Storage Auctions

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Messages - Ironman

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Other Forms of Selling / New non retail store idea............
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:59:19 AM »
I'm toying with a small shop idea. Here's how it goes. Our local attic storage facilities have the usual inside the fence units but they also have outside the fence business units that have a 10x20 wharehouse with a rollup door facing the parking lot and it includes an attached 10x12 office bathroom and closet. All that space for $450 a month including utilities. I'm currently paying 89 a month for a small locker just for storage and anytime I have a yard sale which is once a month I have to bring the stuff home so here's my thought. Rent this space, drop the storage unit. Put display shelves along the wharehouse walls for general merchandise and in the office for 'better' stuff. Put larger pieces in the middle for display also. Hold yardsales inside and bring some stuff outside but do it twice a month as a minimum. This gives me storage and display space along with sorting and storeage thats not at my home. Also, when I advertise on CL I'd have a place to take someone that is not my home and while they are there they might browse the shop and buy other items. And it could be done rain or shine warm or cold. A space at a flea market is another obvious idea but that is not as flexible and more restrictive but then you do have the walk by traffic and have to do it every weekend. What does everyone think of that kind of an idea?

Garage Sales / Re: First Garage Sale of the Season!
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:55:03 AM »
Teacher, you said you set up in your shop. What kind of shop? Thrift store or at home in a wood shop? I'm toying with a small shop idea. Here's how it goes. Our local attic storage facilities have the usual inside the fence units but they also have outside the fence business units that have a 10x20 wharehouse with a rollup door facing the parking lot and it includes an attache 10x12 office bathroom and closet. All that space for $450 a month. I'm currently paying 89 a month for a small locker just for storage and anytime I have a yard sale which is once a month I have to bring the stuff home so here's my thought. Rent this space, drop the storage unit. Put display shelves along the wharehouse walls for general merchandise and in the office for 'better' stuff. Hold yardsales inside and bring some stuff outside bu do it twice a month as a minimum. This gives me storage and display space along with sorting and storeage thats not at my home. What does everyone think of that kind of an idea? I'm going to start a new thred in other forms of selling also to get opinions.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Lookey Loos current attendance
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:25:27 PM »
Maybe it's just me but over the last two weeks about half the auctions I attend seem to have half the newbies and lookey loos as there were even a month ago. Only one auction I went to this week had any new and totally out of the way bidders. 3 older retired guys must have pooled their money to bid and got a 5x10 for 700 that had busted dining table, no chairs, two black painted end tables and a bunch of mixed boxes. The old timer pros either didnt bid or stopped around 300 like I did. Maybe the shows, crowds, and tax money are running out. BTW, the three elderly gents were all wearing plaid Burmuda shorts, socks, sandals and button up short sleeve collared shirts and dark sunglasses. Only thing missing were golf hats...ROTFLMAO.

SPS is Sole Proprietorship. Thats the least category for a business license. As to sharing how to set up, take taxes, pay taxes etc etc that changes by state and sometimes even local laws so check with your state and the IRS or better yet, consult with a CPA for a couple hundred bucks and get yourself legal. Personally I don't mind helping out and answering questions in a general manner but don't want anyone to rely on my laymans advice especially where legal matters are concerned. I'll tell you this, I formed an LLC (limited liability corporation) just for some of the basic protections it gives you in as much as your personal property, possesions, finances etc cannot be touched in case of business failure or even in the event some moron sues you cuz you gave them a hot cup of coffee (oh that happened to

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 4....April, 2011
« on: April 08, 2011, 04:46:25 PM »
Yeah I agree, it may have looked good but tying up 1500 actually more than that cuz you don't know how high the other guy was going, at any rate, tying your money up and hoping to make 20% profit on the 1500 just doesn't cut the mustard for me.

Yeah, what I try to do is rummage thru the locker immediately after paying for it (if I'm not off to another one) and pull out anything interesting or that may have obvious value, jewelry, guns, coin, small antiques etc. Then when I lock it back, I have a super security lock tha takes a powered grider to cut thru and I double lock the unit if it has significant stuff left in it. At least that way any thieves need more than bolt cutters to get into the units.

Absolutely the show is a load of crap. Any semblance of reality just flew out the roll up door even with their disclaimer at the beginning of each show. They travel across country (in that old beat up box truck -aaa bull****) and then of the three lockers being sold, they buy two and there is hot **** in both of them. At least storeage wars is showing some reality in some less than winning lockers. All this is going to do is get the newbie lookey loos all excited about spending 500 of income tax refund and making 5000 on one locker. Total friggan crap and nothing but Hollywood bull**** called entertainment (yeah right).

That one was free as the store owner was trying to drive traffic into his antique store and boy did it work. typically it is an average of $30 a day per space (9'x12') outside.

SAG sponsered this and it was a huge success! We set up at 7 a.m. and closed down at 5 p.m. Took up six parking spaces for us to show all the smalls and stuff from units that didn't sell on CL and we did good. All that small stuff netted out to $1234.00 not bad for a bunch of odd ball stuff from sewing baskets to gym bags. Nothing big just 1 to 20 dollar items. Thought I was going to get stuck taking 4 stereos and 5 cameras (35mm) back to storage when all of a sudden there was a run and all but one small stereo sold!! Out of all of it we sold out 85% of what we took..............a very very good day.

Great one day flea.........

OK Movieman You Win......rotflmao

I have to agree, the best way on these smalls like DVD and CD's is to group and bundle by genre, artist age etc and sell them off as a bundle like ten reggae cd's all together for one money..... I've done best that way if you want to turn over your money, make a bit of profit and buy more. I've always found that sitting on something that you are only ging to make another dollar on is worse than selling it for two dollars and moving on. Especially with CD' DVD's Tape's books etc as they lose value as they age versus what they are worth today with few exceptions.

eBay / Re: Ebay Started Charging Final Value Fees On Shipping As Well
« on: March 22, 2011, 02:31:31 PM »
Yeah, thats been my experience with webstore. Noce concept but no traffic and no sales there in three months. Free or no it's just not working. Rather pay ebay fees and sell stuff than list for free and sit on it....

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Dump run sells for $450
« on: March 22, 2011, 10:27:50 AM »
Thats the nature of this beast nowadays. I stopped going to Saturday auctions as of last week. Every Sat auction is more like a family outing to the circus than a business. Then the money these ninnies pay for the crappiest of lockers hoping the TV shows are right and that gold bullion is just laying in a sock drawer waiting for them...... Stick with weekday auctions, watch for the regulars, watch what they bid on and how much.....use that as a learning tool and you probably won't get burned too bad...........good hunting!!!

The Lounge / Re: Basketball Cards
« on: March 21, 2011, 09:30:41 PM »
Do an all for the money bundle. I have nearly two hundred old canceled stamps on envelopes from the early 1900's thru WWII. Talked to a couple stamp collectors and they said not worth much and to just trash them. Instead I put together a bundled lot like a grab bag and advertised on CL as you get whatever is there for $75.00 and it sold in 2 days. Now I have another grab bag lot on ebay for $100.00 I just put up tonight so we'll see.

Tell it all brother 'A'! Tell it all................

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