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Best locker in my life (so far)

Best locker in my life (so far)
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:54:54 AM »
How can i share this with you guy's? hmmmm.

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today i won a locker for $225.00 and it was a 5x5 packed from the bottom to the top.
I have only opened 3 boxes out of a total of 12 + there is a few plastic containers i have not opened.

But let me tell you guys, this is the fricken best 225.00 dollars i have ever spent in my life.

From the 3 boxes i have opened i have  so far found over 7lbs of sterling silver, a collection of beanie babies (34 in total) MINT condition, i have found gun related stuff, i have found casino chips with face value of $300.00 but they are beeing sold on ebay for 3-4 times the face value, i have found eminence loudspeakers, i have found 122 original VHS tapes in mint condition, i have found tools, i have found ammo for a ruger 9mm. i have found a brand new portable stove.

And i can only wonder what is in the rest of the boxes. I know for sure, since i have to go there tomorrow and clean out the unit, i will not sleep for one second tonight.

PPics of my findings will be posted shortly.

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Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2011, 06:50:24 AM »
Great Mr. A !

Wondered where you had been as you haven't been in forums for a couple of days !

The gun related stuff is a good sign. I found a bunch of holsters and other leather goods which are going well.
One word on the mint Beanie Babies though. I can't get a $1 each for them. The bears are the most popular I think and if they have angels wings might get $2.  Anymore I take them out once and if they don't go, its straight to Goodwill or Salvation Army.

Unfortunately, in my area anyway, the VHS tapes would have to be solid gold to be worth anything. I get $3 for DVDs. Guys take out 200 VHS and sell them for $.50 each and then repack the remaining 195 for next time.

The casino chips can be a money maker. Maybe you read my story about the one that sold for $14K. It was from the Landmark...the first imploded casino.

You have some great box opening coming up!

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2011, 07:06:03 AM »
Wow, congrats! I know I'm anxiously waiting to hear what the rest holds :)

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2011, 07:39:50 AM »
SCORE!!!! Good one Mr. A!!! Where are you located? Tell me in the ATL area!!!

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2011, 07:47:26 AM »
SCORE!!!! Good one Mr. A!!! Where are you located? Tell me in the ATL area!!!

I am located in Memphis,TN.

Yeah this was a score, just the silver it self is $3500.00 with today's prices.

When it comes to VHS tapes and beanie babies, i am a collector, i have contact with other collectors, so selling beanie babies for their collectors value, 5-20 dollars is not hard. VHS tapes in mint condition i can get anywhere between 3 and 7 dollars for. But it has to be the right titles and in very good condition.

And as we all know when it comes to collectors stuff, it goes up and down. In 2-3 years from now you get a new collectors boom on lets say beanie babies, i have the time to sit on them if they don't sell for what i want for them. So i just sell them later at the next boom.

Beeing a collector is always a long term thing. My lockers is diveded into to two parts, things i can sell to pay for the unit and get my money back, + selling the collectbles. Typical collectors stuff i either keep or sell to fellow collectors. If that happends today or tomorrow or next year is not importent.

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2011, 07:53:51 AM »
When it comes to VHS tapes and beanie babies, i am a collector, i have contact with other collectors, so selling beanie babies for their collectors value, 5-20 dollars is not hard. VHS tapes in mint condition i can get anywhere between 3 and 7 dollars for. But it has to be the right titles and in very good condition.

I found a bajillion in my units. A lot of them are still sealed. Including many, many Disney ones. Let me know if there's anything in particular you're looking for. I'm willing to part with them. I know there are still a bunch in there that I haven't brought home yet.

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Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2011, 09:32:28 AM »
Awesome! Let us know what the rest of the boxes have in them!!

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2011, 09:51:56 AM »

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Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2011, 12:18:33 PM »
Awesome sounds like a good unit.

A tip on the beanie babies, I remember they used to be popular, now its tough to get rid of them. My tip would be sell as a lot. If you sell individually a handful will sell and you'll be stuck with the rest, if you sell as a lot someone will buy for the good ones and be forced to take the rest.

I recently bought a unit that was a tanning salon that went out of business. Got a couple beds, boxes of lotion which goes for a pretty penny on ebay though I wound up taking it to a salon a gf of mine works at and selling it to the owner for a good price but apparently this tanning salon also sold beanie babies so I got probably about 150 beanie babies. I tried selling on ebay and didn't have much luck so saw someone in the paper buying them. They were offering 40 cents per beanie baby and didn't really care which ones they were.

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2011, 03:41:29 PM »
This locker sounds just like EVERY one of the lockers that all of the guys on Storage Wars and Auction Hunters buy!!  LMAO

Did you film the trip to your appraiser for your B Roll for when you apply for the show?  haha

Just being cynical...sorry...great to hear you got a strong locker.....I think I'm just stating the obvious when I say we all know it looks so much easier and more profitable on the shows.

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2011, 07:56:50 PM »
Sounds like a good one. Think you'll ever have another one like it?

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2011, 10:17:02 PM »
It was a real killer locker.

I have now had time to go 90% thru it.
And on top of what i have already listed here is some more goodies for you guys.

8 cellphones
A sterling silver flask
Brand new unopend 5pc set of sterling silver tea and coffe set. (retail value in 1997 when this is from $1200)
4 brand new leather jackets (men) + 2 brand new jeans jacket (men)
Visions cook set from 1987 still in the original box ( never used)
2 gold rings ( one 10K + one 14K)
1 35mm camera + 1 digital camera
a 2 dollar bill from 1976
48 dollars in canadian money
4 new gangster style hats
21 brand new NFL/NBA hats
Wexford cake plater set (expensive back in the day)
One pair of Levis 560
24 PC games, mostly slots and poker.

On the bad side so far:
5 garbage bags of clothing taken to goodwill
one busted stereo amp
one busted stereo rack
tons of old bills and private mail
a box of old crackers

Well after all it was good, but i did not find the gun. DAMN!

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2011, 10:21:18 PM »
Sounds like a good one. Think you'll ever have another one like it?

Ohh for sure, maybe not the same things, but a locker even better then this will come along.

Re: Best locker in my life (so far)
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2011, 10:27:34 PM »
This locker sounds just like EVERY one of the lockers that all of the guys on Storage Wars and Auction Hunters buy!!  LMAO

Did you film the trip to your appraiser for your B Roll for when you apply for the show?  haha

Just being cynical...sorry...great to hear you got a strong locker.....I think I'm just stating the obvious when I say we all know it looks so much easier and more profitable on the shows.

You know, i wish someone had filmed it, according to my wife, i have been totally different the last few days, and i have been running around trying to get things done. LOL

This unit makes the 400 other tragic units just poff go away, they are now forgotten. LOL
Memphis is a hard place to get a good locker, so when you first get one, you hold on to it. Memphis is a town with 2 sides, those who are poor or those who are loaded and filthy rich. Very little inbetween.  And it is easy to see who rents the units here in this town. The rich people do not rent or mess up their payments if they have one. So in memphis you have tons of low income lockers.

If you travel 2 hours east, to Nashville, it changes, there you have a bigger part of population who are in the middleclass, so the lockers are better, but then again more expensive to bid on.

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