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What does the Dave Hester Debacle Mean for Dotson and the Other Cast Members ?

Offline MovieMan

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I guess it would depend first of all on whether the original show would continue at all or just not be renewed.

There must be all kinds of contractual things to consider, but on a more personal level:

1) Dotson must be fuming that HIS reputation might be sulled by this mess.
2) Barry could probably care less....he's well off and was in it for the fun I believe.
3) Darrell (I believe) would just go on buying and selling...he'd done it for years already.
4) Brandy and Jarrod spent some money on store expansion and would probably just continue on as before the show.

Now I guess it is possible that any of the parties could try to get their own thing going, but in my mind that would be a disaster.

As for as usual...not as before the tv shows, but maybe a step toward it anyway.

I'm new here, but I knew the show was fake since day one. I'm sure a lot of people knew it, but I know for an absolute fact it is.

In season one, Jarrod and Brandy bid on a unit full that had a bunch of vintage toys inside. Namely, Mego figures and Star Wars stuff. The particular Mego figures are rare enough that they have passed through different hands over the years and can be ID by certain characteristics (such as a price tag).

NOBODY who owns those toys would stick them in a storage locker. A fellow collector I know even called Jarrod's shop inquiring about them and was told they had no idea what he was talking about and that they never had such toys.

IMO - for all of them, things will go on like normal.  Darrell, Brandy and Jarred will all still be able to "cash in" on the celebrity status they have right now.  Even after it dies down once the show does cancel they will still reap benefits.  The publicity that the show brought to Brandy and Jarred for example I'm sure is what allowed them to expand their store.

As for Dotson - I think he will be fine.  He had a large auction gathering before the shows.  His followers got even larger with the show.  Unless he starts to loose old clients he should be fine.  He may loose some of his "new - tv show" client sites, but am doubtfull.

Offline Travis

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Dan Dotson will be unscathed. He was wealthy before the show and his schedule is booked solid.

What bothers me is that he's acting like he wasn't aware that they were planting things inside the storage units.

Cut the BS Dan, the cat is out of the bag.  ;)

I think Dan is keeping his mouth shut for 2 reasons. 1. He is contractually obligated to not talk negatively about the show. 2. He doesn't want to say anything that might get him in trouble with the auctioneers licensing board.

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