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Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?

Offline Leota

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Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« on: January 23, 2012, 01:19:58 PM »
I am being quite serious and not trying to offend. I have come across regulars that the past few years have either kept to their little groups and barely spoke to anyone out of it or regulars that have been very friendly with all around. This month already I have been witness to regulars that were friendly, all of a sudden being very brash and sarcastic to people they have always been nice to.  I was surprised and asked one person if they had done something to offend and they laughed and said no, they didn't know why the other was being rude.  I have also noticed some that have been in their little groups (nothing wrong with it by no means) all of a sudden being nice and talking to "outsiders" at one auction and then snubbing people the next.  I was wondering if it's the pressures of the lack of goodies in the units that make it tough to stock their thrift stores or are they seriously bi-polar? Anyone notice a change in their area or are you maybe one experiencing mood swings? What gives?? I am a people watcher and this month has been more than interesting.  ??? ??? ???

Re: Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2012, 04:50:04 PM »
Whew~for a minute there I thought this was going to be a reflection on the Southwest region (southern AZ in particular ***insert twitching emoticon here***), but I'm assuming you just landed it in a wrong category~

I haven't found folks to be much different than they've always been.  Perhaps a bit more tight-lipped (I've become that way myself) as far more people are attending and crowding and overbidding.  I know I had a nice young lady who came up to me and asked where I found out about auctions and I simply told her that it takes a ton of time on google and the like.  I felt I might have been rude, but really.........if I let her know how I do it (which I discovered on my own) then she tells the next guy and so on and so forth.....

About the only real change in 'personalities' is regulars getting a bit more frustrated as more and more believe they're going to strike it rich simply because they saw it on TV~

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Re: Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2012, 06:42:39 PM »
Can't comment to much cause just getting back after....well, a long time. But do remembering it to be friendlier.
Can say that the auto side has got cut throat. Go from 50-60 people and 1000 cars to 300 people and 100 cars? Yeah.

Guessing it's the same at storage. To many people chasing the same nickel. Higher prices for lower returns.  Gets on people.

I know what you mean about helping people. Had a guy wanting me to hook him up with my guy licensed for dealer only auctions. Told him I didn't have one anymore. I mean, really? Give you my contact so YOU can be my competition?  I havent flip'd a car in two years cause the market is so saturated!

Re: Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2012, 07:21:25 PM »
I've been all over the country, nearly every little corner and I say people are just people. The different areas of the country have different personalities and attitudes. With the economy the way it is, people are moving away from their hometowns and venturing into other regions of the country. The different views and attitudes are clashing.
I'm not going to say where I have met the rudest people cause I don't want any "internet gangstas" wasting their time.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2012, 07:39:35 AM »
I am being quite serious and not trying to offend. I have come across regulars that the past few years have either kept to their little groups and barely spoke to anyone out of it or regulars that have been very friendly with all around. This month already I have been witness to regulars that were friendly, all of a sudden being very brash and sarcastic to people they have always been nice to.  I was surprised and asked one person if they had done something to offend and they laughed and said no, they didn't know why the other was being rude.  I have also noticed some that have been in their little groups (nothing wrong with it by no means) all of a sudden being nice and talking to "outsiders" at one auction and then snubbing people the next.  I was wondering if it's the pressures of the lack of goodies in the units that make it tough to stock their thrift stores or are they seriously bi-polar? Anyone notice a change in their area or are you maybe one experiencing mood swings? What gives?? I am a people watcher and this month has been more than interesting.  ??? ??? ???

I have to admit, I am not as friendly as I use to be. The attitude of the newbies has changed a lot in my area. Most use to come out to lookie loo, watch the process, and decide if storage auctions were right for them, some would jump in and bid, some would win, but generally not to big a deal. More so now it seems the newbies are either intent to run up the bids cause they think its a game, or try to figure out who the regulars are and bid on anything they see a regular bid on and try to win it no matter what the cost. The newbies of the last couple of months have been more agressive, more arrogant, and more a pain in the butt. I don't "be friend" newbies at the auction anymore, and when I am talking to other regulars about the business, I keep my voice low and watch out for eavedroppers.

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Re: Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 06:37:45 AM »
I have to admit, I am not as friendly as I use to be. The attitude of the newbies has changed a lot in my area. Most use to come out to lookie loo, watch the process, and decide if storage auctions were right for them, some would jump in and bid, some would win, but generally not to big a deal. More so now it seems the newbies are either intent to run up the bids cause they think its a game, or try to figure out who the regulars are and bid on anything they see a regular bid on and try to win it no matter what the cost. The newbies of the last couple of months have been more agressive, more arrogant, and more a pain in the butt. I don't "be friend" newbies at the auction anymore, and when I am talking to other regulars about the business, I keep my voice low and watch out for eavedroppers.

I am a pretty friendly person, quite when I need to be. We are new to this but now that you mention it we are not as friendly as we use to be. We got into this before this last blast of noobies. So the regulars are nice to us. But they react the way we do to the noobies who are just rude and stupid. Have no patience for it.

Offline Leota

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Re: Do you notice people seem bi-polar in 2012 at the auctions?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2012, 10:43:10 AM »
Yea, I kinda feel sorry for some of the regs that seem to be paranoid. By no means do I blame anyone for whispering or anything and I think I understand why they seem suspicious when people talk to them. I know times are really tough for all and I watched units go for 800+ that should have gone for maybe 400 or so this past week and it was to noobies. I felt bad for one guy that felt he needed to defend being there as a nooby. I just told him to not feel bad and he was doing the right thing. He was watching, getting the feel of things, not bidding unless he wanted the unit (which he didn't).  I just hate that when I get excited for someone else's purchase (and I am sincere about it) I tell them they did good or that I would be all over that unit if it were mine, they seem to think I am a fishing for something.  I know we all have our own personalities and mine has always been that I am sincerely happy if someone does good. As hubby keeps trying to tell me, "At the end of the day, does it matter what they think of you? Just be yourself and continue to be happy."  ;) Times have changed over the past 12 years of buying and we just have to accept it I guess. :-)

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