Storage Auctions

This was a good unit !

Offline MovieMan

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This was a good unit !
« on: May 17, 2013, 08:45:51 AM »
Went to a piece by piece auction the other day and there were 5 units they opened up to sell one piece at a time.

Several years ago I went to these but gave them up because they took a lot of time to complete. Sometimes all day.
This outing was for two facilities and they did take from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but good lockers at both locations so the time went by quickly. I started going to these again when the regular auctions went down the toilet in my area.

First place, first unit: A 10 x 30 that took two hours to sell out. See the 4 pics below with comments between pics.

This pic was taken after the first load of hand tools was taken out of the unit. There were A LOT of hand power tools, shovels, picks, etc and all in good shape. The Shopsmith was in beautiful shape but around here they don't sell. It went for $125 which seemed more than decent and if it did re-sell, still some money to be made.

See the 30 or so green.white boxes in the corner? That's only HALF of what were in there. The space
just ahead of them was ALSO FILLED with those boxes. When this pic was taken they were out in the "street"
with people walking around looking in them. See picture 4 for more details.

One of the green & white boxes had these globes in them...they went with a 5 foot tall lamp that looked like a plant with a half dozen flowers where the globes fit in. Forgot to watch how much it went for.

OK, the boxes against the wall now were the ones that DIDN'T SELL when they were being sold a box at a time.
When people are done buying single pieces they move everything over to the side and sell it all off as a lot later.
This lot sold for $125 I think, so someone got a good deal of smalls for a pretty good price even though people weren't interested in buying them box by box.

I got a couple of the single-sale green boxes at $5 each; some went as high as $20 each depending on content.


At the second location they had 7 units. First two were crap. Numbers 3 and 7 were good and I made some good cheap scores. The crowd of 25 at the first auction had dwindled to 10 at the second facility.

All in all a good day and the "picking" was good.  ;D

Offline Cobia

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Re: This was a good unit !
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2013, 09:36:19 AM »
WTF! They left all those boxes in the rain to get soaked just so they could do a piece auction?  :-[

Offline MovieMan

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Re: This was a good unit !
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2013, 09:43:29 AM »
WTF! They left all those boxes in the rain to get soaked just so they could do a piece auction?  :-[

It was only misting and the occasional light sprinkle. I have been to these auctions when it was truly raining and the guys still haul the stuff out and put in the "street". They are not super careful. Usually there is a slight slope away from each set of units, causing a low "v" in the street. At least they keep the items out of the "v"...well, most of the time.  ;D

Offline Travis

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Re: This was a good unit !
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2013, 08:57:26 PM »
MM...what is Is that your site?

Offline MovieMan

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Re: This was a good unit !
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2013, 09:03:22 PM »
MM...what is Is that your site?

It is an internet provider available to anyone.

Oh yea, good unit.

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