Storage Auctions

FINALLY Bought My First Unit

FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« on: April 10, 2012, 02:21:27 PM »
Just got through with auction and pretty pumped about the first unit that I won.  Can't wait to get off of work, so I can go through it entirely. 

I think I might be able to either double or triple my money fairly quickly, but still have to find out exactly what everything is worth. (hopefully I find out it's worth a lot more than my unprofessional opinion)

From the moment the unit was opened, you could tell it was a business unit.  Turns out it was a fast food restaurant.

Neon light (new in box)
5-6 Heavy duty metal shelving (new in box)
Three tier metal single locker (new in box)
Two Restaurant Lights (new in box)
lots of tile (some new in box)

These are the things that I can remember right now.  I know I am leaving stuff off, but just wanted to start this thread and I will update (hopefully with pictures) soon. 

I am new (obviously by being my first unit) so any and all opinions are welcomed. 

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 06:08:14 AM »
Welcome and gratz ru.  Pictures would be nice, but so would what the auction scene looked like.  How many people, prices for units, etc.  We have a thread dedicated to that type of info if you would post in there.

How much did you pay for this unit?  Restaurant equipment can be big money - but may take time to get rid of it all.  The shelving and items like that you can sell via CL to someone redoing their shop, opening up a store, etc.  I've sold a number of cloths racks to vendors at my local flea for example.  The lights may be harder to sell, never tried that.  Tile is hit or miss.  If it's a popular brand, color, and design it's pretty easy.  If it's some funky color or design that isn't going to match many home decor it's a harder sell.

Good luck.

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2012, 09:39:59 AM »
Sorry for leaving some key information out in first post, I was just excited and wanted to get some thoughts from you guys. 

Auction was a caravan auction and I picked up about middle way through.  Crowds have been usually 40-50 people at these sites, but there werent many units that day, so only about 15-20 that day.  First 4 units (that I saw) went for average of $300, all these were 10x10 with lots of trash and no quality (IMO).  The next stop there was only one unit, and it was a decent drive so there were about 10 of us that showed up for it.  I thought I was going to get it for $50, but ended up getting it for $170 (amazing price to me, and couldnt believe it)

Everything is pretty much what I thought was in unit, although I did find two additional stainless steel sinks (new of course).  Looked them up on Mfg website and they retail straight from them at $1200 each.  I know I will be lucky to get rid of them for anywhere remotely close to that, but you never know. 

Will keep updating as I find out more and actually sell some of the stuff. 

Having trouble posting pictures.  But I will keep trying.

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2012, 11:18:44 PM »

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 01:45:02 PM »

I still cant figure out how to post pictures.  Help!!

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 02:47:04 PM »

I still cant figure out how to post pictures.  Help!!

Well the following worked for me....of course I stumbled upon how to do it and explaining it is quite difficult, but perhaps you can start here and muddle your way through.
You have to have your pics hosted somewhere online (mine are at the Kodak Gallery).  Open both windows.  Click on the 2nd icon, lower left above (the one that looks like a pic).  You should then see two sets of bracketed letters (img).  Open the picture then right click on it.  You'll have numerous options.  Click 'view image info' and you should be given a link.  Right click that link and copy it.  Insert that between the brackets and it should show up.
Somebody needs to develop a photo posting guideline that even I can read and understand......would make life so much easier~

Good luck~

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2012, 03:44:12 PM »

Finally got around to getting pictures.  And hopefully they are viewable now. 

Let me know you guys thoughts.  Thanks for looking.

Offline bowie

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2012, 06:01:57 PM »
Nice unit!
But I would have a VERY hard time letting those metal shelves go! :D

Offline money4nothing

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Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2012, 05:44:24 AM »
Nice unit!
But I would have a VERY hard time letting those metal shelves go! :D


Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2012, 09:10:41 AM »
Nice looking unit there.  The shelves as others said would be hard to sell.  I could do it since already have a bunch of shelving in my sheds but those are very nice.  Everything else would be on CL or going to an equipment auction.

The toner in the back part of the shed if new can be sold on ebay.  If it's been used turn it in to staples, office max, etc.  Each of them have a buy-back policy.  I do this with all the printer's that I get to scrap.  That way I get free or almost free ink for my printer.  There is a limit each month.

Offline alab

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2012, 10:18:29 AM »
I first want to tell you congrats on your purchase!!!!

I had bought a similiar unit a couple of months also had office furniture, shelves, office stuff etc. Had I not bought multiple units at that auction the day would have been a total loss. Hopefully the market is better where you are at but here in CA. no one is buying office furniture and know one is buying used kitchen equip for a new restraunt ventture. I was able to scrap most of the stuff to break even on the unit, less fuel, labor and of course my time.

I chalk it up to the learning curve and getting a pulse on the local market.

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2012, 02:42:32 PM »

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2012, 03:34:03 PM »
the link to the pics are on post #6.

Great finds there RU. Congrats.

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2012, 08:37:48 AM »
thanks for all the input. 

I will be keeping some if not all of the shelving.   :D

Will keep updating as I sell pieces.  Right now the "other" job is really busy and I havent been able to put too much attention on the selling part. 

Most Ive been offered is $800 for everything.  Am I an idiot for not taking it? 

Re: FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2012, 06:45:28 PM »
thanks for all the input. 

I will be keeping some if not all of the shelving.   :D

Will keep updating as I sell pieces.  Right now the "other" job is really busy and I havent been able to put too much attention on the selling part. 

Most Ive been offered is $800 for everything.  Am I an idiot for not taking it? 

well not an idiot but I would jump on it that is a great return on investment and you said you are very busy on your day job. If lockers was your only job then you may want to hold out for more but I think a quick turn for 4 times what I paid to be a no brainer.

FINALLY! Got a Very Profitable Unit Today!

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