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10 Strange Things Found in Lockers

Offline MovieMan

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10 Strange Things Found in Lockers
« on: March 15, 2013, 05:48:21 PM »
Here are just 10 of the unusual things found in lockers.  Add your own or ones you have heard about.

Re: 10 Strange Things Found in Lockers
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 11:29:25 PM »
Here's a few interesting finds that I've run across, some gross and some unique:

1.  3'x2'x2' box of *****'s, strap-ons, and other sexual toys.  All used of course!
2.  5 Gallon carboy glass jar full of piss and one giant dump.
3.  Solid maple antique work bench with solid would vice screws
4.  Antique Chinese Mahjong table
5.  Glass case filled with small animal skeletons
6.  200 DVD Porn collection (from a womans locker)
7.  500 bottle vintage liquor collection (un-opened)
8.  200 Johova's Witness Books and about 1000 magazines (ended up dumping them in one of those book donation bins)
9.  A bunch of Japanese Anime figures and toys
10. 30 unopened Christmas Presents

There are so many more wierd and interesting items but my memories of them are starting to blend together.  For all of you newbies looking to find treasure, it takes many hours of hard work and dozens of runs to the dump to in order to find something as cool as a jug of piss and ****!  ;D 

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