Storage Auctions

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Messages - bulldogmom

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Decided to stay home from the swap today.....hubby told me he would help at the swap tomorrow if we stayed home and attacked the weeds today. Yuck!!

I had a neighbor stop by last evening...she bought 2 of those tablecloths! ;D


Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: renting storage units
« on: March 10, 2012, 09:36:24 AM »
Some will rent to you if they do not have a waiting list for the space.

Some will also give you a few extra days if you ask and are willing to pay something. Your best bet would be to ask at the office before the auction starts and bid accordingly.


Crappy deal Rockin'!

I hope things work out for you.


The last locker we bought had some bedding...I thought maybe a couple of sets! Oh, was I wrong - 6 complete comforter sets, 4 blankets, 3 complete sets of sheets, 8 tableclothes (who has 8 of these...I have one, I think!) and 4 fancy shower curtain sets!

All are now sorted, cleaned and taped together in sets. I still have a trunk full of blankets and towels that will go to the animal shelter due to stains, holes or tears. I hope this stuff sells at the swap this weekend! :)


The Treasure Chest / Re: Pretty interesting find........
« on: March 09, 2012, 03:19:52 PM »
Very pretty. I would think it will sell easily enough.

Good luck!

Flea Markets / Re: My adventures at the Antique/flea market
« on: March 07, 2012, 05:24:36 PM »
$256!! Whoo - Hoo! Keep braggin', I enjoy hearing the success stories. It is what keeps everyone else going.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #3...March, 2012
« on: March 07, 2012, 10:03:21 AM »
I think I have read that you are in SoCal, if so, it is pretty easy to look up the contact numbers for numerous Native American reservations in your area. They should have someone who could tell you from the photos what tribe these are from. Also, UCLA has a Native American studies program that may help.

These look like something that would used in re-enactments or at a PowWow gathering.

Anywho, good luck in your search.

Stores / Re: Anyone Actually Own a Store?
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:04:25 PM »
Sounds like you are thinking things through and if you decide to go with I wish you the best of luck.

A few more thoughts:

A friend and I opened a consignment store over 10 years ago. Our plan was we both would take turns working the store while one or the other of us bought mechandise. We opted to go mainly consignment as there would be a lot less $$ outlay in the beginning to stock the store. It worked great...too great in fact. We were able to meet all of our debt obligations and after the second year we were able to pay ourselves a little.

The drawbacks for me were - I had children at home (ages from 9-15) and the glamour of having one, sometimes two at the store each day quickly wore off. They were good but....honestly they bored easily. Also having to take a sick child to work is the pits for them, my customers and myself. After school activities, family weekend trips, etc....forget it because the store is not making money if the doors are shut.

My partner ended up buying me out and she still owns and runs the store. She has moved it into a 3600sf, three story building and is doing great. It just was not for me and my family.

Whatever you decide make sure both you and your wife have talked about the commitment it will require and best of luck in whatever you choose to do.


Flea Markets / Re: My adventures at the Antique/flea market
« on: March 06, 2012, 02:56:27 PM »
Thank you for the update and any profit is great!

I  visited several malls last week and have decided to bite the bullet and put myself on the waiting list for one - they all had a wait for a spot, some as long as two years! All of these folks have got to be selling enough to make it worth their while....hopefully they aren't paying just to store their "treasures"! ;)

The one I chose was the busiest and most reasonably priced. I will pay $110 for a 6X8 space, they take no commission and only deduct rent plus credit card fees from your sales. They told me that the wait would be about a month to 6 weeks. I am not too excited about the is on the second floor in the front of the building. This area is accessed by a small staircase in the corner of the store as opposed to the main stairway which is very visable as you enter the store. There is no lease just month to month, so I felt is was worth giving it a try for 2 months.

The sales at the swap were not too great last Saturday. We cleared $120 profit as opposed to $325-$350 but I took mainly small knick-knacks and some kitchen stuff. Maybe gas prices at $4.25 a gallon had something to do with it as most vendors were down in sales also. I will try again this Saturday since we have an antique auction coming up the following weekend and need the extra $$ and the room!

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #2...February, 2012
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:27:13 AM »
We bought our first unit in five years on Saturday. We went to two local private storage companys....the first was pretty crowded 35-40 people and all but the last two units were washateria units (looked like the owners just dumped their dirty clothes/shoes and bought new ones), they went for 3x's what they should have. The last two were very nice and we bid but they too sold for way, way too much. We dropped out at $400.

The next was a silent auction and the units were cleaner but a lot of furniture. Less crowded. about 15-20 people. We entered a bid on two and won one for $150. It was a 5x10 about half full, mostly totes, boxes and an entertainment center which we sold to another buyer for $50. The owner of the place did not charge a deposit and as it was a silent buyers fee! He also said just to take what we want and feel free to leave the rest.

I went through everything yesterday....clothes, 6 comforter sets, 2 totes of curtains, clothes, religious knick-knaks - Catholic and Buddha. Maybe they were covering all bases! Also 4 porcelain dolls, clothes, clothes......

I can make my money back but it will be slow. I generally will sell the clothes at the swap for $1 for all they can cram into a bag. The collectiables will bring another $40 to $50 and hopefully the bedding will sell for $10 a set.

Oh, we were actually recognized by another buyer....said he missed the doughnuts I usually bring along with me!

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Firearms?
« on: February 27, 2012, 10:54:07 AM »
I am not sure where you live but here in California we have a great There is also Auction Arms and Gunbroker...those are national.

You mentioned that you had your PD run the serial numbers and the the guns are clear but you may still want to do a FFL transfer as opposed to a private party transfer unless you know the person.

We have only found 5 guns in a unit but hubby still has them....he doesn't sell anything that goes bang!  ;D

Flea Markets / Re: My adventures at the Antique/flea market
« on: February 02, 2012, 05:14:02 PM »
@money4nothing.... I have to be in the big city tomorrow sooo.... I may stop in at a few and check prices. I also have an old business partner who bought me out of our consignment store many moons ago that may be willing to let me have a corner. ;) I hope the prices are nothing like in your area!

Flea Markets / Re: My adventures at the Antique/flea market
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:43:26 AM »
Thanks for posting! I have been out of the "business" for almost 10 years due to kids in sports, 4H, band, horse shows, etc. The youngest is now 19 and I am ready to jump back in!

I have spent the last week going through two outbuildings that have been the repository of all things to good to throw out but ..... Whew, what a chore! I have a space reserved at a swap on Saturday but I also have a pile of things that are too vintage to take to the swap and I have been kicking around renting a space at the antique mall. The major drawback is the closest city that has one is Bakersfield and they are almost an hour away. My concern would be - would I commit to the time it would take to keep it stocked and looking fresh.

I will be interested reading as your journey progresses!

Good luck.

What's it Worth?? / Re: China tea set ???????
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:12:23 AM »
LOL....I am not sure if I am big city! My closest town is a little over 8k and it is 15 miles away! ;)

What's it Worth?? / Re: China tea set ???????
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:35:56 AM »
Very pretty set. As for what the markings on the back you have a chinese market or restaurant in your area that you frequent? I have taken items to our local chinese buffet for interpretation. They are always glad to help. :)

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