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Did you see the idiot on Storage Wars that said "I'm quitting my Job"

Offline Travis

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Did anyone else see this idiot go cuckoo for cocoa puffs? His first auction and he pays $2,600 for a unit that we used to be able to pick up for a few hundred dollars. There goes the rent! Sorry honey, we can't watch Storage Wars because we can't afford to pay the cable bill. They should do a follow up episode of this idiot in the unemployment line.

If there are any newcomers reading this, check out the article on the following page titled "Don't quit your day job" at

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Did you see the idiot on Storage Wars that said "I'm quitting my Job"
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2011, 11:30:04 AM »
Mr. A thinks that "Bill" will be the new face in Storage Wars, but my thought is that their recruiting for Miami, New York and Dallas says they are going with new people in each of those cities. Wouldn't be practical to haul 3 or 4 of the current guys to those cities to have them buy lockers....that's quite a haul back to southern CA.

Typical renewal runs for tv shows run in 13 week blocks, so IF what I think is correct, we're looking at another 36 to 39 weeks of Storage Wars if it comes out that way.

Meawhile, in the West (including states north of California) the crowds and prices are still up (as a general rule).
Sure, there are exceptions and there are parts of the country where things are changing more in the direction we would like, but it will be a while yet....I believe...nothing is written in stone's all on the internet.

Offline Travis

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Re: Did you see the idiot on Storage Wars that said "I'm quitting my Job"
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 02:02:14 PM »
In a recent episode of Auction Hunters they were on their way to a facility that they thought would be unknown to the newcomers, when they got there and saw the crowd it was like someone popped a child's balloon. Have you noticed that when these shows started, when they total up the profits, everyone was making something. On the last few episodes, everyone has been loosing money. I think these guys are just getting frustrated and having to overpay just to get a unit. Unfortunately, you have to get lucky to make money this way. All I can say is that they brought it down on themselves...and the rest of us. Maybe one day, after the shows are off the air, things will be somewhat normal again.

I think it is a big mistake changing the cast.

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