Storage Auctions

Well went on my first caravan run today

Well went on my first caravan run today
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:43:14 PM »
Well finally got to do a chain run today for public storage.  I have never been to a storage auction during the week because of my job, but looks like time is gonna start opening up for me.

Well anyways I did not have the whole run of addresses they were doing today. I think it was 8 locations.  But i did get the store lists and auction schedule when I got to the 1st locale.  But of course they didn't put the exact addresses on them, u know like little town locations, just the town.  So went to 1st two and the 3rd one wasn't exactly sure where the hell it was, but I did finally find it, but then they were 2 other locations ahead of me, LMAO.  But i did catch up to them at the last 3 places.  It was fun but didn't buy anything today, next time I am diving in.

As far as the lookie loos i was prob. the one.  There were only about 10 bidders at these and everybody knew everybody, except me, LMAO!! 

Pricing seemed cheap to me, from what I have been seeing in the past, went today from $5 for 2 old tvs to $500 for what i would consider a good unit

But it is a run, not advertised or on auctionzip so I may have come across a good run here.

caravan (kinda) today

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