a search.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:22:45 PM »
mmm, thats alot of safes. Where do you live again, lol. JK.
I'm sure it's something like

01234 Nowhere lane
Non-existence Hieghts, Northwest Territory Canada!


General Storage Auction Talk / Re: local auction company BUSTED!!
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:19:55 PM »
Knew something like this was going to happen one day due to all the attention storage auction buying has be getting lateley. Local auction company got busted first from paying the storage company what was due on delinquent units and getting units for themselves then selling at there own yard sale, then they were busted going through the units and taking what was good before the auction started. The auctioneers would say we are going now to cut the locks and get ready for auction, they would cut the locks the take what was good. These auctioneers are wife and husband 55-60 years old and the auction company they own is 30 year old company. Then a storage company nation wide was not paying the the tenant the rest of the money owed to them after the auction the money would go to the employees and was called a bonus. Gota love a good audit. YOU CANT TRUST ANYONE IN THIS BUSINESS LATELY! New some form of corruption would take place sooner or later it always does once something profitable is popular.

Wow, double wammy!  Where is this from?  A link to the news article would be awesome.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot ?
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:04:31 PM »
Neither can I, but here is a safe update:

Looks like cost to come out to my lkr, drill safe, use my existing combination set and repair safe to operating condition would be about $350. If I keep it I can sell my other two smaller ones for about $150 making my cost $200 for a safe that's 5 times bigger than my other two (if not bigger than that) and will hold long guns as well as pistols (something I'm lacking now).  Or if I sell it, I would have to get $350 for it just to clear my repair costs.

Now if it has some currency, gold/silver, guns in it, that's the other half of the equation, but figuring it to be empty, all of the above would apply.

Any thoughts on any of this?  Thanks!

Oh, and if I keep it, I have to get it home !

Whatever is in the safe,  its obvious that the owner didn't care about getting to the safe in a rush and wasn't keen on letting the whole world know it's a safe if they ever saw the locker while the original owner was there in the unit.  Also the way I see it, the original owner put the safe in there in a way where it would be a PITA to get to in a quick getaway.

If it were me, I'd roll the dice that something important or expensive is in the safe, but then again it's your money and ultimately your decision.  Either way you look at it your going to make money on the unit safe unlocked or not.


I guess they will do anything to bring in more people.  Most of these guys I'll bet you don't even bring cash to the auction.

eBay / Re: This is what's so great about ebay!!!
« on: August 23, 2011, 12:18:22 AM »
Your example was written in pounds so I assume they were using Brtitish law which doesn't really apply to us here.

I think I recall hearing some examples where people bought a car for $1 and the seller refused to sell after the auction ended. I don't believe a judge was able to force that person to sell their car just because they had a "contract" through ebay. I believe I've also heard several where buyers renegged and same thing happenned seller couldn't force them to go through with teh sale even after going to court.

About three years ago ebay changed their language from this is a legally binding contract to soemthing along the lines of this is an introduction between two parties that can lead to future negotiation or something along those lines.

I'm no lawyer so I'm not saying I'm 100% right but reguardless even if ebay is a legally binding conttract only in the rarest of situations is it even worthwhile to pursue soemone in court. Personally I won't sell anything over say $350 on ebay because of fees as well as their policies which allow a seller to lose money and their item. Anyhow, because of this it wouldn't be worth me to spend $50 filing fee for small claims court, waste a day off of work and try to sue someone most likely from another state. Ya I'll take it as a loss before I go through all that.

I wonder if this work with buying units? I win my locker but no longer like the price I won it at, time to further negotiate the price of my unit.  This sounds just as crazy as what ebay is doing!

Honestly, how is eBay still round with business practices like this?  Or better question how the fu** did we get here?

Lastly, maybe we can form a massive list here on problematic ebay names to block?  

BTW, everyone should send these list if we cn get them to other sites.  after reading that, zachchild is on my banned list, i never wanna deal with this scum bucket!

The Treasure Chest / Re: NICE UNIT
« on: August 22, 2011, 03:35:32 PM »
The way I read it was that he found seven individual 1/4 carat diamonds in addition to the ring, or possibly that the seven small diamonds were a part of the gold ring.

Either way, not a $20K ring.  But maybe I misread...
Haha, just reread it and you right, my bad. LOL

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