Storage Auctions

dishonest auctioneer!

dishonest auctioneer!
« on: October 20, 2011, 09:37:57 PM »
I went to an auction here in Missouri and could not believe it when i seen the auctioneer walk into a locker and announce to the crowd that it was snap on tools in the locker.  It was a private owner of four locations. By the 2nd location you can tell that the lockers were picked over and the owner was selling whats left of what he didn't want.  There were 24 lockers and not one tv, stove, refigerator, or washer and dryer.  six of the lockers had just bed matresses in them.  I would not recommend going to the Safe Lock Storage auction.

Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 10:22:50 PM »
Thanks for the warning.

Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2011, 11:16:07 AM »
Hmm - that would sound fishy to me.  I can see walking into the unit.  We have a facility here that allows us to walk in.  But to not see at least one washer/dryer out of 2 dozen unit is a stretch.  Sounds like they may of taken all the metal and such out.  Did any of the units have alot of dust?  Is the floor clean but the other items really dusty.  That can be a tip off.

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Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2011, 01:58:55 PM »
I would think that they would have a hard time picking over the lockers. The locker owner could show up 5 mins before the auction and pay it off. If things are missing from their locker someone would have some explaining  to do.

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Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2011, 07:19:36 PM »
You learn which ones to stay away from fast!

Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2011, 06:09:24 PM »
I would think that they would have a hard time picking over the lockers. The locker owner could show up 5 mins before the auction and pay it off. If things are missing from their locker someone would have some explaining  to do.

I think they hide the cherry picked items the night before the auction and risk it. Most people who are really trying to get the payments in call, and try and try to come to an arrangement. Those likely to not show up at all never call or return a call or a letter.

That is why I have an issue with pre-cut locks. They no longer keep the  honest people honest when they are gone.

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Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2011, 05:32:56 AM »
I would think that they would have a hard time picking over the lockers. The locker owner could show up 5 mins before the auction and pay it off. If things are missing from their locker someone would have some explaining  to do.
Sounds reasonable but what if the owner of the storage waits six months before putting up the unit for Auction he/she could feel pretty confident they are not going to run in and pay up. His/her loss of rent money, but maybe he/she is not packed out.
We went to a local storage place to ask when they do their auctions and they had more empty than rented.

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Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2011, 08:43:52 AM »
 We were at an auction several years ago and one of the bidders started asking us questions about them , and stated that He was here with enough cash to win his friends locker for Him ,as He was in jail  as it had a full Snap on roll a way in it .                                                                                                                 It was a 10 X 20 packed full , and when they cut the lock , His face went white , as there was an obvious empty space right in front of the door .
  He did win it , and was going to go straight to the police station and file a complaint .
We never heard any more , and refuse to  go to any auctions at any  " Older ,  Single Owner Storage Locker's "  located in " The Gateway To Cape Cod " .

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Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2011, 09:52:37 AM »
I went to one of those auctions in Idaho this year where the auctioneer was in the unit showing what was inside the unit. I bought both of them for 125.00 each got some great stuff. We asked the actioneer why he was in the unit showing the goods to the crowd. His response was people up hjer have never seen this type of auction before and we didnt whant them in the unit touching stuff thinking it was a yard sale. The crowd was amazed and was asking me if I goto these types of auctions  alot. The auction was held in the small town of malaad Idaho. Very,very,very small town.

What a dishonest move!

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