Storage Auctions

FINALLY Bought My First Unit

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2012, 06:50:51 AM »
Hmm - if it was still in the unit when I got that offer I'd of taken it.  That way I make a quick sale, don't have to move the heavy stuff, and ready for the next auction.

Now - If I had already moved it all out from the unit to my location, I would either pass or do a counter offer so that I keep the items I wanted (shelves).

It all depends on how much time and space you have.  I've sat on inventory for months before it's sold.  Wasn't an issue as I had plenty of space.  When I'm low on space the inventory gets rotated much faster.  Example: cloths get donated to Goodwill more often then not.  I have dozen of totes with jeans, baby cloths, etc. in them.  If they don't generate some interest and sales this Saturday I very well may just give it all to Goodwill.

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2012, 01:53:38 PM »
Hmm - if it was still in the unit when I got that offer I'd of taken it.  That way I make a quick sale, don't have to move the heavy stuff, and ready for the next auction.

Now - If I had already moved it all out from the unit to my location, I would either pass or do a counter offer so that I keep the items I wanted (shelves).

It all depends on how much time and space you have.  I've sat on inventory for months before it's sold.  Wasn't an issue as I had plenty of space.  When I'm low on space the inventory gets rotated much faster.  Example: cloths get donated to Goodwill more often then not.  I have dozen of totes with jeans, baby cloths, etc. in them.  If they don't generate some interest and sales this Saturday I very well may just give it all to Goodwill.

I had already moved it when I got the he was wanting me to deliver.  I counter offered with $1200 for it all but he was stuck on $800.  He was simply trying to low ball me.  It is a "friend" of mine and if he didnt know what I paid for the unit, then he would have probably given me $1200 for it.  Some reason people just hate the fact that somone is making money.  I shouldn't have told him what I paid for it, and definitely learned a lesson on that. 

I am treating this as a hobby, so will never HAVE to sell anything.  I don't get caught up on the return on how much I bought unit for.  But rather what % of retail that I can get for it. 

I am storing it in my garage so its not costing me any extra to store it.  The only problem is if I buy another unit at a great deal, then I will be in a little trouble.  But I have several plans for that. 

Offline money4nothing

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Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2012, 05:30:15 PM »

I had already moved it when I got the he was wanting me to deliver.  I counter offered with $1200 for it all but he was stuck on $800.  He was simply trying to low ball me.  It is a "friend" of mine and if he didnt know what I paid for the unit, then he would have probably given me $1200 for it.  Some reason people just hate the fact that somone is making money.  I shouldn't have told him what I paid for it, and definitely learned a lesson on that.  

He wants your labor for free. (finding auction, going bidding, loading, unloading, cleaning) and then to reload and deliver.  ::) Price just got higher..  ;)

I am storing it in my garage so its not costing me any extra to store it.  The only problem is if I buy another unit at a great deal, then I will be in a little trouble.  But I have several plans for that.  

We have all been there I can pack really well sometime too good... Forget what is stacked under that excreta  but like digging through another storage unit.  :D

FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!

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