Storage Auctions

New unit won today

New unit won today
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:58:18 PM »
I got one more unit today, was very lucky and snapped it up for $50.00

It will bring me alot of profit, there was some very good stuff in there that will be easy to sell.

Picture of the unit:!/photo.php?fbid=10150130393329961&set=p.10150130393329961&theater

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 05:09:55 PM »
Here's what I see :(

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Re: New unit won today
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 05:21:13 PM »
I've decided, I'm moving to Memphis's final  Elvis better be waiting for me when I get there

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 05:29:25 PM »
I've decided, I'm moving to Memphis's final  Elvis better be waiting for me when I get there


Well today there was several auction runs at the same time, so the crowd spread out nice.'
The auction route i choose it was about 18 people, and where maybe 10 or 11 was bidding.

In this unit, i found gun box with a cleaning kit, Pioneer home theather amplifier, 56 new picture frames from IKEA, 2 ladders, the duffelbag was full of XBOX equipment, jewelrybox with one silver ring and one 10Kt gold ring, Pioneer GM-800 car amplifier, tons of car audio cables, and some fisher price toys in pretty good condition.

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 05:30:17 PM »
Here's what I see :(

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Go to this forums facebook page, i posted it there.

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Re: New unit won today
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2011, 08:26:57 PM »
not bad! you gotta take what you can get nowadays

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2011, 09:16:24 PM »
Yea I was on a circuit all day (12 facilities) not well known...with about 20 people 12-15 bidding....most were all at the more popular circuit....

...but a TON of LOW end, dirty, broken crap and junk in most of the units

ONE worth its salt ...a HUGE double unit...from an older couples home...absolutely loaded

Went for $1,850 ...I stopped bidding at $1,700 ....was indoors on the second floor....would have been an absolute pain in the ass to move all that **** down the elevator....tons of trips 

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Re: New unit won today
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2011, 09:26:23 PM »
Yea I was on a circuit all day (12 facilities) not well known...with about 20 people 12-15 bidding....most were all at the more popular circuit....

...but a TON of LOW end, dirty, broken crap and junk in most of the units

ONE worth its salt ...a HUGE double unit...from an older couples home...absolutely loaded

Went for $1,850 ...I stopped bidding at $1,700 ....was indoors on the second floor....would have been an absolute pain in the ass to move all that **** down the elevator....tons of trips 

12 facilities; how many total units?  Now you know what it's really like out there.

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2011, 09:38:21 PM »
12 facilities; how many total units?  Now you know what it's really like out there.

started out with about 80 but about half were paid up before so about 40 total

tomorrow...same deal....12 more facilities....about 70 listed in  the legal notice

I guess its finding a needle in a haystack...for me cuz I want the higher end units...and there arent many

If after tomorrow, I dont find one...I may be moving on to another least till the summer and the heat drives people much time spent to find decent stuff to resell

I didn't think it would be easy...but I did think with cash to spend that it would be easier to buy volume and get a good base of inventory built up ......this is just to inconsistent....not enough good stuff to buy in Tampa at the right prices right now


Re: New unit won today
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2011, 10:01:43 PM »

If after tomorrow, I dont find one...I may be moving on to another least till the summer and the heat drives people much time spent to find decent stuff to resell

NEXT!  LOL! ;D  It is tough out there right now.  If I hadn't been doing this already and was just trying to start out, I don't know if I would do it.  I have the advantage of having a lot of contacts so I have a way to get rid of the stuff.  Getting the units still isn't that bad.  Like I've posted before, I don't buy at the overpriced auctions, and then grab a bunch all at once when the pricing is reasonable.  Hopefully things will work out for you soon, and if not, good luck in your new endeavor. 

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Re: New unit won today
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 10:06:09 PM »

I guess its finding a needle in a haystack...for me cuz I want the higher end units...and there arent many

If after tomorrow, I dont find one...I may be moving on to another least till the summer and the heat drives people much time spent to find decent stuff to resell

I didn't think it would be easy...but I did think with cash to spend that it would be easier to buy volume and get a good base of inventory built up ......this is just to inconsistent....not enough good stuff to buy in Tampa at the right prices right now

And reality sets in QUICKLY !  What happened to "...failure is not an option !"  Come on, give it a chance.

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2011, 10:13:27 PM »
NEXT!  LOL! ;D  It is tough out there right now.  If I hadn't been doing this already and was just trying to start out, I don't know if I would do it.  I have the advantage of having a lot of contacts so I have a way to get rid of the stuff.  Getting the units still isn't that bad.  Like I've posted before, I don't buy at the overpriced auctions, and then grab a bunch all at once when the pricing is reasonable.  Hopefully things will work out for you soon, and if not, good luck in your new endeavor. 

Hey know...its not really even that it is that difficult to find less populated auctions to attend where the pricing is okay....I happened to find a business publication in the area that is low profile and the legal notices are free....therefore, all the independents use it to publish their auction as required by law.

The biggest issue is that most of Tampa Bay is lower to average income areas and so far after 3 or 4 full days of looking, most of the **** I have seen is total garbage.....  I honestly mean...I can't even figure out why people would pay to store this stuff....the total value of the stuff is less than like 3 months storage bills?

I am honestly thinking about a road trip to Boca Raton and West Palm...and attending a few days in the richest zip codes in Florida....  

As you all well know..time is money and spending all day wasting time and fuel to look at all this garbage is just bad business

I'm not naive and I realize that only 1 in 50 or 100 lockers is a "home run"  but 99% of what I have seen thus far is only flea mkt / thrift / swap meet crap and that isn't my market...I'm talking really low end garbage.....

I'll gladly spend 1500 to 2K plus on nice units but I need to see more than one of them every 4 days of looking,.....haha   I know I can sell the **** if I buy it right....I know many say that is the hardest part but I have been selling **** my entire life and I too have avenues for better goods to move them  ;)

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Re: New unit won today
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2011, 10:17:32 PM »

I'm not naive and I realize that only 1 in 50 or 100 lockers is a "home run"  but 99% of what I have seen thus far is only flea mkt / thrift / swap meet crap and that isn't my market...I'm talking really low end garbage.....

Well, the flea along with eBay is one of my big money-makers and I don't sell "crap" there. A bad day at the flea is $300 and IT DOES HAPPEN, but a $650 or $1,000 day isn't bad either.  Where did you intend to sell?

Re: New unit won today
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2011, 10:20:55 PM »
And reality sets in QUICKLY !  What happened to "...failure is not an option !"  Come on, give it a chance.

Don't get me wrong...I didn't have a distorted sense of reality...I knew this would be hard, hard work ......I just thought I would be looking at a percentage of better goods.

My misstep was assuming people were not dumb enough to pay to store tons of old dirty, worthless garbage

As I have said, i have spent many years doing hard labor in my warehouses and I am not afaid to bust my ass or get dirty....I just need to be able to sink my teeth into some nice goods.....

Failure still isn't an option  but if I can't get started in the business, I can't fail...haha

I know  Positivity, Patience, Persistence....probably tomorrow, i will find and buy an incredible unit and be in here high as a  its all a game and I do enjoy playing it.....  I've simply met my cat piss and rat **** quota for the day


Re: New unit won today
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2011, 10:28:35 PM »
Well, the flea along with eBay is one of my big money-makers and I don't sell "crap" there. A bad day at the flea is $300 and IT DOES HAPPEN, but a $650 or $1,000 day isn't bad either.  Where did you intend to sell?

Wow....down here, we tried the local fleas numerous times over the past few years (even right before xmas) often with homegoods from Macys trailers we bought and we didnt even sell $50 worth all day
and I am talking selling stuff for a few bucks that is worth 20 or more

I have always done well with "better goods" on craigslist  I've liquidated entire households and offices on there for big gains and met some pretty good buyers

I was going to focus on online sales with CL and ebay and they consigning the rest of the stuff to thrift type stores....I've called on 3 or 4 and all of the are interested in looking at goods and either buying them outright or taking them on consignment

I guess maybe I should revisit the fleas but I have heard that up north and in CA they are allot stronger than in FL?? 

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