The two trashy units were just that. Trash. Perhaps a $5 profit, but probably not, after deducting gas/dump fees.
The other unit was GREAT!
Found lots of Native American items including some authentic Navajo rugs (don't think they're vintage, but still have significant value), a nice set of Cold Steel knives that already have bids ($200 thus far) on ebay, lots of Hard Rock items (a pin lot with bids on ebay), some tools, tons of comic books (some older) and an older Bose Wave Radio.
I had never heard a Bose before. I fell in love with it, so I listed it high @ $125 opening bid with a $155 BIN. I figured with the similar models selling for about $125-150 with numerous bids, I'd be safe. Told Don if the knives hit $300 I'm pulling the Bose. Son of a gun just sold on the BIN................argh!!!!!!!!!!!
With our last two (decent) units being owned by Native Americans we now have a great collection for sale. Only problem is I can't find anybody to authenticate/evaluate it. The two galleries (and a couple free-lancers) I would be inclined to use are away for the summer. that happens frequently here as many have shops in both Tucson and the Santa Fe area. I'll keep plugging along, but am guessing we could have upwards of $2K in vintage Native American items.
Oh yeah....more tennies~we had a few pair of Nike's new in the box of which the facility manager was interested in some. We took them back to the facility the following day and gave him his choice of one pair for free.....figured it can't hurt to have a manager on your side..........especially since Don was the only one at this auction.
Can hardly wait until next month!!!!!!!!!
Edit to note: I forgot the stereo equipment. It's all older but pieces like Kenwood, Technics, Teac. Haven't had a chance to see if they work or not.
Still haven't looked through all the comics, but there are over 4 large boxes worth.
Probably about 150 cds/dvds and all good, salable titles for a change.
Oh yeah and some 80's rock posters including a playbill for the Cars and another for AC/DC with Humble Pie and some cheeky, cheesy girl posters. I looked at one and told Don 'That is so 80's!'..........sure enough 1984. He recognized the ski boots one with 'I used to see that one at Tommy's Ski Shop!'