Storage Auctions

bought my first 2 units...

bought my first 2 units...
« on: November 20, 2011, 10:05:36 AM »
While not a total noob at auctions/treasure hunting(I've been a yard saler and thrift store junkie since I was 16 and had my own money) I finally started attending storage auctions about 5 months ago, just to get a feel for it.  Yesterday my wife went with me for the first time and we bought our first 2 units.  Both units were 5x10s and while I wouldn't say we hit the jackpot, I believe we fared pretty well.  Unit #1 We got for $50.  It was a bunch of bags of clothes and what looked to be flatbed diesel straps, and in the front corner were 2 compound bows. I'm no outdoorsman but they're all over the place where I live so I figured it'd be worth the gamble to see about the straps and whatever was underneath the clothes bags. My wife and I talked it over and we said we'd go $75 on it, so I felt really good about getting it at $50.  The first bow was a Jennings OneStar XLR, but one of the limbs is busted, the other is a vintage Bear AMO.  The Jennings is a hard find now so people are looking for parts for them regular, I'll probably make my money back on it alone.  The straps were actually a complete lineman's tool kit. . .  lanyards, pole climbing gear, tool bags,  the whole 9 yards.  Inside a bag of clothes I found a pair of Wick briarproof overalls. Wick is out of business, but their stuff still goes pretty high because it's good quality, the only pair I found on ebay went for $51.

Unit #2 we got for $60.  My wife wanted 2 chairs from the unit, it had an old wooden flip top chest in it, and more bagged clothes. Most of the clothes from this unit are name brand stuff (American Eagle, Abercrombie, Old Navy, Aeropostale, etc.)

In total we ended  up with like 23 garbage bags full of clothes but I'll happily have a yardsale/donate, just for the good stuff we got.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: bought my first 2 units...
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2011, 05:24:11 PM »
Sounds like you did really good... Welcome to the forum... There was a recent thread on the threads you get out of units. Sounds like you are aware of the monitory value there..

Good luck

Those prices are really great.. Too.  :D

Re: bought my first 2 units...
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2011, 07:40:14 PM »

Re: bought my first 2 units...
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2011, 10:14:20 PM »
Thank you both.

Well, I dug a little further and sorted all the clothes. Took me and my wife about 8 hours to sort through clothes.  It was overwhelming at how many different sizes and ages the clothes all cover... newborns up to the older folks lol.  Underneath all the clothes was 2 pairs of pole/tree climbing gaffs, and the entire toolkit, belts lanyards and all.  Retail on this stuff is ridiculous, all name brand.  I think I can get a good price for it all used, will try to get pics up tomorrow. Underneath the clothes in the other corner was a 36 piece set of Churchill England Blue Willow china.  12-10" plates, 12- saucers, 12- cups.

My first unit ever, $50 has proved fruitful.  Now to find buyers ;)

Offline money4nothing

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Re: bought my first 2 units...
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2011, 05:05:16 AM »
The Blue willow plates a nice find... Even if reproductions can bring you some money.. My husband had to have a set. We found one for $45 or $50 I think been a while... They are a reproduction but he was happy.

The clothes do take time, but I feel worth it get every penny.. Our 1st Locker was $30.00. We have tripled our money on it..Mainly Kids clothes, we did find a laundry basket of dirty smelly clothes Nasty...  :)
We sorted and I did wash some mainly for the smell. I still have 5 containers left of the kid stuff. Thinking about going back through it and seeing if I can put small lots together for ebay.
I thought I had separated the sizes pretty good, Well on yard sale day spent a lot of time looking for sizes LOL
Most of the clothing was summer stuff and it was cold the day of yard sale... go figure... We are in Fl. So not cold very often LOL
Glad you found some goodies that sound like they will pay for your lockers and the rest is gravy.

Re: bought my first 2 units...
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 04:04:24 PM »
Well, its taken me a while to get back with updates and still no pics. I've been too busy selling the stuff that was in the $50 locker, sorting clothes and getting ready for a yard sale and working my regular job, I haven't had time for much.

The updates though, sold a pair of greenlee ratchet cable cutters and a safety harness for $200 and the climbing gear for $100.  total profit on the first unit is $250 so far minus 60 for the second unit of yardsale items...$190 not bad. And still trying to sell the china, but i have prospective buyers on it and the hunting stuff as well

Bought my first units!

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