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OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!

Offline acman

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OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:31:16 PM »
Went to Wayne Blairs auction today and umm were the first 4 stops a riot.

Prices - This is Wayne Blair, he brings in Cali prices on a Michigan burget and market.

People - Plenty, at least 50 or more every stop!

and then this one lady!

So me and my pops(he is my 2nd hand man in this) roll to the first stop about 20 minutes early.  People show up and park in Storage parking lot until it is full then people pull to overflow parking down the street.  Well 5 minutes before the auction starts this lady rolls up and parks in the middle of the driveway, blocking entry and exit.  She gets out and people tell her she can't block the exit, she goes and signs in anyways, then gets told to move her car again and does.......................into the space left for handicap people to get in and out of(you know, not the actual spot but the loading area).

Next Place she doesn't even park in a she parks in front of the trash bin and it's trash day(she got killed for that one.

Next Place - Guess she learned how to park at this place, but that still didn't stop us from just piling on her!

Last Place I saw here she in a handicap spot without a handicap sticker and she was parked half in the space and you guessed it half of the handicap loading zone.  She was ummmmmmmmmmmmmm a total newb, nd really surprised she didn't overbid a unit the way she was!

Other then that, the normal way overbid on these units.  Like $350 showing bids at $900.

Oh well, got a killer unit I am going to bid on on this week.

Re: OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2011, 10:05:56 PM »
Here's what you do..

Next auction, she parks and auction goes on.  When you get around to leaving, wait for her to get in her car and then go up and park directly behind her car so she cant leave.  Get out, go inside, get a drink of water, use the restroom, chat it up with the storage manager and auctioneer, go outside and smoke a cig, hang out, chat with others, point at her car and laugh, whatever..

When she says anything to you, just reply "no habla"

That should fix it.

Re: OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 12:07:42 AM »
Wondering where my mom was.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 04:06:32 AM »
Wondering where my mom was.

Have seen a few like that park crazy.. Was she on her cell phone the whole time ?? We had one pull up to the unit in a diesel truck left it running and got out to attend the bidding made it really hard to hear. They were also the ones with three kids. Kids were well behaved so not that big of a pain. The truck was bigger.

Re: OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 07:25:39 AM »
Wouldn't classify her as the worlds dumbest...but one of the many inconsiderate people that are out their.  Too bad she wasn't in my area.  She would of come out of the auction to find a ticket on her window for parking in a handicap zone.  We have bike cops that go from shopping center to shopping center just writing these types of tickets all day long.  I love it since my grandmother was in a wheel chair and many times it was people like this lady that would prevent us from parking.  No big deal when it was me with them as I could push the chair.  When was just my mother and grandmother it's a big deal.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: OMG, Saw the worlds dumbest lady today!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2011, 06:09:08 PM »
Saw the dumbest man today.... Total nob he was bidding on garbage and went up in a $1.00 increments the Auctioneer ignored him.. And he got mad when he did not get it after she told him that she was looking for $15 and it sold for $10. Then he threw garbage at the fence in front of the Manager and Auctioneer. And this is the dumbest part he brought his dog..... Left him in the car. Not a good thing in a hot State. 

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