Storage Auctions

Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #75 on: April 09, 2012, 03:41:31 PM »
You can't sell that skull. You need it to stop the end of the world in December.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #76 on: April 09, 2012, 05:41:27 PM »
I'm waiting for them to find Jimmy Hoffa.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #77 on: April 25, 2012, 10:47:13 PM »
I joined this forum for the simple point of replying in this thread and to provide a good laugh to the members who've read this thread about the popular show.

I was Clinton Jones' best friend since the age of 4, up thru the first  part of high school, when I moved away and our friendship slowly drifted apart. There are some hilarious tidbits about Clint's life and childhood that are worthy of note. We grew up together in Quartz Hill, California, the high desert north of LA. He and I are exactly the same age, he has an older brother, who was my older brothers age and they were best friends. We all grew up doing t-ball and soccer together. Our moms are still friends to this day.

Clinton was the most injury prone kid in the world. He's broken major bones (arms, legs, etc) at least close to 30 times. I had to help him in Kindergarden, to write and draw, since he had a cast on his arm ( his older brother caught him riding his bike, so he stuck a rake thru the rear spokes of the bike while Clinton was riding it, flipping him up and over the top and shattering his arm when he landed). Clinton also got dragged by the arm, from the window of a car, around the parking lot of our high school, late after school one day, for talking to a guys girlfriend. The guy grabbed on to Clintons arm while he rested his forearm on the open window/door, and floored the gas. His shoulder has been permanently damaged as a result of this and his many many accidents growing up.

I don't care that the show is fake ( the high end scores are staged). But Clinton is a hilarious guy, a good guy, who has the funniest background, and that's all I'm intending on sharing.

He grew up playing with and catching lizards and snakes all the time. He never made any money at the animal wrangling thing. He was a big Steve Irwin fan though and wanted to try and do something similar to what he did.

Here's a rather humorous list of jobs that Clinton held :
1) Pleasure party host- he used to work in a small 2 person factory like setting, making *****s and sex toys, then taking them to sex parties to sell.
2) He is/ was licsensed in the state of California as a Reverend, with legal rights to perform marriages ( I don't know if he actually did any)
3)He became a very prolific piercing artist, mainly focusing on piercing the porn industry stars in San Fernando Valley
4) For hire flame blower- he always loved showmanship. He'd go to parties just to blow massive fireballs out of his mouth.
5) He is an amateur locksmith- which provided an entry way into one of his funniest TV show roles ( see below)

His film career has an interesting tie in. Years ago, he was just an extra, hired once in a while, because he fit the big biker dude look. He can be seen in Corky Romano, the piece of crap movie that Chris Kattan from Saturday Night Live did, about 10 years ago. I'm not sure if he even gets a credited role, but he is in a smokey bar scene playing a big biker dude in the movie, I don't think he even has a speaking part, but you can tell it's him.

A few years after that movie, he was still doing his animal rescue stuff ( spray painting his trucks with Reptile Rescue logos) and doing other odd jobs.  He got a call from a friend who was the receptionist at a plastic surgeons office in Palmdale, Ca. Clinton was actually cast and filmed in the show Dr 90210 as a result. Basically, one day, the camera crew for Dr 90210 were out at a new plastic surgeons office getting ready to film another boring lip job or boob job. The surgeon locked his keys in his expensive sports car and was complaining of how much it was going to cost to have someone come out to open the car. The doctors receptionist knew Clinton, and called him, telling the MD that she knew someone who could get his keys out for much cheaper. When the production crew saw this huge bald tattooed headed biker guy show up, they knew they had an interesting spin on the show and actually paid for Clinton to have liposuction. I'm sure if someone has a series on DVD of Dr 90210, they'll see Clinton, and his 8 pound weight loss via liposuction ( which was completely impossible to tell, since he's a big guy and the results weren't visible afterwards).

Anyways, I just thought I'd shed some light on his background. I don't even think he had much to do with any kind of auction hunting, I think the show concept was pitched and he makes for an interesting person to watch so he was cast.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #78 on: April 25, 2012, 11:26:23 PM »

I don't care that the show is fake ( the high end scores are staged). But Clinton is a hilarious guy, a good guy, who has the funniest background, and that's all I'm intending on sharing.

And then you continue to share more than I ever thought I wanted to know about Ton Jones.

Side note ~ Never knew you could flip over the handlebars of a bike by sticking a rake handle in the rear spokes. Always thought you would just skid to a stop.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #79 on: April 26, 2012, 04:07:14 PM »
I have no interest in storage auctions, not demeaning this forum at all, just pointing it out, since I'm not planning on dialoguing forever. I didn't even know such a forum existed until I was at work and Googled Auctions Hunters, and this site came up as the fourth result. I was intending on showing a co-worker who Ton was, when I was talking about our childhood history.

The bike thing was nearly 30 years ago now. All I can assume is that he was leaning far over the front of the handlebars and momentum flipped him over. Not that it was a significant point to the story.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #80 on: April 27, 2012, 02:04:47 PM »
Fake or not fake! Its tv! The show is for entertainment purposes only. Wrestling is fake as well but as long as people are watching AH the show will contuine to stay on. Good new is all auction show have dropped out of the top 25 for ratings and people seem to careless to watch the shows according to the last 5 weeks of ratings.Doesnt matter what they find each week its all about what someone is will to pay for what is found in units. Supply and demand.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #81 on: May 23, 2012, 04:31:32 PM »
obviously from what I am reading most people do not read the disclaimer at the beginning of every Auction Hunters episode.  It says and I quote.

"Each year, Allen Haff and Ton Jones dig through hundreds of unclaimed storage units hunting for discarded treasures.

These are the stories of their most rare and valuable discoveries."

That would be why they only show the good units on it. 

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #82 on: May 23, 2012, 05:14:00 PM »
obviously from what I am reading most people do not read the disclaimer at the beginning of every Auction Hunters episode.  It says and I quote.

"Each year, Allen Haff and Ton Jones dig through hundreds of unclaimed storage units hunting for discarded treasures.

These are the stories of their most rare and valuable discoveries."

That would be why they only show the good units on it. 
Oh I wont start! But we all know that the disclaimer  states! The show is 99.9% fake and we know it.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #83 on: May 24, 2012, 02:21:30 PM »
I thought this was interesting.

In episode 212, Allen and Ton "find" an rc viper jet in a storage unit.  They proceed to "sell" it to Tons friend Billy for $9k.


Yet, on an rc auction web page, Billy is selling the same jet for $6k

The problem is that in the auction ad Billy claims to have  "built this plane myself about 8 months ago".  As an interested person points out, how could billy have built the jet himself and it have been found randomly in a locker at the same time?

Either the show or the seller is lying.  I tend not to put faith in "reality TV"...

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #84 on: May 24, 2012, 02:37:41 PM »
So you mean the one-of-a-kind MINT CONDITION rifle they found thrown behind a pile of random crap was a PLANT!! ??? ???

Dammit, I hate it when they crush my dreams of finding that in my next locker!!   ;)

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #85 on: May 24, 2012, 03:00:06 PM »
I thought this was interesting.

That is MORE than interesting !  Thanks for the good tracking on that. I think your timeline says it all.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #86 on: May 24, 2012, 04:20:37 PM »
What's with all of the "FAKE" talk? Next you're gunna try and tell me that pro wrestling is fake too. I'm outta here, NASCAR just announced a right turn only track that I just gotta go check out.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #87 on: May 26, 2012, 12:47:20 PM »
I thought this was interesting.

In episode 212, Allen and Ton "find" an rc viper jet in a storage unit.  They proceed to "sell" it to Tons friend Billy for $9k.


Yet, on an rc auction web page, Billy is selling the same jet for $6k

The problem is that in the auction ad Billy claims to have  "built this plane myself about 8 months ago".  As an interested person points out, how could billy have built the jet himself and it have been found randomly in a locker at the same time?

Either the show or the seller is lying.  I tend not to put faith in "reality TV"...

When Billy got called out on this he replied, "call me and i will explain some things to you." which basicly tells me the obvious, all the "buyers" of the high end stuff found in the lockers are in fact the ones that provide the items for the show.

Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #88 on: May 31, 2012, 11:43:21 AM »
This show is totally fake!!!  I've watched Storage Wars for a while now so I thought I would check out Auction Hunters.  I watched several episodes and it because painfully clear that this show is staged.  For the most part they hunt the SAME state as the people on Storage Wars, So. Cal. each and every locker they buy has either a car, a boat etc.  things of substantial value where as the Storage Wars crew RARELY find things valued at tens of thousands of dollars.  A classic Chevelle? Give me a break...this show is set up...won't ever watch it again.

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Re: Auction Hunters is FAKE!!!
« Reply #89 on: May 31, 2012, 11:45:29 PM »
Yeah, it's fake, but you still watch it.  ;)

What's the definition of insanity?

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