Auction #2, Auctioneer #2, March 30, 2011.
This auction had about 85 plus people.
Five lockers: first one I thought would go for about $125 (I would have paid $50); my friend bet it would go for $300; we were both wrong about this went for $425! This is why I haven't bought ANY lockers in March.
So, here are three pics: crowd, a 10x10 without much in it, the same locker with the winning buyer....see contest below for some auction guessing fun.
I just wait in the shade until the line has pretty much gone by the door...the stuff isn't going anywhere and air is fresher outside the hall.
This is a 10 x 10. After a few people have guessed what this sold for, I'll reveal the actual sale amount. Refer to this locker as THE DUMP.
I'll reveal who bought this a little later in this thread.
The buyer is in the picture just above.