Storage Auctions

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Messages - the teacher

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Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Post your pics
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:53:19 AM »
Hmmmm........I think I used to date her sister! ;D

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 3....March, 2011
« on: March 09, 2011, 07:28:17 PM »
It's probably both........people that watched a show that showed them how to get rich quick with minimal investment, and a tax return to give them some cash to invest! 

Helpful hint to some of those that still have your tax refund and stars in your eyes:  Go to Best Buy and get a new big screen, at least you'll still have something to show for your tax refund six months from now! :o

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 3....March, 2011
« on: March 09, 2011, 06:55:30 PM »
We've got a little group that has been doing the side bet thing for a while now.  I usually do pretty good at it, some of these guys are still guessing way too low!

Oh, and as far as the guy I bid up, I wanted the unit for 200-300.  But, this guy was in the middle of the crowd and started bragging (while we were in the middle of bidding on it) how that locker was HIS!  HE was getting it no matter what.   Well, he was right!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 3....March, 2011
« on: March 09, 2011, 06:22:12 PM »
Went to an auction this morning that was advertised on auctionzip and craigslist.  I got there about 15 minutes before the start and signed in, and I was bidder number 75, with a line behind me!  There were probably at least that many that didn't even register.  It was beyond stupid.  It started at 10am and didn't get over until almost 1:30, and that was just for 14 lockers. 

I did win 7 bucks doing side bets on how much the lockers would sell for, and I did get a little irritated and bid a guy up (to be fair, don't know if the guy was a noobie or not, didn't care) on a 200 locker all the way up to 725!  Hope he enjoys his new found treasure! 

For all of the people there, most of the units were actually not going for that high.  Oh, and there was actually a 5 dollar locker today.  There was some big old commercial type refer unit in there with parts off it, and for some reason nobody wanted it very bad.  Some lady finally bid 5 bucks and she was an owner. 

I try to make most of my money back on a few "key" items, and then move the smalls as fast as possible.  I still get money for them, don't get me wrong, but I like to make room for new stuff.  Space is always a problem.

Now THAT is a Reality Show! ;D

I've tried it on eBay, and that didn't work out very well.  I sold some to one of those companies that buy it from you off the internet, but by the time I paid the shipping to get it to them, I barely broke even.  I've also sold it at an estate sale and did fairly well.  But, now I just take it up to my local auction house and let them run it through their auction.  I usually end up doing pretty well depending on the brand and pattern and I don't have it sitting around in a box in my way.

Oh, by the way, I looked at your picture. I believe what you have there is a "T" cup! ;D  Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  I don't know what that is for sure.

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Online sales channels
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:55:05 AM »
See my post in the eBay section. 

eBay / Nice little article on eBay.
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:51:53 AM »
This was online today, nice little piece on eBay.  Doesn't really say anything that any frequent eBayer didn't already know.

Holy Crap!  So that guy that got the gun ended up with a couple of progressive reloaders and a bunch of ammo.  But, he also scored big time!  He found a laptop and some speakers and some other stuff, and at first he thought he had a surround sound system.  But, it turned out to be something so much better!

Check this out:

He got the complete unit!  One of these just recently sold up here for 10K!  He's shopping it around right now.  I should have bought that locker!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 3....March, 2011
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:59:54 PM »
Uh Oh, might be time to get a job!  LMAO!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Flip or hold?
« on: February 28, 2011, 12:24:42 AM »
Hard to say.  With me it depends if I'm "full up" or not.  If I'm really hurting for room, a lot of stuff get's shuffled off to Goodwill right away.  I'll go through it right in the unit and make a stop off at Goodwill on the way to my shop.  If I have a lot of extra room, I may go through it a little more thoroughly and try to sell more.  Usually, I'm pretty full up so that doesn't happen much. 

You have to decide how much time you are willing to spend on the smaller items.  If you have the room and are trying to wring every last dollar out of a locker, then hang onto it all and take your time getting rid of it.  I try to concentrate on what I know is profitable, and I don't try to chase every little nickel, I don't have the time or the room!

I think overall it has helped greatly.  Free CL ads that you can post, delete, or modify in a minute, along with putting in pictures.  Light years ahead of the poor old daily newspaper!  And the fact that you can list items on eBay and sell to the world! 

But, certain items do not hold their value.  CD's are on the way out.  How many of you have actually bought an new CD's lately?  I've got 8 gigs worth of songs on my ipad and ipod, so why do I want to haul around a stack of CD's?  Some records sell okay, but a lot of them don't. 

Same with the old phones.  I have a former boss who now owns a cell phone store, so I throw all my phones, batteries and chargers in a box and I take them to him.  They go through the box and any phones or chargers they can use he pays me for and they recycle the rest. 

Unless the computer is a laptop, it goes straight to Goodwill for recycling.  Same with televisions, except the 32"-36" ones.  If they work, I can still usually get 50 bucks for them on CL.  Of course, save all the flat screens, they sell quick, but not for as much as you'd hope for.

Printers all go to Goodwill, and most games too.  I would love to find an original Atari "Pong" game though.  Cameras are another thing.  Most 110's go to Goodwill.  Most 35mm go on eBay.  Most digital go to the garage sale or the thrift store. 

Technology has helped a lot, both to help sell stuff and get us a stream of outdated items to sell.  DVD's will be the next to go!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Post Storage Locker Gun Stories Here
« on: February 27, 2011, 10:27:54 PM »
I've found a Ruger M77 .30-06 with a nice scope.  In the same unit, I also got a 20ga semi auto, and a 20ga side by side shotguns.  
And then in three separate units, I got a small German .22 short pistol, a Mosin Nagant 7.62x54, and a cheap single shot .22 that isn't worth much at all.  I've found a lot of ammo (I've got a 5 gallon bucket full of nothing but 12 ga shotgun shells sitting in my shop) and gun cases and gun rugs and camo gear and holsters, but those are the only guns.

That other guy I was talking about a couple of days ago only got the one gun in the unit.  It is actually a Stevens Marksman, and may be worth $150 or so.  But, he got a progressive rifle/pistol reloader and a progressive shotgun shell reloader.   He also got two deer head mounts, and there were a couple of ammo cans in there, one of them had 1000 rounds of .223 ap and the other had a bunch of shotgun reloading stuff.  He also got some other ammo and a bunch of reloading components and reloading dies.  He also got a Browning Bow in a case, and a bunch of stereo equipment that was hidden.  He will do very well on that one!

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Flip or hold?
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:32:58 PM »
I do both.  I try to get the most possible out of the bigger items, and try to move the small stuff as fast as possible just to make room.

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