Attended my first two auctions yesterday and today.
Yesterdays auction was one facility towards the end of a caravan, publicized on auctionzip. 4 units up for bid, maybe 50-60 in attendance, some obvious newbs, hopefully I didn't look as obvious as these folks
Anyhow, the first three units were ALL EMPTY. Not so much as a piece of trash. Fairly crappy way to start one's auction adventures. The last unit was a 5x10 lightly filled. Old TV, beat-up filing cabinet and your typical rough detritus. This sold for $40.
Today's auction was run by the same auctioneers and mostly the same crowd. Today was also the first day of a multi-day Public Storage caravan that runs through Friday. I was hoping that most people were going to attend the PS auctions, but no luck.
2 units up. first was a closet-sized unit with a couple couch coshins, old HP printer and a 3 or 4 foot tall organizational system thing. The bins were labeled, but couldn't really trust them and could see much of what was in them, but did see that most things were in zip-locks. Wife and I were interested, but wanted it around $25 and it got bid up to $45.
Last unit was a 10x10, mostly empty with fridge, washer or dryer (was covered) a piece of luggage and a mystery box. Went for $300. Couldn't see enough of the appliances to know if it was worth that much.
So, big crowds, few units and nothing coming home with me, but happy to have those first auctions under my belt.
Got one more on Friday. 11 units in the notice. Hope there's an opportunity for me to get one.