Storage Auctions

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Messages - the teacher

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General Storage Auction Talk / Re: got a biggie today.
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:39:04 AM »
Pretty much the only VHS tapes I keep at all are Disney movies.......I throw them in a big box at  garage sales or the flea market, and I'll typically write something on the box like "$1 each or $20 for the full box", and what usually happens is I sell a bunch for a dollar and then make somebody a deal on the rest of the box to get them gone. 

I did have a thrift store guy buying VHS that were factory recorded with the sleeve for 5 for a buck,  but he's not even interested anymore, so most of them go to Goodwill now.  Any that are home recorded just go to the dump.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 9.....September, 2011
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:25:13 AM »
I didn't see a single person turn away and leave because of the dollar.  A lot of people made jokes about it, but they all paid.  

I only got one donut, so I guess my admission was only .50? ;D

There is an auctioneer up here that charges everybody a dollar to get a bid card.  He's been doing it for years, and he still gets pretty large crowds.  

eBay / Re: Alternative to Ebay
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:39:31 PM »
Yeah, my wife and a bunch of her friends use to it sell some of their knitted items.  It's mostly an arts and crafts type sight I believe.

Thrift Store = cheap buyers that want something for nothing

Estate Liquidations = buyers that expect to pay more for hopefully nicer stuff

I don't know how "retired" you are, but expect to be putting in some really long hours.  It takes a lot of time to acquire, sort, research, stock, and price all that inventory.  You have to keep putting fresh inventory on the floor or people quit coming in......they don't want to see a bunch of stale merchandise that they have seen every trip into your store for the last month, they want new stuff!  It is a hell of a lot of work and a major time commitment.  Done right, it can be very profitable........but you can also burn through a lot of cash during your "learning curve", and there will be one!  Good luck!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 9.....September, 2011
« on: September 04, 2011, 01:07:30 AM »
Went to a rare Saturday auction this morning.......what a joke!  The manager of this facility was using one of the local auctioneers, but after the last auction (a year ago!) he told me he was going to conduct future auctions himself.  He took my name and number back then and he said when he had an auction, he was just going to call up three or four of us that have bought in the past and have a small auction. 

Fast forward to the other day, and he calls me up and says he's having his first auction today at 10:00 am.  I was thinking to myself that this could be awesome, me and maybe three other guys,  and a chance to get a good unit at a decent price! 

Alas, it was not to be.  Instead of the nice, almost private auction I was expecting, it was like walking into a circus!  He had called a bunch of people and posted the auction time and day on the facility's reader board.  He was charging a one dollar sign in to get a bidder number and handing out donuts!  Nice!  Out of about 45 bidders that showed, I recognized four.  Once the bidding started, there were three different bidders (all noobies) trying to impress everybody with their best Dave Hester bidding impression.  Total CRAP units went for STUPID money.  What a bunch of FUC*ING MORONS!

Some pretty good looking units in that bunch.......I'd love to bid on a few of those if they were local!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:22:47 PM »
Another couple of auctions two more lockers!  One has a washer and dryer in nice condition, a big stack of boxes that are all neatly stacked and taped shut, a tv, bed, two nice dressers, and a bunch of other stuff I haven't got to look at yet.  Second one may be just mostly junk, but I got it cheap and figured it might be worth a shot.......had some interesting looking appliances and I knew I could get my money back out of those.  There is lots of other stuff in there too.

I followed them to the next facility and just missed out on a really cool looking unit with an old radio from the 20's or 30's, some old kids cars and trucks, and some really old picture frames, along with a chest.  It was a silent auction, and I missed it by 15 bucks!  Dang! 

Anyway, the crowd was awesome!  It was pretty much all the old guys, just like old times!  There was only one noobie, and he got a locker full of trash bags loaded with clothes for 80 bucks.  He saw a box for a 32" vizio flat screen tv laying under some of the bags and got excited, but it was just an empty box and nothing but junk in the locker.....he was bummed, especially when the next closest bid was only 20 bucks!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Son bought 3 lockers this morning
« on: August 30, 2011, 07:12:17 PM »
Cool, hope you get some good stuff!  Were these on the MLK run? 

I got a really special locker last week!  I have been doing this for a lot of years, but I got more porn and really disgusting things out of this one locker than any other locker I've ever had!  I won't be posting any pics, but there were a lot of "toys" in this unit, all shapes and sizes, and some even had two "heads"!  LOL!  There were costumes (I think I like the police woman costume the best!), wigs, and some "special" beads, that I definitely did not touch with my bare hands!  But, I think the most exciting part was the large stack of pictures of this really beautiful woman.....well kind of.......she was pretty good looking and had some very nice breasts, but down below, there was something missing......uh, well, more like there was something there that did not belong!  We did have a lot of fun cleaning out that locker, but I will be lucky to break even!

A little tip for everyone. Find a small business that has a large dumptser, ask them what they would charge you to dump your stuff there. Most will say no to it all. However there are a few that may take you up on that offer.

Smart tip....I have a friend with a business that barely uses any space in his dumpster normally, so if I'm around he'll let me dump garbage in it for free just before it get's picked up.  One of the storage facilities also lets me dump garbage in their dumpster on Monday nights because it gets picked up on Tuesday mornings.  As long as I don't make a mess and make it overflow,they are happy to let me do it.  It saves me a lot of money!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 26, 2011, 12:48:58 AM »
A nice teacher - sounds like a good locker.  I'd end up keeping most of the tools but that is one of the things I'm looking for personally.

I'm constantly upgrading and adding to my tool collection!  If I find something that is nicer than the one I currently have, I put it in my collection and sell the old one.  I kept the 18volt Ridgid set (Drill, Impact Gun, Saw, and Light) I found last week and I'm going to sell my old 18 volt stuff.  I sold my Makita worm drive saw when I found a Bosch worm drive in a unit!  I've been doing this for years, and I have a pretty nice collection of tools, and I still have boxes and boxes worth for sale.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 8.....August, 2011
« on: August 24, 2011, 09:06:26 PM »
Went on a run today, about 45 people showed up.  Bought the first locker at the first stop and glad I did!  I had a friend along with me that nobody knew, and I told him to go up to 400 and I would just sit back in the crowd.........he got if for 385.  Prices got stupider (word?) from there on out!  One unit went for 1800 today, and lot's of 500-800 lockers.  Dropped out with two facilities left and dug through the one I far some black and decker battery tools, dishes, a bunch of old models in the boxes, lot's of small tools, grinders, sanders, drills, etc.  Still a lot I haven't looked at, but so far I think I'll at least get my money back, and hopefully a small profit.  On the plus side, it doesn't look like I'll have much garbage!

Welcome to Seattle!  This is the real "reality"! 

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: partnerships??? good or bad??
« on: August 17, 2011, 10:18:22 AM »
I've partnered up off and on over the years and it can be good.  But, one guy I partnered up with a couple of years ago soured me on partnerships for the most part.  We bought a large, commercial type locker full of building materials from an out of business contractor.

Well, first off, when it came time to pay, he was a little "short".  Okay, I kicked in the rest and we got to work.  Well, he starts picking through it and grabbing stuff.  "I want this and this and this...." on and on, grabbing key items and some tools that he wanted to keep personally.  We get a bunch of stuff moved that first day, and when it's time to go back the next day, oops, he has to work!  So I end up having to clean out most of the rest of the locker myself.

Okay, so now we have the locker cleaned out and it's time to sell stuff.  "Uhhh, I don't have a camera that takes good pics", he tells me, "so you are going to have to take the pics and do the craigslist ads".  Okay, so now I take the pics, run the ads, meet up with people to sell stuff, don't keep anything out of the locker for myself, while he keeps quite a few valuable items, and I paid for almost the entire locker in the first place.  Hmmm, wtf do I have a partner for?  I guess the only good thing about me doing the selling was I made sure I got my money back before he got any money!

I pretty much go it alone, with exceptions.  Sometimes there is a really nice or really large locker that I would like to have, but goes for too much money or seems like too much work.  It does soften the blow if you buy a thousand dollar locker that turns out to be crap, and you only lost 500 each instead of the full grand yourself.  Just keep in mind though, if there turns out to be a 4k profit in that unit, you are only getting 2k instead of the full 4k!   

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Too lucky on my first Unit?
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:50:22 PM »
I found 5 used vibrators in my first unit! There were a ton of batteries too.  Things that make you go hmmmmm. LOL 

More like buzzzzzzz isn't it?  LOL!! ;D

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