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Storage Lockers Break-Ins

Offline Leota

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Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« on: March 06, 2013, 07:47:08 PM »
Recently we have been to at least 4 facilities that informed us they had been broken into. These are happening a lot in the Central Sacramento area. One had been broken into just around the corner from ours in the same warehouse area. The manager said the thieves used a U-Haul, came into the facility around 3:00 PM broke into the locker, and were out by around 3:25 PM. The owner arrived back around 3:40 PM to find the damage. The Mgr. also told us three other units around the back of the facility had been cut and items stolen. We went to an auction in Sacramento that the auctioneer told us 9 had been cut into from the back side. Is this happening a lot more in other areas? We are double locking our unit with thick locks now. Hate a thief!

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Re: Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 09:01:45 PM »
Get a pitbull and leave him inside the unit while you go and do the paperwork!

Offline Cobia

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Re: Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 08:10:52 AM »
Don't think that is much of an issue around here.

I bet they are staking out storage units to see which ones have good stuff in them so it's probably someone who is renting a unit at the location or an employee.

I think it would be pretty dumb to just break into random units not knowing if there is anything worth stealing inside of them.

Re: Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2013, 10:24:38 AM »
One large national change I won't mention by name that has lot's of orange doors has had a lot of break ins around the Everett area.  I know at least four of their facilities that have had a consistent problem with theft.  One facility had somebody come in overnight and cut a lock on one locker, then they cut out some drywall and crawled around in the ceiling kicking out drywall over a number of units and they ended up stealing a lot of stuff.

They have also had multiple problems with people cutting through the fence and cutting the hasps off lockers.  Those thick locks don't help you a whole lot because the smart thieves cut the thin way easier to cut hasp.  Also, those cylinder locks that they like to sell you at an inflated price because they are supposed to be super secure are a joke.  I've drilled a number of them (legitimately I might add!) and with a battery operated drill and a sharp 1/4" bit, you drill through until you hear the little locking plate drop off and they pull straight out......takes less than a minute.

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2013, 12:53:13 AM »
I bought a unit one day and came back the next day to pick it up and the lock was cut. The manager said over 40 units got broke into the same night. Luckily my unit was just full of old books.

Smart thieves would just read the notices of public sales and look for valuables posted in the descriptions.

Re: Storage Lockers Break-Ins
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2013, 11:10:10 AM »
We will have a single unit break-in every now and then.  Last year we had one facility get hit by a group of thiefs, with over 60 units being hit.  In oct they sold out to U-haul.  Talked with the U-haul auction guy and he said their security was bad.  The door locks could just be jiggled loose with the lock still on them to open.  Everyone else is starting to "upgrade" security.

Anyone noticed an increase in attendance during spring break?

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