Storage Auctions

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Messages - Boxlot

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Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 12.....December, 2011
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:21:23 PM »
I went to the 5 stop auction that had said there would be 74 lockers. As alway units get paid up and it was down to 33 units. This was in Harrisburg Pa and my first and most likely last trip there. For starters there was 85 registered bidders and about 250 people there in the rain. The first locker was about a $75 locker and it went for $360. The 2nd locker was about $350 to $400 and it wen for $1050. 3rd locker has a painting that looked like a black Jesus and 2 plastic totes and it went for $340. After seeing this I knew this was not the place for me and I left.  I'll be back at the more local auctions on Thursday were there is less than 20 bidders and much lower priced units.

North East / Re: Lets here it for Pa!
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:57:41 AM »
There is a big one coming up in Harrisburg Pa. on 12/7/11.  5 stops and 74 lockers as of now.

Of course they are getting paid. The show is about the 4 of them going to storage auctions. At $5000 per show that would be $100,000 a year (based on 20 shows a season).  For a show that has jumped up to 5 million viewers I'l bet they are getting more money on the side. Even now Jarod & Brandi are selling the hot wheel cars on e-bay. I see them at lea markets here for $1 & $2 and they autographed theirs and they are getting $45 to $60 for each car.

Darn , missed it , I was busy watching  the cat chase a moth and totally forget about .    ::)
   But I did catch the show where buyers try to buy stuff going to auction first ,( shut it off  after the third deal )

That is "Real Deal"   should be called  "Real Boring"

The Lounge / Re: Real Deal TV Show (what the heck ?)
« on: November 29, 2011, 03:51:47 PM »
This show is about as fun as watching paint dry.

It is like watching paint dry.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: what about hazardous materials?
« on: November 28, 2011, 02:41:39 PM »
You own everything in the locker and it is your job to clear it out. There will be dump fees as well as the price of the locker. Keep that in mind while bidding.

The Treasure Chest / Re: My first unit(s)
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:01:22 AM »
So I think it is not so much that it is a "Pizza Hut" coffee mug, but that it is Anchor Hocking?

Something that looks like that would definetly get pulled out and researched, it does not look like your typical ceramic coffee mug we find by the dozens in lockers.

I have a McDonalds Anchor Hocking mug  and by the looks of it I would be lucky to get $5 for it.

Thank you for posting the photo.

North East / Re: Lets here it for Pa!
« on: November 22, 2011, 01:18:51 AM »
Lancaster Pa here.

The Treasure Chest / Re: My first unit(s)
« on: November 21, 2011, 10:30:14 PM »
Can you post a picture of what a $100 mug looks like. I would hate to have come across on and tossed it.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: How many show up vs how many buy
« on: November 20, 2011, 01:46:41 PM »
It all depends on who show up. I have seen 6 units for sale with 20 buyers and one of them buy 4 units. Sometime the one who bought 4 units buys none. There is 3 people who buy a lot.

Two NEW episodes tonight, Tuesday, Nov 15, 2011....

The crew is up to their usual antics....nothing terribly memorable in either show.

Jarrod goes head to head with Darrel over 4 lockers previously owned by the the same owner. J...gets 3, D gets 1....tune in to reruns for the final results.


The UNUSUAL thing tonight was the SW guys were directly up against Auction Hunters on another channel.
AH was offering a $50,000 prize of some kind...guess they thought that would pull people from SW to their side.

Tell you what...if any member here actually wins that money they can send each of the current members here a PayPal payment of $25....share the goodies !  ;D

There are 3 shows all on at he same time
Storage Wars  A & E
Auction Hunters  Spike TV
Storage Hunters  TRU TV   Biggest joke of them all, Almost like Jerry Springer of storage auction.

That's the thing...they're not even SHOWING the real drama. Instead, they keep playing re-runs but what people don't know is Jarrod knocked Dave out and he threatened to sue the show. I've seen upcoming previews for the new season and Dave is still in there so my assumption is Dave got a lot of money to keep his mouth shut! That would definitely explain the hiatus between new episodes...I really don't know if that's the explanation; but I definitely am tired of all the re-runs. Thanks, Dave, for being a crybaby. :'(

The reason for the hiatus is season one is over. Just like any other show on tv you have to wait for season 2 to be taped.

It looked like a bad unit for $1,100. I wonder what folks saw that made them bid like that.

It must have gotten bumped, I started watching at 8 am and it never came one. The flashed coming up and it never did.  It was posted on FB that they do not know what happened.

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