Storage Auctions

Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill

Offline MTP

Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« on: May 02, 2013, 08:41:50 PM »
We all hear the stories and we all have seen units that somehow don't 'look right'.

Honestly I am sure it happens, but it is rather rare.
Here in this area people pay up to the moment of the auction ALL THE TIME.

The risk of the thieves getting caught is way too high.
If a unit looks picked over, it likely was before the owner got locked out.

One manager told me 'all proud' that she really tries helping the tenants going as far as letting them in and get their good stuff out even MONTHS after they became delinquent. What a moronic move ... what intention do the tenants have now to pay up if all the goodies are rescued?

I still go to that facility but bid with real caution, if at all.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 08:45:40 PM »
Here in this area people pay up to the moment of the auction ALL THE TIME.

What STATE are you in?

Offline MTP

Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 09:00:41 PM »
Central Valley, Sac Metro and some East Bay so far.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 09:02:53 PM »
Central Valley, Sac Metro and some East Bay so far.

Welcome to the forum. You'll run into some familiar scenarios from all of those locations if you browse or search enough. Strangely though (considering how large our state is) there are surprisingly few posters here who identify themselves as being from the golden state.

Offline MTP

Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 09:07:12 PM »

Staying on the Down Low... lol....
I hardly tell anybody what I do.

When people ask where I get my stuff from I tell them: I help property owners get rid of abandoned personal property.
Pretty true, but 99% assume I clean out foreclosed homes. Works well and I don't give any potential newbee funny ideas.

That being said I am a newbee myself. Looked into it 6-7 years ago but no time and other opportunities kept me from it. Bought a couple units right before the TV shows came out, but never did much with the stuff. Same there, just too busy working my regular biz I had back then.

Then 2 years ago I figured I take a look, had a small resell store, but the unit prices due to TV were as expected way high.

Started in Nov/Dec of 2012 and still learning.
Buying is easy, a drunk monkey on a bike can do it.
Selling and turning it into cash flow can be a %$%$%...

But I am learning every day and I think I am on the right track.

Offline alloro

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Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 09:31:23 AM »

Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2013, 07:35:40 PM »
The big secret to being successful is only bidding on what you see and being patient. I'm not afraid to go anywhere because I'm very strict and stick to my game plan. The manager can go in there and pick out what they want.. Doesn't bother me.. because I only bid on what I can see anyway. If I don't see it, I don't bid.

Offline ncali

Re: Facility Managers stealing stuff.... the Rumor Mill
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2013, 12:20:26 AM »
One manager told me 'all proud' that she really tries helping the tenants going as far as letting them in and get their good stuff out even MONTHS after they became delinquent.

    Or the storage Managers are going through delinquent and reselling the stuff on E-bay classifieds.....Same story , same neighborhood , as the thread I started a month or so ago,......Hummmmmm

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