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Messages - the teacher

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Storage Auctioneers / Re: Banning a bidder from an auction ?
« on: June 01, 2011, 05:23:21 PM »
Sorry for the lack of notice, but the Judge Judy episode that has the buyer suing the auctioneer for banning him from his auctions airs today.  It has already been shown back east but us in the west won't see it until 4:30.  I think it is already up on YouTube though if you missed it.  I'll be back after I watch it.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: No need to buy..........
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:32:33 AM »
I tell friends and relatives to let me know if they are looking for something and I'll put it on a list, because sooner or later, I will find it!  

My mom needed a vacuum and I found her one.  A short time later, I found a nicer one and I traded her out for the first one and sold it instead.  My wife ended up with a vacuum too after I found a like new Dyson vacuum in a unit.  That wasn't planned, but worked out well.....those things are awesome, and I would never have bought her one of those at retail!

My friend had an engine hoist that was about 14 years old.  I got a brand new engine hoist that was heavier duty than his and he wanted it.  I was over at his house, so I took a picture of his hoist while I was there.  I went home and put his hoist up on CL with his phone number in the ad.  He called me the next day and some guy bought it for the full asking price, so he came and picked up his NEW hoist for the money he got out of his old one.  Got to upgrade to a brand new one and it didn't cost him a dime!

Another friend was looking for a welding buzz box.  I ended up with a Lincoln "tombstone" welder, 225 amp.  Exactly what he was looking for.   He was very happy.  Same friend was looking for a band saw, and I just got one of those for him too.  A like new Hitachi 13" band saw.  

Another friend wanted some nice top box tool boxes he could mount on his bench to store gun cleaning stuff and metal lathe accessories.  I found him two really nice boxes and a bunch of tools and gave him a really good deal.  

This kind of stuff happens all the time and I'm always "trading up" my tools and various stuff in my personal collection.  Plus all the common household stuff others have mentioned:  Toilet Paper, Windex, Cleaners, Small Kitchen Appliances, Pots and Pans, Dishes, Glasses, Calculators, Toilet Plungers, etc.  Stuff you use all the time, but now you don't actually have to go out and buy it.  My daughter starts college this fall, and I already have a bunch of new in the box kitchen stuff (came out of what I called the "Wedding Unit") and I will outfit her with any furniture, kitchen stuff, throw rugs, pictures and artwork, flat screen television, kitchen table, towels, etc. that she needs.  She may start out with a few things that aren't quite what she wants, but eventually I'll get her upgraded to all really nice stuff.  I've already helped another friend of mine with outfitting his 24 year old daughters apartment with sofa, love seat, chair and bed, along with a few other items.  

The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Gas Prices
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:20:07 PM »
I've got on '04 Silverado Crew Cab short box Z71.  Also have an '09 enclosed cargo trailer 7'x14'.  Spend $700=$900 a month on average for gas.  I keep thinking about getting something more economical to drive around day to day for the auctions, but by the time you add on the cost of a vehicle (even a cheap one), insurance, and maintenance, it just doesn't really pencil out that good. 

Was considering selling the truck and trailer and buying a car to drive around and an Isuzu NPR or other large box truck for cleaning out units.  Still debating.  I like driving my truck around, it's comfortable! I hate sitting low in a car.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Gas Prices
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:55:05 AM »
I am paying 3.99 (and 9/10's!) at my local station now.  Hopefully it will drop a little more after next weekend. 

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Funny story
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:52:24 AM »
Probably made a "crapload" of money off that locker!  I can think of a lot worse nicknames than "the toilet guy", so he should consider himself fortunate! ;D

We need more pictures and descriptions of the winning lockers!  I never get tired of seeing the "treasures" that others have won!  For all the guys on here and all the buying going on, we are not seeing very many of the lockers being purchased. it so bad out there that these are all the lockers being purchased? ???

Went to one today, about 7 units and about 35 bidders.  Actually not as bad as it has been, but I have noticed that some of the new guys are sticking around and starting to bid more.  Units were mostly pretty crappy lockers, so hard to really tell if this is a trend or not, but prices were pretty high for the visible contents.  

I did not buy any, but somebody I know did get one for 250.  Had a bunch of small hand tools in it, and a cool old table.  Also had 8 old movie posters from the 50's and early 60's in it.  What was cool though, is there was a GUN in it.  It was a small .380 semi auto.  Pretty rough shape with no magazine.  I cleared it for her, and helped her load up, and then she walked over and gave it to me.  Pretty cool!  Not worth much, but pretty cool anyway!

I can see the benefits having this. But there is also a downfall. How do you prevent people from ripping you off?
CASH is the king.

All I can say is being ripped off hasn't been a problem, not a single charge back.  I have two other friends that use this, and it is very handy.  Besides, if some moron stiffed me for a $5 garage sale item someday, I think I could weather the pain!  LOL 

I do agree that "CASH is King", but this just opens you up for the possibility of getting a few more sales that you otherwise might not have made, and it's relatively inexpensive.

Remember before eBay and craigslist when everybody used to run their ads in a newspaper?........Just saying.

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Well that was embaressing...
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:47:17 PM »
Pics or it didn't happen!  LOL

This thing is AWESOME!  I highly recommend it to anybody doing a lot of garage sales or flea markets.  Opens up some sales you may not have otherwise made.  Doesn't really cost that much in the overall scheme of things, and most people are comfortable with it.  Can use it with an ipad or smart phone, and it's FREE for the hardware.  You can even buy it at the apple store for something like 10 bucks, but they will credit that back to you when you start using it.  Or just go right to there website and sign up and they'll send it right to you.  Most people will not say anything about it, but if they balk, just a quick explanation and they are good to go.  Everybody will have this or something similar soon, so jump in now and get a jump on your competitors!   

That's AWESOME!   ;D

Oh yeah, I still get the notifications, and I'll hear all about it from other buyers I know, but I won't be there!

I've found six sets of created remains so far.  Usually it's just Grandma.  I found a Grandma and Grandpa in one unit, three Grandma's by themselves, and one six month old baby boy.  I was stressing on the baby boy!  I'd already taken a load to the dump out of that particular unit, and the manager came out while I was cleaning it out and told me the ladies son was in there, but she couldn't remember where she put him.  Of course he was at the very front of the locker and he was in a small plain box with a name and some dates on it.  I was never so happy to find a set of remains in a locker ever!  I was afraid I had thrown him away, and I was stressing about that pretty hard!

This one was a CLUSTERFU*K!  I will never go back BS auction.  And they promote it all over craigslist and everywhere else they can. 

But that is where all the money is at.....cultivating your contacts and sales channels.  There's not much glamorous about that, all the glamor comes from the 10k worth of crap they find in the units!  I'm still wishing they'd get around to actually showing a real live dump run, with the resulting dump bill!

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