Storage Auctions

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Messages - MovieMan

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New to Storage Auctions? / Re: all cash sale but what about deposit?
« on: July 19, 2011, 08:39:12 AM »
The auction I went to yesterday required a $50 deposit PER UNIT purchased. So if you bought 3 you'd be looking at $150 total. Not the "usual" circumstance, but it does happen. This was a requirement by the prop manager as far as I could tell.

The Lounge / Re: Did Casey Anthony kill her daughter?
« on: July 19, 2011, 08:14:16 AM »
It will be on the new CSI Storage Miami series.Who should play the lead?

I can only think of one "actress" who would do this role justice and that is Casey Anthony.

Movieman has a future I think we found his calling in life LMAO!!! <Hint> it isnt storage auctions... I almost went to sleep Then, the mean old (and greedy) reality television producers came out scarred me.  Whens the next chapter coming out? HAHAHAHA...

I've told a story or two in my time (back in the day) so now truth be told my future IS in auction lkrs....what kind of future that is remains to be seen. (and now and again a story slips out).

tell us a story MM!!


Once upon a time some fellows enjoyed a good living buying used items at auctions and selling them at a profit through various venues.

Then, the mean old (and greedy) reality television producers decided to show millions of tv watchers that THEY TOO could make money finding rare, valuable items in every storage auction lkr they bought.

After the TV shows came on, the crowds swelled, the prices went up and multitudes of newbies found out what it was like to clean out a lkr and deal with the stuff that COULDN'T be sold.

Things started to improve in May, June of 2011,  but then the reruns started and there were promises of new episodes from cities across the country, not just in southern California where every lkr had a surfboard, a quad, guns, gold coins, signed movie and rock TRULY EVERYONE could make a million buying lkrs.

Then, a few entrepreneurs decided "Hey, I can make money too...I'll sell books on how to make money buying lkrs AND I'll make lists of where all the sales are going to be !"  They flourished...just as the major money makers in the 1849 gold rush were those who sold shovels, booze, a hot bath or a hot bed !

So, the story goes is never ending and has both sad and happy tales to of those is "What's past is prologue."  We are in for more of the same.

Once others have provided the kind of story being sought in this thread, I'll contribute one or two of a comedian once said "I've got a million of 'em!"  ;D

So I have been a member on here for maybe a week now and just wanted to post something on here to maybe get the forums going. I've noticed after reading some older threads that there hasn't been much traffic on here, so hopefully we can get something going with this thread....

I don't know how much exploring of the site you've mentioned you read some of the older threads.
If you start on the home page and go down to the bottom of the page STATs area, there is a link to the most recent posts. If you click on that you'll get a popup of the threads done in the last few hours (or maybe half a day depending on the day) and at the bottom of THAT page you can  click on pages from previous hours (days).

That would give you the look at what is more current, and there are plenty of stories throughout the various areas, but of course we're always interested in new ones. 


Monday, July 18, 2011

Went to one today with about 50 people and only 6 of them were regulars. A lot of fresh faces (and some of them not so fresh !)

Seven lkrs at stake. The first one is shown in picture below. It had a safe inside and sold for $650. The safe (with its unknown contents was the best thing in the lkr.

The other 6 lkrs weren't great. Only one of them had real promise; it was a 10 x 20 and went for $700. Probably some  profit there. Could see a frig AND an upright freezer. Lot of boxes.

@ MovieMan In your experience, do you see more auctions toward the end of the month, or at the beginning?

It seems to be pretty well distributed through the month. Most of the auctions I go to are part of cycles run by 4 auctioneers. They don't co-ordinate of course, but it seems they are most often during different weeks, thus filling up the month.

It is nice when once in a while two or three of them fall on the same 1 or two days though...this splits the crowd sometimes 3 ways reducing the competition at any given auction..the trick is to pick the right one to go to.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: I got an Auction coming up
« on: July 16, 2011, 05:38:55 PM »
If you notice the one with the elpaso TX address is a Radio Shack. just google earth it and whala wanna guess whats inside ? besides ladders and tools.  its only a 5x5 but id almost bet theres a bit of stuff from the store there. they probably had a branch in deming that closed.,+CA+96097&cp=0&pq=yreka+ca+real+estate&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1418&bih=807&bs=1&wrapid=tljp131084863562734&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x54ce45d6304394bb:0xa38ff1243b2de93,208+Rose+Ln,+Yreka,+CA+96097&gl=us&ei=lPYhToGzAdLWiAKzmfSZAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA

My guess is that with all the Radio Shacks around the country that when a store closes down, the existing inventory and display  merch goes to other stores, but I'll be anxious to hear your report.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Lots of legal questions.
« on: July 16, 2011, 05:01:55 PM »
Ok I've thought of getting into storage auctions, but there's lots of little questions I have in my head. Such as for example. What happens if I find firearms, alcohol, etc.....? Do I have to turn that into the authorities? Or is it just a state by state thing, I'm sure that rule of thumb would be at least to get a clean bill of health on your firearms. If you come across alcohol or whatnot is it legal to sell? Or do you need to get a license to unload them to someone? Also should you keep reciepts of your auction sell, and reciepts on items that you sell because it should be reported to IRS as taxable income? Just a few questions going through my head right now. Hope it's not silly.

Not silly, but most if not all have been discussed in theads here over the last 8 months or so. Use the search button above and try one area of interest at a time. 

But briefly:

Do you have a license to sell firearms or alcohol? Not many of us do.

IRS...income tax, state sales a search for these items at button above.

Went to an auction today where they pull out items piece by piece. Made a couple of buys that should come out OK.

A 2nd auction had about 70 people with 10 or so being regulars. Two of the 16 lkrs were going to start at a minimum of $500 each. The first one went for $750 I think; the second went for $1450. The 2nd had a couple of good things showing and depending on the boxes there might be some profit. I stopped at $1k on the 2nd one.

More auctions next week ! (there almost always are!)

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: all cash sale but what about deposit?
« on: July 15, 2011, 07:56:06 PM »
Anyway, being new I was just wondering if the $100 cleaning deposit was normal/high/or low. 

The cleaning deposits IN MY AREA vary from sale site to sale site within  the same city, and they also vary by auctioneer. Deposits, might be $20, $40 or $50 or $100.

For instance one auctioneer doesn't collect cleaning deposits from anyone NEW or old. He depends on the threat that IF someone leaves crap behind they will not come to his auctions again, and the word spreads to the other auctioneers as well.

Another auctioneer will collect $100 from a new buyer, but only $20 to $40 from a regular who has been doing it for years. This makes sense doesn't it. You earn respect by doing the right thing.

But finally, I stand by my statement earlier that ONE should have $100 deposit money set aside and left for that purpose only. If a bidder has $150 on him/her, and $100 of that is for a deposit, then there certainly isn't room for buying is there?

I bought one for $110 today and there was a $20 deposit not because the auctioneer didn't trust me, but because the prop mgr wanted deposits on everyone.

This is a business. ONE has to be properly funded to conduct a business.


Are you typing your messages outside the forum (in Word or something) and then cutting and pasting them into the box here?  Some of them (like the first post in this thread) have GAPING holes that make it hard to follow from one point to another.

Just typing messages in the blue box here works great if one just keeps typing and lets the auto-return work as the typing comes to the end of the right margin. Two hard returns at the end of a paragraph will separate out one thought from the other.

Just wondering...maybe something else is going on.

Sounds right to me for Auction Hunters on Spike.

There are a half dozen (or so) threads on AH here at the forum. Use the search button above to find them all.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Compliance with the law in California
« on: July 14, 2011, 06:19:59 PM »
For those in California...

Is this business a "secondhand dealer" business as described in CA Business & Professions Code Section 21626?

I told you all I research things thoroughly before I get involved...  :P

Sorry, I don't have time to read the code; I'm too busy making money selling on clist, ebay and at a flea market.

The Board of Equalization has never said anything to me about how I get the money to pay the sales tax I generate for the state. Maybe if I had a BRICK and MORTAR store it would be a different matter.

Also, I think it MAY be possible to overthink something, but that is just my opinion.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: First Storage Auction..........
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:44:59 PM »
Yes it was the Sac area....The good thing about this area is that there are at least 3  days of auctions a week with 2-4 facilities on the block per day within a 30-50 mile radius. 

I just hope that with the numbers of auctions available  these people will get tired, bored, broke, discouraged or whatever just so they stop coming..

Well, I've been buying lkrs in the central valley for 7.5 years and they haven't gotten tired, bored or broke yet, but I'll have to admit I GOT DISCOURAGED by Sacramento proper myself. I haven't been there for about 5 years !

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