Storage Auctions

My inventory... What's it worth?

My inventory... What's it worth?
« on: May 23, 2012, 01:20:22 AM »

I'm sort of a beginner you could say and have a little inventory but was kind of curious what my items were worth.

So here it is:

Jim Beam Circus Wagon Decanter

(Okay condition, little scratched, a few broken pieces) but the most important thing is what the wagon was holding, a nice china stone whiskey bottle which was in good condition. I seen these things for different prices but was ready to hear a second opinion. (The Decanter is 1979 by the way, and I seen no pricing and any info. NOTHING. on this clock, :/ )

Double Bell 1970's Lisa and Bob - Love Is Alarm

Little scratched as well but not bad! The Alarm was made in West Germany.

Hand Painted Leather Tiger Statue

Good condition, little scratched here and there under the tiger, and there is a little rip on its nose but besides that it is pretty nice. (Not sure f date, but I seen different prices on this.)

And a few Wade England pieces, no biggy tho. 2Koala's, Tiger, Polar bear, and a turtle. Different from others that you would see, (the turtle)

That's it, nothing big really in my inventory but hope I can make more money so I can do more Auctioning/Picking.

Thanks for all anwers, really appreciated.

Re: My inventory... What's it worth?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2012, 07:55:02 AM »
This should be down in the "Whats it Worth??" section.  Pictures would help also in determining a value.  Also, what people say is the value may be for ebay or it may be just for their region.  I can't sell a matress/boxspring at all but other people can sell them for $50+ all day long.

I would use ebay to get a general idea on value.  Look at the completed/sold listings.  The phone app is great for that.

Re: My inventory... What's it worth?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 08:57:45 PM »
Seconding the phone app. I wear that thing out. Make sure after you do your initial search to go in and refine it and turn on completed items so you know what the item SELLS for, not what people list it for.

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