Storage Auctions

Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?

Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #120 on: September 07, 2011, 07:44:13 AM »
I'm in GA but I would start the mahagony chest at a minimum of $125 on Craigslist and work down from there. I think it would sell north of $100 but I wouldn't take less than $75 for it. The footlocker/chest could be anywhere from $50 to $150 (maybe more) depending on the age, condition and maker.
The piece with the wine rack would be 150 minimum if its a solid piece of furniture. If it is assemble yourself furniture then maybe 50 if it is in really good shape.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #121 on: September 07, 2011, 09:19:10 AM »
30-40 bucks for the Mahogany Chest?  Seriosly, Movieman?  Put that sucker on a scale and PM me shipping and handling.  Hell, if you're selling it and that big empty footlocker you found for that price, put BOTH on the scale and tell me shipping and handling.
   I love those things.  Both are old, and I realize that I'll be over paying, but those two items are just the 'got a chance, want them' items you stumble upon once in a blue moon.

Well, some answers here from readers (thanks guys!) plus some research online at Cost Plus/World Market, Pier One, Sears gave me some good ideas on these furn pieces, but I think I'll sell them locally. It's mostly selfish (not wanting to pack them) but also, if you DID buy them, you would be paying heavily for shipping and that's not right. I have heard of guys shipping on Greyhound though, and something like that trunk wouldn't have to be boxed.

Thanks anyway though for the interest.

I think the "antique" market in California (in my area at least) is done. One of the guys had a slot in an antique mall and when it folded he got a full store about 20 miles away. It folded. He is now back at an antique mall; I need to visit his slot and the others to get an idea of large antique prices as the "sideboard" I have would qualify.

Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #122 on: September 11, 2011, 10:05:14 PM »
Just an update for everyone.  As expected, Movieman was as good as his word, and I received the Beanie Babies Friday afternoon.
   Well, actually, my wife did.  She had permission to open the box, and did so.  She wants to thank Movieman for the Beanies, which are going on her hutch, which I now must find and buy for her.
   They have apparently found a home, so I have no need to find out if any were the rares. 

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #123 on: September 14, 2011, 06:06:54 PM »
Ben....glad your wife is happy....that makes two (maybe 3) of us !


Spent 3 hours today at the safe locker .... it is down to about 8 large items now and I am putting those on Clist, eBay classifieds, and the storage facility is having a "garage sale" in a couple of weeks where typically 30 or so vendors open up their lkr doors and sell some of their stuff.

This is perfect for me !  My unit is at the end and there is a 12 x 12 square just beyond me which I will also get to use.
This will take the place of my regular Saturday flea, but hopefully the big items will sell (if they haven't before then) and I can set up my tables for small collectibles too.  A win, win I hope.

Last year they had 30 sellers and about 200 buyers...sound ok by me.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #124 on: September 15, 2011, 07:19:41 PM »
The "hits" just keep on coming.  This is the antique chest that was high up in back of the locker. It has come down and out now and I posted a thread on it in the "What's it worth" area here. See this link.

Check that link to see what I found out about this one poster said "It's cool."  And he is right...hopefully "cool" will turn into "cold, hard cash" !  ;D

Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #125 on: September 15, 2011, 09:52:03 PM »
Damn. That is nice.  If I ever meet you in person, I'm dragging you to the lottery sales office in the area and rubbing your head until I win the damn thing.  You hit a homer.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #126 on: September 15, 2011, 11:51:22 PM »
Just curious on how many trash runs you have had to make on this unit?

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #127 on: September 16, 2011, 09:33:51 AM »
Just curious on how many trash runs you have had to make on this unit?

Why it's just like the two TV dump runs !  ;D

But actually, if I had loaded my van with the trash it would have been 2.5 to 3 loads. As it happens, I got rid of the trash in the following manner.

1) The prop mgr at the facility let me use theirs for smaller stuff which I poured out of boxes rather than throw the
    whole box in...makes for a "tighter" dump load. This I did 3 times for maybe 8 boxes.

2) The prop mgr at my main storage facility (where I have had a unit for almost 8 years) lets me do the same thing
    on a regular basis. I dumped maybe 4 boxes there.

3)  I paid a guy $10 to take 3 mattresses on top of the load he had in a big trailer. This would have been the biggest
     item I had to get rid of.

4)  Finally, I had the ratty, cheap footlocker, an old antique chair beyond salavage and some other "bulky" stuff....they
     went "clandestine" style over the top of a 40 yard dumpster 1 block away at a construction site where mostly the
     cardboard rolls from thousands of yards of carpeting were being dumped.


Other stuff that I didn't want to sell went by the box load to nearby Goodwill, and one load of those boxes was sold to
one of the guys I help out by selling to cheap. It was 6 boxes for $20...he might sell all that for $80 or so and we are both happy.

More work perhaps (negotiating, figuring out, etc) than going to the dump, but it saved me maybe $75 for three loads, and the gas. The time involved would have been about the same amount using any technique.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot ?
« Reply #128 on: September 18, 2011, 09:01:21 AM »
Nice Grab MM
  Don't forget to leave Your name and address with the office so they can pick up there personal stuff  ;D

Despite two live contacts with the frm owner and two "answering machine" contacts, this flake has not made any sustantive effort to get back MANY old photograph albums....many of them her mother's.

Pretty soon they all go to the dump. I'M not in the business of storing someone's stuff when they don't pay for that effort. Frankly, there will be a certain joy in throwing that history away.

Meanwhile the fellow who tried to help her out by coming around and asking for "compassion" for her asked if the stuff was still in the locker.....oh sure, I've just been SITTING ON IT for three weeks waiting for her $1,000. GIVE ME A BREAK.

He said if it was still available he would pay $1,000 for it. Well, fat chance buddy as I have already made $750 profit, still have a lot of smalls left and the big items are not yet sold. Probably will be renting lkr for a 2nd month hoping not to move some of the bigs.  Safe has two inquiries but nothing serious yet.

Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #129 on: September 18, 2011, 10:33:48 AM »
IN WA trhe personals are given to the managment and they store them for one year. If not picked up in one year they ar e tossed.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #130 on: September 18, 2011, 07:12:09 PM »
IN WA trhe personals are given to the managment and they store them for one year. If not picked up in one year they ar e tossed.

In my area of California it varies widely.

1) Some managers say they could care less about the personals..go ahead and throw them away.

2) Others say they'll take personals but indicate they are RARELY picked 98% don't pick them up.

3) I have found that if the lkr buyer takes an interest in getting the personal photos, etc back to the frm owner
    that the former owner will buy back some items as well, but it often happens they don't follow through
    on even getting their pics back, so not a biggie.

Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #131 on: September 18, 2011, 09:02:39 PM »
Yes the law requires they be left in WA most are not ever claimed. I hear 95% go unclaimed after a year from most of the managers. The managers hate having to store them so they want you to find as few personals as possible. I have one complain about me returning photos?  I guess if pictures are not personals what are?  I once had a whole truck load of personals from a locker box after box of slides from trips around the world. I have gotten lockers that had none also. Most a box or two.  I really hate throwing all the family pictures away but one manager had me toss it all the dumpster because the people moved to Texas and were not coming back.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #132 on: September 21, 2011, 08:05:14 AM »
Things going slowly on Craigslist right now...seems to run in cycles for me at least.

I just sold this item off Clist for $75...came from the safe locker in this thread.

Saturday the 24th the storage facility has its "yard sale"....going to do that instead of my regular Saturday flea in hopes to get rid of some of the big stuff.

Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #133 on: September 21, 2011, 01:48:43 PM »
This thread has been Awesome! Thank you to all of you guys, I laughed I cried and I was taught. 

I saw an antique roadshow piece about how windmills are becoming more popular as lawn art types of stuff but I can't find the link to it for some reason.  It was their segway part of the show between valuing antiques.  Popped into my head when I saw that pic.

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Re: Jackpot ! Jackpot in the Safe ?
« Reply #134 on: September 24, 2011, 07:24:19 PM »
I agree, this thread has been epic. Thanks for all the time you put in to share it with us Movieman.

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