Storage Auctions

Auction Scene #4...April, 2013

Offline MovieMan

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Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:28:25 PM »
If you live on the east coast it's ALMOST April Fools Day !

Have a good one and a good month of buying lockers and selling the goods inside !

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 09:35:08 PM »
Well I took off last Friday for some auctions since I can't make my 7 facility one this month.  I just wasted a vacation day.  First u-haul canceled, 2nd one only had 2 units (450 and 375).  Skipped the last U-haul to jump to another facility.  Two empty units and a total bust of a day.

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 03:00:30 PM »
Had two possible auctions today....until one was CANCELLED !

Second one had 8 lockers and crowd was decent. Some lockers were OK, but I could tell I wouldn't be estimates on what they would go for were very close and those prices were 2 to 3 times what I would have paid for them in order to make a profit.

One of them went to a regular, long-time buyer and I was surprised he went for it at $325. I would have paid $150 at the most. It was 10 wide by 5 deep with a few good items showing and not much else for even surprise potential.

Oh well, they keep on coming..quality and price notwithstanding. ;D

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2013, 09:02:22 PM »
One of them went to a regular, long-time buyer and I was surprised he went for it at $325. I would have paid $150 at the most. It was 10 wide by 5 deep with a few good items showing and not much else for even surprise potential.

I wonder if that long time buyer had that moment we all have when we bid and we think "Uh oh. I hope someone else jumps in to save me!" You know? When your heart sinks..

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 01:39:46 PM »
Crappy month here. Three sales so far. Canceled, canceled and one crappy unit. Bought for $150.00 by another regular. The manager wouldn't take any less than that. Nothing else until May. I've been doing some picking to help keep up inventory in the store.

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2013, 02:43:45 PM »
Crappy month here.

Same here. Went to 3 auctions today. First place had 6. One went for $250. I would have paid $100. Others not worth mentioning.

Second place had 6. All bad and prices were high for bad. Five x ten lockers with hardly anything in them went for $75 to $150.

Third place at 2 lkrs. Both bad. I didn't stay around to hear what the 2nd one went for.

There was a crowd of about 40 at the last two places. Six familiar faces. The others were newbies and I mean new. I didn't recognize any of them.


One of the regulars who started 9 years ago at same time I did usually buys about 8 lockers a month and he travels in a radius of about 80 miles, buying all over. He told me today he has bought ONE in the last four weeks. That should tell you something about the quality of the goods in my area.

Another regular of two years bought a big tool locker about six weeks ago and figures to break even...paid too much. His only other purchase was for $250 about 3 weeks ago and he said it was all trash.

Oh, well.  More auctions this month...maybe things will get better...or not.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2013, 03:36:02 PM »
I bought 4 units on the 1st and nothing since. This week was hot and heavy with the auctions. I went to 11 properties this week. Saw about 50 units.. there were 5 good units to bid on and they all went for ridiculous dollars. I've seen more no-sales this week than any other time. 4 no sales.. Tomorrow I've got 1 auction to go to.. Hope I can pick 1 up so I can have new stuff to sell this weekend..

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2013, 06:51:41 AM »

I'm back in the game. Bought my first locker of 2013...the first since mid-December, 2012.

It's a 10 x 30 for $130.  Don't get excited. It was one of those that had been picked over when the tenant moved out, but enough "good" stuff was left behind to make some profit.

The 13 lockers that were sold actually had some quantity and quality for a change and this was at a place not known for that.  The other lockers were decently priced too. One regular got a packed 10 x 15 for $700 and that seemed OK for what was seen.

Another 10 x 15 with good looking furniture and no smalls went for $750. It was a bidding war between two regulars and the guy who got it should have stopped. I think he will break even....could have dumped it on the other bidder at $700 but didn't use his head.

One 10 wide by 5 deep went for $450 with some beat up tools showing. I would have paid maybe $200 to make some money.

So, a couple of things for me and the rest for sale, and even though I enjoyed the cleanout (not yet done) it reminded me of the difference between lkrs and picking...I'm still going to concentrate on picking!

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2013, 04:05:46 PM »
Tax season is a monster. A good reason for lack of auctions in general is everyone paying up on their units due to the big check. Went to an auction yesterday in Florrence SC (an hour + drive for me). 5 Units, maybe 7 bidders. Bought a buisness type unit for $85. Large trash cans, a little bit of office furniture. Some 'Open' signs. The big ticket item seems to be one of those Poles for changing letters on signs, along with a ton of letters.

Every unit sold that day was somehow buisness related. One had nothing but gym machines. Would of loved to took a chance on it but was un-sure how it would move. The other units were full of filing cabinets and office chairs of some type. No unit went over $200. No more auctions here until next weekend.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2013, 08:10:58 PM »
Well today found me at my local small town location.  7 units were down to 4.  They put min bids on the units.  I ended up buying 3 of the 4.  Was only 3 people for the auction.  Myself, a new/old regular, and some couple I never saw.  One unit I already could say to have made money on.  Pulled out a pair of sapphire and diamond earings that my wife loved and is keeping.  I should make money on all of the units.

A 5th unit came up for auction.  It was one that the lady was suppose to be there at 11 to pay partial for in order for unit not to go up for auction.  Well we were done with the 4 units, was like 11:20 so they pulled her lock.  5 mattress/box spring, junk bed showing.  They pulled the large wood blocking view down and was 4 stacks of large vac packs w/ cloths, could see some furniture in back.  I offered $20, she wanted $25 so I said sure.  Turn around to put lock on door and a black lady comes running up.  She had the $300 partial payment for them.  Now at this point the unit is technically mine.  I could tell they (young ladies) were uncomfortable.  Of course the lady is pleading and begging -- that has her whoel house in there.  I said "shouldn't of told me that".  My "nice guy" complex kicked in.  I had the ladies give me back my $25 so they could make more money on the $300 from the lady.  I also avoid all of the drama I knew was about to unfold, plus I now have some good-will with the ladies for future auctions.

As a part-timer / hobby I can play the nice guy.  If did this for a liven it would of been give me the $300 and it's yours, or nope, sorry, come by the flea next weekend and you can buy your stuff back.

One of the ladies did come up to me later when I returned to start cleaning out unit to say thank you, and that they will not forget the goodwill.

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2013, 08:30:55 PM »

One of the ladies did come up to me later when I returned to start cleaning out unit to say thank you, and that they will not forget the goodwill.

The goodwill with the mgrs could easily be worth the $300 or more....not to mention just plain doing the right thing considering the time element involved of her showing up at the last minute (plus).

Wish I could go to an auction with total of 3 people. That hasn't happened to me for years. The place it did happen now has the usual crowds.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2013, 12:15:53 PM »
Ya Movieman I didn't really worry about the $300.  Caught a little flak from people but oh well.  As you said the timing was just to close and I try not to be a Azhat.

It's strange but for some reason even last time there was only 5 people at this auction.  Anywhere else, even 10 miles down the road finds dozen + for just 1 unit.  Granted the units are not known for high end stuff but that is why the prices are low.  That and it's a saturday so I'd think the newbies would be out.  I'll take it and cheer.

Update on the units - I'll have to make the money on the few furniture items out of the one unit.  Reason being - my wife and kids keep finding stuff they want to keep.  The cloths / sports unit has a bunch of GA Bulldog stuff in it.  Found those earrings in that unit.  Also just found some Wii games (kids keeping to play) and a DS lite that I hope works.  Other unit had a N64 (need to test) and a few games.  That I may keep to play some of my older games I love.

So keep wise I'm way ahead of the game IMO on a $90 investment.  Is going to cost me $20 in a trash run once done, a goodwill run, and more stuff for the church.  Flip side - have a vac, kids bike, tons of kids toys, a corner display cabinet ($100 or more), 2 bouncies, stroller, etc. all to sell.  May take a little time but can see a $200-$300 profit or more after expenses.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2013, 01:38:51 PM »
Checked my schedule this morning. More of the same Cancel, cancel. Looks like I either have to do some real traveling or find some really good picks for the first half of May as well.

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2013, 07:46:03 PM »
You know the units and auctions are bad when you have an auctioneer talk to you about all the garbage they are seeing. It's been few and far between for decent lockers and once they show up the bidding is crazy. I understand it though with regulars since they are trying to stock their shelves at the thrift stores. But I hope it starts turning around soon so more lockers are big, clean, neat and packed!! Is that wishing for too much? I think not!  ;).

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2013
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2013, 08:34:28 PM »
But I hope it starts turning around soon so more lockers are big, clean, neat and packed!!    

There's always HOPE !

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