Storage Auctions
The Storage Locker => Reality Shows about Storage Auctions => Topic started by: Travis on March 26, 2014, 09:13:46 AM
On last night's episode of Storage Wars, Darrell supposedly "found" ::) several Rolex watches. He also found an antique "Marital Aid." Funny thing is, he get's the marital aid appraised (wasn't worth that much) but nothing more is ever mentioned about the watches. My guess, they turned out to be knock-offs.
On the show they want to get the "unique" item appraised, that strange "what the (bleep) is this" on TV. Going to see if a Rolex is real or not (other than that one episode on SWNY with Tad and Chris) doesn't really hit with the unique.
Yeah they didn't mention the watches again but I think they did include the value in his total for the day. I love how these shows count the perceived value of items as profit. It always amuses me when they say they made a profit on something without actually selling it.
dbr831 - That's one thing I like about "Thrift Hunters" is that you get to see items actually "sold" on eBay. Sure they have a projected profit, but you do get to see the actually reselling of merchandise.
they appeared to be fake. If you watch closely they have the classic fake price tags on them.
I've found probably close to 10 fakes but have found 2 real ones.
The reason they got the marital aid checked out is because that was the item that the producers placed in the locker and had the "expert" prearranged for them to look at it. The watches were not plants and they didn't have time to line anyone up. Plus I believe that Darrell already found rolexes in a past unit and got them checked out. They can't have duplicate finds being checked.