Storage Auctions

Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:

Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:
« on: August 24, 2011, 04:40:40 PM »
I went to storage auction  in Valley area with friend of mine,there were about 45 people there waiting for auctioneer to arrive,we thought no chance we can get smth for decent price, here an auction started,
first unit opened up- 5" by 5",almost empty-2 garbage bags full of misc and cloth scattered on the floor,I got it for $10,second unit was full of file boxes with someone's else papers/newspapers,there were like 30 boxes,no one wanted it I got it for $1.
Third unit  opened up and again -hardly anything - 3 rubbermaid containers,2 were full of books,1 was closed with the lid,$25 got me that one.
Fourth unit was hoarder's  5" by 5" locker with garbage bags ,full of visible trash-$10 was our  winning bid ,by now people start kind of making jokes how stupid those folks are to haul away someone's else trash.
Fifth unit got everyone's interest-10" by 15" ,1/3 full: few tool boxes ,2 bicycles, 15 plastic containers,speakers,at least 10 electronic devices:dvd ,tv,vhs players,amps,set of yamaha drums ,plenty od cables,cheap mirror ,misc kitchen gadgets,antique French nightstand and what not,the bidding went all the way to 725,going once ,twice, I jumped in ,raised hand ,got it for $750.
We paid up and went to sort through all of it.Next topic I will share the results,keep tuned!

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Re: Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2011, 05:24:36 PM »
Awesome, sounds like you have a lot of sorting to do lol hopefully make some decent money.

This wasn't the case with your auction since the units for the most part were things nobody wanted but just wanted to make a point about buying every unit at an auction or even every unit on the circuit for the day.

Some people may disagree with me and say may the best man win but in my area there's kind of an unspoken rule that once you get 2, 3, 4  units go home for the day. It's kind of bad form to buy up everything the whole day. In m y area you do that and get people pissed off and then you have no just one but several people running prices up on you from then on and it becomes the crowd against you.

Your situation was not like this but it reminded me of this scenario and figured I'd mention it.

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Re: Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2011, 07:38:31 PM »
let us know if you find anything good

Offline ChefJ

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Re: Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2011, 09:33:23 PM »
sounds like th storage facility would love you down here.  Lockers full of Georgia suitcases get shut back up as soon as we see them with no bids.  Good luck on your lockers.

Re: Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2011, 10:50:43 PM »
Congrats.Let us know.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Bought all lockers in the same facility-the finds:
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2011, 07:38:21 AM »
I like your style, I have thought about what it would be like to buy all the units at auction in one day, but I am just to conservative a bidder I think.

I agree with rules, if all or most of the units were good, you would have just put a big bull's eye on your back for every other auction, but since most of them were "trash", you're off the hook for now.

I'm reminded of the most pissed off another bidder has been at me. Big nice unit, dropped a lot of money? Nope, a small nothing unit I got for $16. He was sooo mad I jumped his bid of $15! LOL

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