Storage Auctions

Bought Five Units Today.

Bought Five Units Today.
« on: January 17, 2011, 08:26:42 PM »
Went on a "run" today.  Ended up buying five units from three different facilities.  Not exactly sure what I have yet, didn't really have time to go through much.  I did get an entire Sauna in one of them, complete cedar enclosure and heater.  I also got a stackable washer and dryer, and a nice couch, and a bunch of copy machines.  I won't know much for a day or two, but it was fun anyway!

Offline Drew

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Re: Bought Five Units Today.
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2011, 05:50:14 AM »
Sounds like a good day let us know how it turns out

Re: Bought Five Units Today.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 06:21:59 AM »
Wow!  That's a lot!  Do you normally hire people to help you haul it?  Just curious.  Because I normally work by myself or my husband helps sometimes.  I've even hired guys from the auction to help.  Healthe

Re: Bought Five Units Today.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 02:55:31 PM »
Sounds good.
Keep up the good work.
And let us know what you find.

Re: Bought Five Units Today.
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 09:34:39 PM »
Wow!  That's a lot!  Do you normally hire people to help you haul it?  Just curious.  Because I normally work by myself or my husband helps sometimes.  I've even hired guys from the auction to help.  Healthe

I usually have at least one helper, just makes is easier and having someone to talk to and help out makes the day go faster.  Today is a good sample day on how I get this stuff moved:

First, I got up at 4:30 am this morning.  I went over and picked up a friend at 6:00 am, and drove an hour to the first unit I bought yesterday.  Perfect timing.....I got there two minutes after the facility opened!  I loaded that unit into my trailer, and headed over to the second location.  I got that unit loaded up, then went to a couple of auctions in Seattle.  I didn't buy anything today, all I saw was junk and the two locations only had a total of five units.  After the auctions were over, we headed to my shop and unloaded my trailer.  My first friend had to leave, so another friend showed up and we went to the facility where I purchased the other three units and got them all loaded into my trailer.  While I was there ran into a guy that bought a companion unit to one I bought and he had the extra chair I was missing!  Cool!  Anyway, paid the second guy 40 bucks for helping out, got all my units cleaned out today, and I'm ready for more auctions tomorrow!  Oh, and I got home around 6:45 this evening, so it was a long day.

Now, all this stuff is sitting in my shop, and I will evaluate it as soon as I get time.  I think I will do well just looking at some of the larger items, but won't really know for sure until I have the time to thoroughly dig through it.

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