Storage Auctions

Interesting unit today

Interesting unit today
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:44:25 PM »
Today there was a unit that peaked everyone's interest. It is a very large facility in a nicer part of town. When they opened the door to the unit, there were 15+ LARGE boxes, and they were all neatly stacked and taped shut. There were absolutely no markings or clues on anything as to the contents. Of course this peaked my interest, but I didn't want to blow too much money taking a shot in the dark. I did give one of the boxes closer to the door a little push, and it felt very light like it was full of clothes or bedsheets or something like that. I bid up to the $300 mark and then decided to get out. I think the girl who won it got the unit for $720. Afterwards the crowd started begging her to open one of the boxes. She agreed and cut one box open, and it was completely full of stuffed animals. These were like the type you would win at a carnival or six flags. Over $700 bucks worth of stuffed animals. How do you get rid of something like that????

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Interesting unit today
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 08:51:59 PM »
Over $700 bucks worth of stuffed animals. How do you get rid of something like that????

I don't think getting rid of them is the problem necessarily, but making money on them, THAT might be a problem.


Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Interesting unit today
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 09:07:09 PM »
lol, which is why I value the unit on what I CAN SEE, and take a gamble of 5 - 35% more on WHAT I CANT SEE. Taking that you really could not see anything on this unit except boxes, and knowing for sure one was light, I would of gotten out at $200.

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