Storage Auctions

What is the largest total $ value of US stamps you have ever gotten in a locker?

Offline MovieMan

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I'm sure some of you have found unused stamps in a locker before.

I had two good scores along those lines. A $1,000 locker had $84 in stamps I could use myself and a $10 crate I bought had $116 in "currency".

Takes a while to use them up of course since snail mail isn't used as much as it used to be, but oh well, money is money.


Offline dbr831

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I personally haven't found all that many but I know a buyer (he buys way more units than me) that uses them to ship stuff. He literally wallpapers his packages with postage stamps. I think he said you can put them all over the top and sides but not the bottom.  He says the employees at his post office know him and are used to it. They don't even count them up. They just ask him how much they add up to. Too funny!

Offline Travis

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I bought a locker a few years ago which had a lot of office furniture and filing cabinets and I found some large rolls of stamps. Total was about $100.

I also found a stamp collection in a safe. A lot of 1920's & 1930's cancelled stamps. I tried to value them but stamps are a real pain in the  :-X  to value because there are so many different things to look for. I tried to get them appraised but the stamp dealer in our town was really arrogant and wouldn't take the time to look at my collection. I just sold them off in bulk. May have lost some money on the deal but I learned that I never want to deal with stamps again.

I didn't find them in a locker, but my Mom gave me my grandfathers collection. Not a formal collection, just stamps he saved over the years in an brown office envelope, mostly cancelled. They were stored in an attic for years, with the heat of the attic, they are all melted together into one big blob. I attempted to use steam to separate them, made some progress, but nothing appears valuable enough to be worth the bother. If they were in a stamp book, they might have been worth a couple of hundred, but in the condition they are, they aren't worth much.

I've never found that much money in stamps but I've not had to buy stamps in a good amount of time either.  Think the most I've found is a little over $10 in value from 2 different partial books.

Offline dbr831

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In the estate I bought last month there was a drawer of a desk full of unused stamps. Not rolls but sheets or those little packs of 20 stamps. Looks like she would buy them whenever a new image was released or for specific holidays but then like the rest of her stuff, never used them. I haven't counted them all but looks like $300-$400 value. A lot are forever stamps but quite a few are varying smaller denominations. I currently have them in a bag on a shelf waiting for me to get around to doing something with them. Probably won't happen anytime soon though.

Hey guys,
First ever post on this forum.  Great timing on this topic!

Bought a unit last week for $350 (based on the Victor phonograph and Bosch washer dryer set).  Turns out the washer and dryer set was a bust.  However, I did find $191 and change in unused stamps.  Everything from 3 cent to 2 dollar stamps.

Too bad you can turn in the smaller cent stamps for bigger denominations

Offline Travis

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Hey guys,
First ever post on this forum.  Great timing on this topic!

Bought a unit last week for $350 (based on the Victor phonograph and Bosch washer dryer set).  Turns out the washer and dryer set was a bust.  However, I did find $191 and change in unused stamps.  Everything from 3 cent to 2 dollar stamps.

Too bad you can turn in the smaller cent stamps for bigger denominations

Welcome to the forum!   ;D

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