Storage Auctions

Auction Scene #4...April, 2012

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #45 on: April 20, 2012, 06:12:34 AM »
Attending two auctions today, both usually have fairly decent units. Will let everyone know how it turns out.

 Called the facility that held the silent auction last Thursday to find out if any of the six units I had bid on were paid up by the my surprise none had been. I was expecting at least two or three to be paid up and unavailable....

As I could possibly be on the hook for all six (unlikely, but possible) I probably won't be as aggressive as usual today. Any unit that gets my bid will need to be exceptional.

Could be a very busy week coming up if all the stars align correctly!

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #46 on: April 20, 2012, 06:00:28 PM »
Ya Movieman - I've found it sort of sad that I have purchased as many lockers this year as you.  Even last year you were buying 2-3x more units then I.

The last unit Thursday of the caravan sucked for me.  Was a ok furniture unit but I didn't even really look into it.  The news crew was at this location also since the first locker was a complete bust.  I just got in my car and headed out.  Most of the regulars were a little upset with the TV coverage.  Going to hate to see how the auctions next month are.  Just as the crowds started to go down.

BTW - over 25 people waited around the 2.5 hrs between auctions for that 1 unit.  I went home and then hit that auctions as I was leaving town.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2012, 06:32:25 PM »
1st facility on Friday:

2 units, down from 6, 35 ~ 40 in attendance.

1st unit: Older model lawn tractor, MTD 42" flat tire, looked well used, large tool box, misc garden tools. Went for $900.

2nd unit: The only thing in this unit (12' X 20') was an outdoor patio chair.....actually two chairs with a table in the center with a hole for an umbrella ( all one piece) Looked to be black brushed aluminum. Went for $125.

These both seemed WAY overpriced and were bought by new folks.

2nd facility on Friday:

4 units, down from 8, 20 ~25 in attendance.

All 4 very similar "household" units...small furniture, cloths, boxes and totes and all went for between $600 & $900.

Went to 2 yard sales today with my trusty bookscouter APP and picked up 24 books for $6, they are already packed and ready to be shipped for a grand total sellback of $72.35.....I love this thing!

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2012, 10:00:00 AM »
Went to an auction this past Thursday. About 20-25 people in attendance which is low for this area (South-Central PA). 9 Units were up for grabs. Our storage space is currently pretty full so we were looking very specifically for a small furniture unit.

First unit had a pleather sectional and a stereo surround system. We have had luck with sales and quick turnaround on sofas so far so I was interested. Unit ended up selling for $300 which was above the $250 limit I had set.

The next 4-5 units all went for less than $100 and didn't have very high quality. I snagged one of them containing 4 pieces of furniture and not too much else. A black accent table, glass display case, entertainment center and a mini bar were the items of furniture. It was perfect for what we were looking for and very cheap. We figure to be able to get $40-80 for each piece of furniture.

The remaining units all had some furniture and other odds and ends and went between $100-200 (all reasonable prices). I liked the location and the crowd a lot. There was definitely room for profit in all the units today. We plan to return to this site each month and hopefully have additional space in the future.

btw. I jumped back between using I and we in this post. We is because it is 3 of us working together and I because I was the only one in attendance at the auction today. I'm glad to be posting and hope to remain active on this board going forward.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2012, 01:13:48 PM »
Two different auctions.  Don took the single facility and I hit the caravan.  Crowds were minimal in the beginning at both.  Don got the first locker of the day.  10X20 full of appliances, furniture and some sporting goods showing.  Paid $725.  Of course I'm suffering from some sort of elbow pain (see tendonitis......I think) so here we go......

The caravan started at one facility with 3 units.  First was just some canopy type stuff.  Supports and tarps and the like.  Went for $75.  Next was a 5X10 relatively full with an old chair and mattresses blocking most of the doorway.  there was a tool box sitting on a table that was visible, but not much else.  went for $350.  I was in it up to $225.  Third unit was a 10X20 half full of tools.  Welder, evaporative cooler, tool boxes.  It opened at $500 and ended at $1900.

Went to the next facility and our crowd more than doubled as the other auction had ended and they all flocked over.  While there Don called to say 'you're gonna kill me......there's a pool table in here.'  UGH......we'll either have to hire some young stud to help load or rent a box truck with a ramp. 
All the units at the second facility were pretty much garbage and went too high.

I'm at home now as I didn't want to waste the fuel to carry on with the caravan, but may end up at the one facility that I love!  Will have to see when Don rolls in and how much we have to unload.  Add in the fact that by the end of the last facility the crowd had soared to over 80? Just don't know if I feel like dealing with the masses~

Can't tell ya much on his unit as right now it's all being fed over the phone.  I know there's a side by side fridge (black....don't know make or condition yet), an upright freezer, a gas range (that will replace my piece of crap one), a pool table (with cues.  Asked if he had the balls....he laughed), paintball guns, a few NFL jerseys (of course one is a Jay Cutler (waahhhh) from when he was in Denver....tough sell), dining table with 6 chairs, washer & dryer (older), leather chair.............and that is all I can remember off the top o' my head.

Will post an update when I have time/more info~

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #50 on: April 25, 2012, 09:22:16 AM »
Where the update Rockin????  Want to know what all goodies you got.  Or maybe I need to check the other sections for post.

Going to miss the 2 auctions we have today due to work.  May be able to hit one of the two thursday but not sure.  Waiting to hear from some friends on how the crowds and units looked.

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #51 on: April 25, 2012, 09:38:00 AM »
Went to a single auction yesterday which had about 40 buyers....most of them newbies (and I mean NEW). The 5 or so who were regulars got a few but most went to the new people.

Prices somewhat reasonable but most lockers were crappy. Maybe 5 of the 15 lkrs sold went for $400 to $650 with some room for making money.  I didn't get one...wanted them cheaper.

Going to some auctions today...Wednesday, April 25, 2012.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #52 on: April 25, 2012, 10:06:01 AM »
Where the update Rockin????  Want to know what all goodies you got.  Or maybe I need to check the other sections for post.

Sorry craiglst~was busy sorting last night and hooking up a new computer (not out of a unit.....early relative) this morning.  I hate setting up and getting used to a new computer.  And the keyboard seems sooooo tiny.  Plan on numerous type-os~

We never went back to the unit yesterday.  I promise an update sometime in the near future.  This morning we're getting a Uhaul and bringing home the rest of the unit (still 3/4 full). 

Will let ya know.  7 Denver Bronco's jerseys~all past players, but in excellent cond.  I see a 'lot' sale on ebay.  Broncos hats & gloves.  The Larry Fitzgerald jersey is a Super Bowl one.  I may keep it seeing as my Vikes are threatening to leave.

Lots of video game items.  So far the only 'system' we've found is an Atari 5200 with about 10 games & 2 controllers (should be $50 on ebay IF it works).

Not a lot of personal items thus far.  A large sterling chain and a small one.  Hoping for more of that kind of stuff, but not likely from the looks of things.

Will try to update tonight~ 

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #53 on: April 25, 2012, 04:31:09 PM »
Went to one auction today (4/25/2012) and more than one person was commenting that “…just when you think things are going back to normal…you see this”.

OR as my dear old granny used  to say:

“Take me out and bury me decent”. The implication was that now she had seen everything and was ready to die.

Today I saw the worst of those two ideas above come true. This is a long post.

Five lockers; crowd of about 40…maybe 8 mixed newbies and NEW newbies.

First locker (the lkr owner was there and was going to get to bid). The manager with whom I am VERY friendly said he owed about $600 and had offered the manager over the phone $50 and then had upped it to $250. No go says the manager. This guy had treated the manager’s wife and staff very badly.

So, the guy told the manager “I’ll be there to bid on it and I’m sure I’ll get it for $50 or so." He drove 90 miles one way to do so.

So, the lkr goes for $650. That was fine for “revenge” on the manger’s part, but it set the mood for the day. That lkr (a 5 x 10) had one mattress set, one Dish receiver, maybe 5 boxes and a couple of other small pieces of furniture and a dresser…for $650? Holy cow!

AND the buyer was an experienced auction goer and flea seller !

Next one is a 10 x 10 packed all the way around. This one went for $900.  I would have liked it at about $400 or $500…nothing really showing. Lots of boxes and a chest on it’s side with a drawer missing.


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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #54 on: April 25, 2012, 04:34:51 PM »
Next a 5 x 10 that was white garbage bags and a couple of night stands showing…a tapered pile from 3 feet in to about 5 feet high at back….NOT MUCH THERE…went for $450 to a newbie.

Next a 10 x 10 and this is the CRÈME OF THE CROP. I would have gladly paid about $600 or so even though it looked like this.  On left and right only about 2 feet high from 3 feet in to the stack at the back which went to 7 feet and was left to right full. A U-shape but a shallow one.

A bright shiny upright Pachinko type machine and a race car style children’s plastic sit-in car were sitting atop two metal pickup truck tool boxes (contents unknown). In left rear corner some  totes topped off with three nice musical instrument cases (trumpet to sax size).

SO, not much in there, but I would have gone $600 or so.  Went for….wait for it….$1,800 to a regular buyer. Un-freakin-believable. All the regulars were aghast and several newbies fainted !

a 5 x 10 with one cheap wood shelf, 5 feet tall, two framed pics, some other small furn (2 pieces) and maybe two totes….$450.  


a 10 x 10 MOUND of stuff that looked thrown in….you guessed it…$650. I would have risked $150 just for the fun of going through it.

Now you can see why granny was right….”TAKE ME OUT AND BURY ME DECENT !”


6 HOURS after auction ended I went back over (1 mile from home) and found out there was a dispute over who had bid the $650 winning bid on the 10 x 10 MOUND. They started again at that price and it finally sold for $875.

My granny is turning over in her grave.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2012, 07:50:01 PM »
Ouch Movieman - that just makes me cringe thinking about it.  My 5x10 filled in a ramp fashion with tons of dirt/dust I snagged for $25.  I couldn't see paying $450 or even $150 for it.  I have seen some of what you described on/off in this part.  So don't know if some of the excitement has died down, people ran out of money, or what.  I'm going to try and hit one of the two auctions Thursday.  Will let you know how it looks.

Rockin - very nice unit it sounds like.  I sold my Atari games for $20+ in two different lots.  Looking for more as there seems to be a decent market out there for them.  I think you hit one of your upper limit lockers in this unit.  Gratz.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2012, 10:12:55 PM »
Daughter and I had a garage sale earlier this month. leftovers from my huge unit in Nov. Tons of clothes from that 1. ran to another unit and grabbed that, added to garage sale that day.
Found a new Flea site advertising Free set up until further notice... Now do we set up there or Hit the 2 diff auctions.
1st auction in a very small town 29 units 8 AM owner wants $500 clean up fee and be out by 7PM. the 500 and 7pm seems unreasonable to me in such a small town but it is what it is.
2nd auction is 10 am in my town AND not far from the new Flea. 4 units. private owner does the auction himself. no added fees no rush rush to get it clean.
Decisions decisions.  :-\

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2012, 07:51:17 PM »
Next a 5 x 10 that was white garbage bags and a couple of night stands showing…a tapered pile from 3 feet in to about 5 feet high at back….NOT MUCH THERE…went for $450 to a newbie.

Next a 10 x 10 and this is the CRÈME OF THE CROP. I would have gladly paid about $600 or so even though it looked like this.  On left and right only about 2 feet high from 3 feet in to the stack at the back which went to 7 feet and was left to right full. A U-shape but a shallow one.

A bright shiny upright Pachinko type machine and a race car style children’s plastic sit-in car were sitting atop two metal pickup truck tool boxes (contents unknown). In left rear corner some  totes topped off with three nice musical instrument cases (trumpet to sax size).

SO, not much in there, but I would have gone $600 or so.  Went for….wait for it….$1,800 to a regular buyer. Un-freakin-believable. All the regulars were aghast and several newbies fainted !

a 5 x 10 with one cheap wood shelf, 5 feet tall, two framed pics, some other small furn (2 pieces) and maybe two totes….$450.  


a 10 x 10 MOUND of stuff that looked thrown in….you guessed it…$650. I would have risked $150 just for the fun of going through it.

Now you can see why granny was right….”TAKE ME OUT AND BURY ME DECENT !”


6 HOURS after auction ended I went back over (1 mile from home) and found out there was a dispute over who had bid the $650 winning bid on the 10 x 10 MOUND. They started again at that price and it finally sold for $875.

My granny is turning over in her grave.


We are starting to see a small but noticable down tick in newbies coming to the auctions. Most of the December to February crowd is gone. Now the new newbies aren't any better at valueing units as the old newbies, so the $25-$100 units are still going for $200-$400, but I have seen a noticable decrease in units going in the $500-$1000 range. One thing I have noticed is the old regulars are starting to jump on any unit that looks really good. I am beginning to get the sense that if this is a permenent trend downward in newbies getting into the business, then all the old regulars are going to keep the prices releatively high on better units for a few months as they restock and try to rebuild their business model from whatever loses they suffered during the "Storage Wars fad". I have also moticed that the new crop of newbies for the most part do not bring flashlights with them. I remember 1-1/2 years ago EVERY newbie had a big A$$ spot light flashlight. I wonder if the information, tricks of the trade, whatever you want to call it is being lost on the new people looking to try storage auctions out.

Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2012, 08:09:44 PM »
Well I didn't get to the auctions today.  I was 10 mins from heading out the door for lunch when was "invited" to a meeting.  I just wanted to scream, in the middle of lunch also.

We keep recycling most of our newbies I think Cobia.  One of the regular newbies from Oct that I had thought quit came back for 1 auction previous saturday.  Not seen him since again so think he is mostly done.  Saw a bunch of new faces last week that I didn't know.  Some of the old regulars knew them so they may be new, returned regulars, or something.

As for the regulars jumping on any decent units - for a few weeks here all the old regulars were fighing each other for units.  I think between tax season sales, low # of units, etc. the inventory for many of them has gotten low.

Thank goodness the yard sales are back.

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Re: Auction Scene #4...April, 2012
« Reply #59 on: April 26, 2012, 10:51:20 PM »
Went to two auctions today.  At first one there were 5 lkrs. I got one (10 x 15) for $825.  Would have had it at $525 but a damn newbie jumped in and took a while to take him out.

A good locker. Saw a Harley Davidson lamp that was a clue as well as a Harley Helmet. Turned out a lot of Harley memorabilia in there including a lot of Harley Franklin Mint knives...$25 each adds up. Lot of other knives too including a couple of Kabars (non-military).

First tally looks like it will bring in about $1800 so a grand or so profit will work for me. More big stuff than I like, but they all seem to have some of that !


Other fellow got a 10 x 20 for $1700. Showing 3 nice saddles, riding lawn mower, etc.  He'll do well.

Third fellow got 2. One 10 x10 for $175 (a bargain) and a 10 x 20 about half full for $575...also a bargain.


Next place had 5 lkrs. Three of them were same owner and the same buyer got all three at $900, $2700 and $900. It was a full household and he should do well, but a LOT of big furn and a nice looking 8 foot square spa sitting on its side.


Cobia...your assesment above seems right to me. Hoping it is.

Auction Scene #4...April, 2013

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Auction Scene #4....April, 2014

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Auction Scene #5...May, 2012

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Auction Scene #12...December, 2012

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