Storage Auctions

Got one today, May 31, 2011 ..... decent price and looks like decent return !

Offline MovieMan

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Got this 10 x 20 today at a local auction....minimum gas costs and paid $300.

Here's a link to the lookey loos for May, 2011 that describes the auction in general (crowd and prices).

See reply #21:

This thread I'll let the pictures do the talking....eating up bandwidth with this, but the server should stand the load!

I like the first two pics the best....haven't looked the items up yet, but they're made in England.

The Invacare above sells used in the $200 range.

The Invacare above used for generating air into bottles sells for $995 in refurbished form; $3500 new.

Ebay shows these coolers in the $85 and up range. That's for new ones. Still, makes me want to try them used on eBay instead of getting $35 each at the flea ! UPDATE: Target has these on sale for $28!

Offline jrossjr79

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Nice lkr, I am jealous, lol. I know what everything is, and you will do real well with this locker. However there is one thing I saw I dont know what it is. The second to last picture, what is that?

Offline MovieMan

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Nice lkr, I am jealous, lol. I know what everything is, and you will do real well with this locker. However there is one thing I saw I dont know what it is. The second to last picture, what is that?

That is a kerosene heater. Kero-Sun is the big mfg; I think this one is Dura something, but looks just like a Kero-Sun.
The last one I put on eBay went for $100 plus if I remember correctly. Have to hold on to this until next fall/winter, but it hopefully will pay for 1/3 of lkr expense, so I can live with that...33% of cost covered by one item, and it's one of the reasons I bought this lkr.

The amp and mixer look good too...have to have them checked out. The amp has not been listed on eBay anytime recently; the mixer recently brought just over $200. SO, those two looking good too. Both of those were on the bottom shelves of the two nice shelf units and were not visible from the that kind of find !

Nice to get a GOOD lkr at a good price. Makes it fun again.

Looks like you did really well, friend :)

I am happy for you Movieman, you deserved a good locker.

When a locker like that comes up, it makes all the other ones worth it.
In my case i get a good locker every 6th locker i buy. And when they come, i forget about the other 5 that was not so good. LOL i just wish i could find a DREAM locker soon. 

Got one today....decent price with hopefully decent return !

Started by MovieMan

9 Replies
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