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Hit up one auction today

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Hit up one auction today
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:10:58 PM »
Had the day off today most units were far but one near my house. Wanted a day to actually relax so went and got my morning coffee and hit up the first one of the day.

Crowd wasn't bad, maybe 20-25 people but that's about half of what they have been in the past few weeks. 7 Units so a pretty good day in my area as well, we rarely have the 20-30 unit aucitons so 7 is good.

First unit was a 5x10 was stuffed to the door but had a painting tarp over everything. All you could see sticking out the bottom of the tarp was a gas can and a tote. I bid up to $300 almost won, guy did one of those "last chance, last chance, can I get $325, dragged it on for about 2 minuts and another dude finally bid $310, we went back and forth to $360 and I dumped it on him, I would have liked it up to $350, had a feeling willing to take a chance but not any hgher.

A unit 2 later turned out to be owned by the same one as that first one I mentioned and it was crap so hoping I made the right choice.

Another unit was full of liquore bottle boxes, packed wall to wall floor to ceiling but couldn't see a single item all in boxes. Coulda been liquor coulda been a house packed up.

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Re: Hit up one auction today
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 05:11:52 PM »
Last unit was a 15x30 huge unit, packed full of stuff saw a big double door fridge, looked like a whole house. I  was asked to go 3 ways with two buddies I run into at the auctions but decided against it.

Re: Hit up one auction today
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 07:37:25 PM »
sounds like a good day reguardless, glad the crowds were down

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