Storage Auctions

What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..

What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« on: July 02, 2013, 09:34:23 PM »
You know what they say, "sex sells". Rene's lady friend, old what's her face, seems like she's letting her pups out a bit freely this week. So good to see that Storage Wars is keeping it classy.. as usual.

Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 07:40:54 AM »
I think after the "Dave wanting more money" phase they felt the need to try to make all the original regulars know they were easily replaceable (odd since they haven't replaced Dave with a new agitator yet).

"The old vet who is just trying to make a good living" -- Ivy is there to show Darrell he can he replaced (although I think Ivy was originally meant to be the new Dave and fills some of both roles)
"The young couple trying to be the American Success Story (with wife with a great rack who makes fun of husband)"  -- Am I talking about Brandi and Jarrod, or Rene and his wife???
"The comic relief" -- The twins as a sad low rent replacement for Barry.
"Man and Woman auctioneer team with the woman being sassy and having attitude"  -- Which pair am I talking about?
"The agitator who is there for money and doesn't mind being the bad guy" -- This was Dave, and I think they wanted it to be Ivy, but Ivy just comes off a goofy and nice to much.

Show producers think in terms of formulas.  They don't just want a hit show, they want a template they can make other shows from.

Offline ncali

Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 05:03:11 PM »
At this point they need to do anything they  to can to keep the show on the air. They may still get ratings out of the other shows, but the original SW has imploded, new people wont help the ratings

Offline Travis

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Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2013, 07:33:57 AM »
Original Storage Wars is a sinking ship. Losing Dave was a blow but I don't think they can go on without Barry.

Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2013, 11:19:53 AM »
I agree, Barry did two things which really helped hold the show together.

a) He was the bidder the "regular folks" could more closely associate with as he has the image of being the person just doing this for fun and try maybe make a buck, which is what the majority of the audience wants to be.  He doesn't have a whole life/business built around storage lockers.  He's a retired guy looking for neat stuff.
b) Comic Relief. 

Offline dbr831

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Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2013, 09:55:38 AM »
Speaking of boobs / cleavage on the show, I'm pretty sure that no one even knows what Rene's wife/girlfriends face even looks like. They are just taking up the whole screen.  I also noticed that Nabila was showing her's off pretty prominately a few episodes back. You gotta give Brandi credit for not going that route. She's obviously got plenty but keeps em under wraps. (so far) lol.

Offline alloro

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Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2013, 02:32:10 PM »
I'm pretty sure that no one even knows what Rene's wife/girlfriends face even looks like.

She has a face? Hmm, never noticed that.

Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2013, 10:33:55 PM »
She has a face? Hmm, never noticed that.

A horse face is still a face. ;)

Offline bwd111

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Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2013, 01:00:07 PM »
I think after the "Dave wanting more money" phase they felt the need to try to make all the original regulars know they were easily replaceable (odd since they haven't replaced Dave with a new agitator yet).

"The old vet who is just trying to make a good living" -- Ivy is there to show Darrell he can he replaced (although I think Ivy was originally meant to be the new Dave and fills some of both roles)
"The young couple trying to be the American Success Story (with wife with a great rack who makes fun of husband)"  -- Am I talking about Brandi and Jarrod, or Rene and his wife???
"The comic relief" -- The twins as a sad low rent replacement for Barry.
"Man and Woman auctioneer team with the woman being sassy and having attitude"  -- Which pair am I talking about?
"The agitator who is there for money and doesn't mind being the bad guy" -- This was Dave, and I think they wanted it to be Ivy, but Ivy just comes off a goofy and nice to much.

Show producers think in terms of formulas.  They don't just want a hit show, they want a template they can make other shows from.
Her face is dog ugly and that gap between her teeth looks like a girl only a truck driver could love. YUCKKKKKKKKKK

Re: What's with the boobs, I mean cleavage, I mean.. yeah..
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2013, 02:25:33 PM »
Her face is dog ugly and that gap between her teeth looks like a girl only a truck driver could love. YUCKKKKKKKKKK

There's someone out there for everybody. I'm not dogging her looks because I try not to get into subjective arguments. What's pretty to you probably is not to me. However, something objective, like her boobs saying "hey" out of the top of her shirt.. Now there's something to discuss!

Yeah, resellers win!

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