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Messages - shanelanford

Pages: [1]
General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« on: October 18, 2011, 12:44:07 PM »
Just curious about something. I have heard you say in a couple posts you can't sell at the flea market. I am from San Antonio and Bussy's flea market doesn't require you show any permits or licenses. They just state is is your responsibility, not theirs. "4.Sales tax permit, collection of taxes, and other governmental requirements shall be the responsibility of the seller."

I am just starting out, and will probably want to see how it goes for a few months before I get my sales tax permit and such. I eventually will, but as far as I can tell, if I need to go to the swap meet 1 day every couple months to clear out knick knacks, I can do it no problem.

If I want a space at the flea market for a day, I pay for it, and it's mine.

Am I missing something ?

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