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Messages - HomeGrownPromos

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35 36 ... 58
Weird & Wacky Finds / Re: The weirdest place you found money?
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:08:32 PM »
The only gold I ever came across was a 10k white gold ring.. whoopdie freakin' doo.. I need to find more gold..

What's it Worth?? / Re: Metal Milk Jug
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:25:40 PM »
I agree with Travis. There are upcycling opportunities here! Pad the top and turn it into a bar stool..

What's it Worth?? / Re: Metal Milk Jug
« on: August 02, 2013, 06:20:25 PM »
I think as is, if you get a $20 offer, take it and run! It's not worth the cost of restoring.

Weird & Wacky Finds / The weirdest place you found money?
« on: August 02, 2013, 03:18:18 PM »
Ok, so it's not a weird find, but I'm asking about weird places. We all find money, sometimes it's in really strange places. The unit I bought yesterday, found a $20 in a bible along with some scratch offs.. Strange place for that stuff to me.. Where's the weirdest place you found some dough?

I applaud you.. don't know why.. but I feel like that guy on the ESPN show Around The Horn..

I'm surprised nobody mentioned moving company auctions or PODs auctions.. Those typically have nicer stuff, at a higher cost of course..

The Lounge / Re: How do you feel about Obama Care
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:17:52 PM »
Sigh.  I love the right wing posts about the obamacare center.....

Mostly because its so horrifically wrong, and I can tear it apart so easily.

#1 this is a county ran program, they decided the number who would be full and part time, the reasoning is logical.
#2 almost ALL of them will be eligible for obamacare-in fact many will get it 100% free through the medicare expansion.  The rest will get it at a huge discount due to the subsidies for those making that little.

The article reeks of ignorance of how Obamacare actually works.

I applauded this through the new karma system. It's typical of conservatives to just report on the negatives.. and make up the facts.

Suggestion Center / Re: Karma Added
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:14:44 PM »
I smiling like poo pooing a comment? Because I don't think smiling is a bad thing..

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Auction Scene #7...July, 2013
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:26:05 AM »
Bought a locker for $160 today. has a dinette set. Perfect for college kids, I'm thinking $125-$150 for that. Lots of boxes and dusty stuff. Not much to throw away, but a bunch to give away it looks like. The front of the locker has most of the junk and I'm able to salvage a bunch of stuff. I should do okay on the locker, haven't gotten to the good stuff yet.

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Store Owners....How are you doing ?
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:20:31 AM »
I opened the doors officially on Monday. Between then and today I've made about $300, $200 of that came from a bedroom set. $250/wk is what I need to break even. It's a great starting point, especially considering I have 1.5 months free and 2 months of half rent after that.

It's helping that kids are going back to school now and I'm so close to 3 major universities!

I think the ones that struggle depend solely on sales from the traffic that comes to the store organically. I post heavily on craigslist, anything that I get from a unit that I would throw out, I put up for free to get people to come to the store. Everybody who walks in is a potential sales person for your store. So, even if they just take the free away, I could end up with some word of mouth.

My website has been up for a couple of weeks and is gaining ground on google, I've gotten maybe 4-5 calls this week from my website.

As long as I continue to push craigslist, amazon and ebay, I'll be able to make rent and a bit of money no sweat.

Garage Sales / Re: Garage Sale Pricing
« on: July 31, 2013, 02:26:44 PM »
I think the number of people who will negotiate no matter what the price is growing. It doesn't matter what price you have on there, people will try to get it for cheaper! That's why I wouldn't price anything and just put "Make an offer" signs up. If you're going to negotiate, at least let them throw out the first price.

Garage Sales / Re: Garage Sale Pricing
« on: July 31, 2013, 10:46:03 AM »
it's been years since I've had a garage sale, but the last one I had was very successful. We didn't price anything. Instead, we put "Make an offer" signs around our tables and other stuff as well as put that phrase on our garage sale advertising and signs. Sometimes people offered to pay over what we wanted for the piece, sometimes they didn't. It opens the door for negotiation.

The Lounge / Re: How do you feel about Obama Care
« on: July 31, 2013, 10:42:19 AM »
It's likely that more stories like this will come out because businesses are greedy.

The Lounge / Re: How do you feel about Obama Care
« on: July 30, 2013, 04:18:15 PM »
Exactly right. There's no law stating that a company has to pay for the health care they choose to offer. They call it benefits because the employee BENEFITS from the company paying into the plan. Under Obamacare, it's the same. The company can choose to pay for part of the plan, or not. Only this time, if a small business who employs less than 25 people offers the plan, they can get a tax break.

The thinking, I assume, is that the small business is going to pay into the plan for the employee at least partially. The tax break will help to offset that cost. If the small business does not choose to pay into the plan for the employee, they could pocket that tax break.

Weird & Wacky Finds / Re: Opened the box and .... Awww Noooo!
« on: July 30, 2013, 04:10:55 PM »
Update: so, when we were cleaning out the unit last week, we also found a pair of studded leather underwear that the "toy" attaches to. Upon further inspection, we noticed that the "toy" was partially melted. How does that happen? Battery malfunction? Friction?

Baking cookies on the stove is never a good idea...

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