Storage Auctions

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Messages - the teacher

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Suggestion Center / Re: Spammed by a shoes saleman today!
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:09:13 AM »
Yeah, what's going on with the sudden rush of spammers?  It was looking pretty good for a little while but all of the sudden, we're getting a swarm of them!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Got an auction tomorrow!
« on: March 27, 2011, 05:49:48 PM »
An "accumulation" unit......what an interesting way to sell a bunch of garbage so that they don't have to haul it off to the dump!  Gotta give them points for creativity!

I'm totally the opposite.  I love the auction format and playing the head games with another bidder and taking them up to the edge and knowing when to back down, that's part of the thrill!

I have done well at the sealed bid auctions too.  I love it when I get a $300-$400 locker and I beat the next highest bidder by no more than 10 bucks.  It's a good feeling knowing that you won and didn't leave a bunch of money laying on the table.  On the other hand, I lost one last month by 3 bucks!  That is not such a good feeling!  LOL!

I usually sell most DVD's for $3 each at garage sales/flea market.  CD's $1-$2 each depending on the title.  Usually sell full season TV shows for $10-$20, again, depending on popularity. 

Mr. Anderson, CLEAN UP ON AISLE FOUR!!!  LOL.  Looks like one got through, it's been awhile.  Drew, I think we need somebody banned here!

The Lounge / Re: Viva Las Vegas !
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:16:40 AM »
I was wondering where you went!  You didn't check out any auctions why you were there?

That's awesome.  I'm surprised to see an auctioneer post that though.  More noobies and people in general to him should mean higher sales price which equals higher commission/buyers premium (or whatever he uses or calls it).  Still good to see, maybe it cause a few to reconsider this as a career.

Watched the new episode tonight.  This new season seems to be at least slightly more realistic.  They aren't making a ton of money, and are even losing some.  Plus, the crowds are a lot larger than they were last season, just like real life!

Storage Auctioneers / Re: Banning a bidder from an auction ?
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:51:57 AM »
There have been a few banned in the last couple of months, but this guy is just an A**HOLE!  I didn't think he had a chance in hell of winning, more like a nuisance lawsuit just to mess with the auctioneer.  But, like I said, it's taken a strange turn.  Tune in after next Friday and I'll let you know!

The funniest one was a new guy that bid up a unit on one run and everybody moved on to the next facility while the auctioneer and bidders did the paperwork.  We're waiting and waiting at the next facility wondering what is going on.  The auctioneer showed up and got everyone together and said, "IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY, DON'T BID"!  Turns out this guy bid the unit up, didn't have any money at all and couldn't come up with any.  On top of that, everybody had already left the facility, so they couldn't sell that locker for another month.  He was pissed, and that guy got banned from any further auctions on the spot! 

Storage Auctioneers / Re: Banning a bidder from an auction ?
« on: March 22, 2011, 07:53:09 PM »
It's been done here locally.  This guy I partner up with occasionally sued the auctioneer and the storage facility for something that should have allegedly been in a locker that wasn't.  The auctioneer got dropped from the lawsuit, and the storage facility ended up winning.  This guy just wouldn't let up, so the auctioneer banned him from all his auctions.  Then, the guy that got banned sued the auctioneer!  I can't talk about it right now, but maybe by the end of next week I can have you guys laughing you asses off about the turn this has taken.....I know I am!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: The WOW Factor
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:00:15 PM »
Good luck....I know how much this stuff retails for new, but the problem is that you have 40 other people on Craigslist selling the exact same thing for peanuts. Its supply and demand. And there isn't much demand, especially in a recession.

It's amazing how many people are starting businesses in the crappy economy.  And. a lot of those people are being smart with their cash and buying good used furniture instead of springing for new stuff.  It's a great market for good quality used office furniture right now.  I would take all of it I can get for a decent price, it seems to sell quickly and for a fair amount of money!

I wouldn't do business with him just because he's such a douche lol

One of the guys on our regular runs went down to CA for a couple of weeks and went to some auctions and met him at an auction.  He said he was actually pretty decent in person.  They weren't filming any shows when he was there.  He also met Jerrod at another auction.

Seriously though ,they rape us enough, what entitles them to 25% for doing absolutely nothing?

Gotta pay for Obamacare somehow!

What's it Worth?? / Re: 40-50 Unopened Beer Cans!
« on: March 19, 2011, 11:37:56 AM »
If you want a value set on them, then y should contact this guy.

Thanks for that link.  I just saved it.  Now I'll have to sit down some night and run all my cans down his list.  At first glance, it looks like I have mostly 70's and some 80's, so likely not worth much at all.  Oh well, I like to know for sure before I get rid of anything.  It would suck to throw out a $1000 beer can!

What's it Worth?? / Re: 40-50 Unopened Beer Cans!
« on: March 19, 2011, 12:28:01 AM »
Here's a couple of pictures of some of the cans.  This is about a quarter of them, but it's enough to give you an idea.  Anybody think these might be worth anything or should I just toss them?

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