Storage Auctions

2 Units To Start The Year

2 Units To Start The Year
« on: January 14, 2012, 12:17:01 AM »
Three units when sale got started. I got 2 of them this auction was at beginning of the new year. There was only 15 people with no regulars which I couldn't believe. First unit is a 5x15 packed all the way to the top. You could tell this one was loaded and never gone back to. Got this one for 425.00. Showing was a Murray bag push mower. Ryobi extendable weed eater. Also 8ft Werner aluminum step ladder.  Also case for music instrument had saxophone in it this was sold for 125.00. Also crate furniture dining table. When we started to unload it we also found David Clark avaition headphones which have already sold on Ebay for 192.50. Also found snare drum and case which I have sold for 45.00. 10 porcelain dolls that I still have. Faberware china pattern elegance gold. Kenmore super capacity washer and dryer. I sold these to another couple that was at the auction for 100.00 as is. Skill saw and small tool box. Also Medline large wheelchair with footrest sold for 125.00. In another box was a queen size down comforter. And a lot of other small 2 to 10 dollar items.

Second unit is a 10x10 half full. Now here's the kicker manager let us walk inside and look around but couldn't touch anything or look in boxes. This was the first time I had ever been able to walk in a unit. Showing is a crate furniture sofa with cushions on back wall and another floral sofa on the other wall. Clothes hanging overhead and misc boxes and totes. Also notices some small items had price tags on them as the previous tenant must have had a yard sale. We all step back outside and the manager starts at 25.00 and everyone looks at each other. I figure what the heck I could always donate the couches if I had to. So I bid 25.00 and couldn't believe it when no one else bids. Highlights from this one were hidden in the corner under an half full box of pots and pans is an new 16x14 home tent with closet SCORE. Also found hammock with stand, dish network receiver still in box. Also Boyds large bear and a ton of 1.00 to 10.00 yard sale flea market items. Haven't sold much from this one as I have been working on the first locker. Will keep everyone updated as I finish going through boxes and totes.     

Offline money4nothing

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Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 05:32:53 AM »
Sounds Good.

I get nervous if going to a new facility for us and don't see at least one regular. Double edged sword. Don't really want to see some of them but if they are not there I worry maybe this is a bad place to buy.

But we have not found one yet that the regulars don't attend.  :D

Sounds like you will do good on these two keep us updated.

Had to go search before I ask. What do you do with Dish Network Receiver ? I got one in couple of lockers ago, don't know what to do with it. I had two (?? not sure were the second one came from) when we turned our service off and had to return them both no profit there. Thanks

Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 07:28:46 AM »
Wow~sounds like a good start to the new year.  That first unit was full of all the things I love to sell....namely tools!  We can't keep 'em in stock if they are good quality.

My husband had a unit where they were allowed to walk through.  Not much to see, but there was a Stihl chainsaw (obviously older model), a few totes/boxes, a Yamaha surround sound speaker set and a Roper side by side in very icky condition.

He won the locker at $125.  The regulars all shook their heads and gave the old 'you paid too much'.  He opened on box and found the old German WWII items.  Score!!

pound for pound~that was one of our best units.  We're still making money off that one.  The fridge he thought he'd just scrap.  I said see if it works and then we'll decide.  That thing got ice cold quick.  I spent a day cleaning it out (I swear they were keeping small furry animals in there.......yikes the memory just made me queasy) and we sold it for $85.

Congrats justa and may your next venture out find you regular-free~ 8)

Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 06:27:52 PM »
Those are very nice lockers you got.  I'll buy $25 and $50 lockers all day as gambles unless they look like complete trash.  You can normally make some money off them and if not you don't loose much.

Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2012, 07:44:49 PM »
Thanks everyone for the replies. Money you can try selling the receivers on Ebay. I sold the one from this unit on there. People are looking for these and they seem to bring a good price.

Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2012, 08:12:22 PM »
hell yeah, I love buying 50 dollar lockers any day. 


Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2012, 04:42:02 AM »
Nice way to start the New Year.

Offline money4nothing

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Re: 2 Units To Start The Year
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2012, 06:44:08 AM »
Money you can try selling the receivers on Ebay. I sold the one from this unit on there. People are looking for these and they seem to bring a good price.

Thanks will give it a shot.

How many storage units do you purchase each year?

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