For all those who don't believe people keep high value items in storage units.....
As I've posted elsewhere, I've been on the look out for a Hoosier Cabinet to restore. (to keep for myself)
Old co-worker/ pseudo girlfriend (still good friends) called last week and said her deceased mother has one in storage that I can have if once they load moving truck I'd drive it....they are scared to.
Wasn't what I was looking for but helped out anyway.....
Turns out they didn't even know about storage unit until the lawyer was going thu old bills and called facility. It was just going into the process to be auctioned.
So open it and it is trashed. This did not look good. Lots of stuff but all boxes were water damaged. Place smelled. I'm thinking this is, just from being so full, a $500 locker.
Hidden behind stacks of boxes;
there is the Hoosier ($700-$1000). Which you could see part of but didn't look like anything good
Brand new leather couch, still in original shipping plastic, and delivery reciept with price of $6500
Antique leather topped end tables with not even a scratch on them!
And.....the ladies safe. Which ended up great for my friend since it was all investment papers. Bonds. CDs. Nothing we could have turned in. But had about $400 in coins (retail, not sure what she'll get for them)
But the boxes?
OMG! Thirty high end purses in like new condition. 23 pairs of high heals still in box and lowest price tag was $180. Big box of scarves that my friend said sell used for $20-$30 each.
Ton of other stuff. Clothes, household, high end kitchen stuff...
And some of your holy grails was found too! Gold and guns!
Okay, not much. Piece here and there. Few Tiffany pieces but the dime-a-dozen, low price stuff. Pretty sure one bracelet is even fake. But all told I'm guessing at $500-$1000 in resale clue on scrap value.
And same with guns. Got a big smile when I found a derringer ....but it's new. They sell for $150 on the high end.
Other was a .380 that you can get for $100 used.
Anyways, we did a mental price count, totally conserviive, low end, price to sell......and still we figure she has an easy $10,000
Ton to go thru. So much is water damaged. Top boxes are all mice dropping and chewed up stuff.
Thought I'd give a little inspiration that thre are still good units out there slipping thru the cracks.
Another month or unobservant attorney and this one would have been ours!
Now it's just negotiating price on my services to sell it all!