Storage Auctions

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Messages - MovieMan

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Weird & Wacky Finds / Re: Locker owner wants leg back
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:38:07 PM »
This thread is a good example of toe jam.

Just an update. Storagebuyer (the person who started this thread) has the same IP address as Lance Watkins from Storage Treasures.

The next time Alloro (or anyone) accuses ME of stirring a pot of discontent, I will remind them of this "bump" you did.

Have you heard the expression "Let sleeping dogs lie" ?  Or do you want more conflict to raise the ratings?

Craigslist / Re: Craigslist Scams
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:13:20 AM »
When you post an ad on cList just check the radio button that says (in effect) don't take email responses.

That will prevent most of the scam attempts you will get.  Just use a phone number. Many ways to do that if you don't want to use your own phone. I use my home phone and have had very few problems over 10 years.

Well, if he's selling them for ten dollars a piece, I would guess he picked them up well under $300. Perhaps $150?

The majority of the pots had store stickers on them for $15 each so he had help in determining a price point for his sales.  There were 105 pots. 7 were broken. So 98 to sell.

General Storage Auction Talk / Setup Lockers !
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:06:14 AM »
How often to you run into lockers you think might have been setup by the facilty (in cahoots with a seller and maybe the auctioneer)?

I saw one the other day that I think fit the bill.  Details are over here:

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #11.....November, 2013
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:03:26 AM »
I went to an auction the other day at a facility that had just changed ownership; the place hadn't had an auction for a year.  So, 12 or so lockers. First one goes up and its CLEAN (a rarity) and my prediction was about $600. Started at $50 and then someone bid $400. Went up from there and sold for ...... $650.

People were commenting on some aspects of it....including its clean appearance....maybe a setup?  Next locker just down the row about 3 lockers (sure it happens)....but...another BEAUTY.  Another setup?  Goes for $400.

On to the next one.....this one you won't believe.  Door goes open on a 10 x 10 showing a carpeted floor and empty thorugh the middle, but the two side wall and back showing about 20 GUITARS, standing in their OPEN cases against those walls. Also some big speakers, a BANJO, etc.  Can you say SETUP !

I predicted $1,500 to the disbelief of a newbie who heard me say it to another regular.

Starts at $200, goes up from there...bogs down for awhile at the $1,350 level with just two guys left now and finally someone I had never seen before (and neither had the auctioneer) gets it for $1450.

From that point on the lockers got ordinary but the talk increased about the new facility owners.  If those first three were setups the facility owners might have learned a lesson in marketing....spread the good ones out for one thing !
Anyway, just more frustration and will wait to see what the next sale looks like from these people.

Saw the buyer of this locker selling at a flea on Saturday. He had brought out about 20 of them and was selling them for $10 each. Saw him again Sunday at same flea and he had 18 of the 20 left from the day before.

Still waiting for more guesses on what he paid for the locker. ;D

Other Forms of Selling / If you're an expert on some subject ....
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:50:30 AM » might be able to SELL your knowledge on Google's new service.

Here's an article about their offerings...some are free....others have charges attached.

General Storage Auction Talk / Bidder has no money !
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:33:15 AM »
OK....that's it. This newbie has to go !

Went to an auction the other day and a scruffy looking guy started bidding on a few lockers. He didn't get any of them UNTIL....he bid on one and just wouldn't quit going up against a guy who had beaten him out on some cheaper lockers.

This lkr sells for $650 to him...the scruffy guy.  Auction goes on and about two lkrs later I see scruffy talking to the auctioneer, and then walking off the facilty.  Auctioneer catches up to the crowd and says scruffy didn't have the money to pay for what he bought!  Incredible.  So, bids are opened again and this time the interest just isn't there sells for $375.  Some people happy.....not the auctioneer.

Have you seen something similar?

Been super busy. Will have a total this evening. If you're in a hurry to know, you could always show your team spirit and total it up yourself.  ;) Probably would only take 10 minutes.

The part in red above is certainly accurate...and that's about how long it took you to move a half dozen posts from one place to another on the forum even though they sat nicely in their original spots for 6 months or more.  ::)

I'll be tied up with auction schedules all day but I'll try to have a total by Sunday evening.

Who won ?

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: It took forever to sell
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:11:23 PM »
I've had a patient/hoya lift type item for around 6 months I've been trying to sell. I have it listed for $500 on several different craigslist cities. I've gotten one legit call on it in all that time, and when the people came out they offered 300 for it. I countered at 400 and they were supposed to 'come back' That never happened and I've been kicking myself in the ass ever since.

Yes, it sometimes  can take months to sell an item like that. I have sold maybe 5 of them over the last couple of years, and anytime I don't have one on hand I buy the next one I see...that is if I can get them in the $50 range or less. I got a couple at a piece by piece auction for $10 and $15 !  I list them at $325 (Invacare 6805) and take as low as $275. Not a bad markup even if I paid $50. They can stick around for months, but if you have the space, why not. One time I sold the sling separately on eBay and made even more money that way than leaving it with the lift. Just sell without the sling and tell them they will want to get the specific sling for their needs at a medical supply store...they make a wide variety and it will be new.

Now, a question. How to you get away with listing that blue thing 7 times ? I see some slight wording change in the titles, but around my area if you do that they get pink deleted in nothing flat. Maybe it's an area by area thing.

Travis had his motorhome listed about 4 or 5 different ways, but nothing substanstially different.

  Who won ?

Two guesstimates down; only over 3,000 member guesses left!

OK, I'll wait 'till maybe 6 guesses are in to do the reveal.  ;D

Here are some pics of a piece by piece auction I went to recently.
Not many of these around the country apparently as no one else has much to say about them.
CalCoastGal goes to one occasionally, but like many people isn't fond of them.

I used to hate them but now I embrace them as they are true picking and auction all at the same time !

Each end is roped off and people are kept back. Then opened and we walk in and look at stuff
but there is no touching.

Here's one box of stuff. Whole box would be sold. Bids start at $5 and go up $2.50 or $5 at a time.
Sometimes stuff does'nt sell and remainders are sold in bulk at the end of a locker sale, then on to the
next locker. There were 20 lockers this time and sale ran from 8:30 to 1.

Guess what this fellow paid for this big block engine; what would YOU have paid.

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