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Messages - skuter58

Pages: [1]
Hi everyone.  I'm new to this exciting venture as well.  I'm in the Northern part of Georgia.  I plan on attending a few auctions to before bidding to get a feel for it.  I've been watching the 3 reality shows and only on one of them do they discuss researching the owner of the locker but don't say how.  Someone on facebook suggested google and also looking them up on facebook.  See what their hobbies are, etc.  Also, if the owners name is an old name, like Ethel, Harold, Gertrude, a name that is not commonly used today, it's probably an elderly person and could have valuable things in the locker and their family members were unaware of.

Any other tips you guys have would be appreciated.  Has anyone found anything of value???  Hope you all score something good!!!

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