Storage Auctions

Great Auctioneer's Website - Says tv show is a lie & posts non payers on website

Offline rulesforrebels

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I found this auctioneers website today. Right in his speel on the site he says the tv show is a lie, you mostly find crap household items. He also posts the names of people no longer welcome at auctions because they don't clean units or dont pay...

If you have found this website and want to come to an auction because of the new tv shows, please read the following. The answers to all your questions about procedures and such are  in the following.
We are seeing a large increase in attendance of these auctions due to the TV shows Storage Wars and Auction Hunters.  These TV programs are not showing the truth about buying lockers. The real REALITY is that when purchasing a locker you obtain A LOT of household, normal, everyday run-of-the-mill stuff.  You will be over run in clothes, misc. dishes/glasses, pots, pans, clothes, old VCR tapes, knick-knacks, clothes, linens, blankets.... All the general items you find at any yard sale.  Oh yeah, did I mention clothes??  It is always amazing that people will also store food not only in boxes, but still in the refrigerator.  Yes, in the refrigerator and no, there is no electric to keep that refrigerator going.  You are still responsible for removal and cleaning this unit out, no matter how disgusting it is.  You also need to be aware that you may bring home roaches and mice.  The storage facilities do their best at keeping pest at bay, but when you have people who store food, it makes that job more difficult. It is also a wonder how a couch doesn't make it with all the cushions or why the dresser is missing a couple of drawers. The above mention is more the "norm" than what the TV shows have led you to believe.

Yes, you do find "goodies" however, you will not find them as often as the TV shows claim these people do.  After all, they are selling their TV show and if it doesn't look like they are making a killing at this, it wouldn't interest you. If you only want a few items to put on Craigslist or Ebay, consider this.  Buying lockers can be a huge endeavor and if you are not equipped with a sorting location or even a means to haul, it can be very costly.
Below you will find a schedule for the months auctions.   We have deliquent locker auctions every month for most of the companies.   On the days when there are several auctions, we start at the specified time at the first location and then travel to the rest as we finish each address.  When we have multiple auctions in a day, it is a long day.  Be prepared to be patient and have any necessary supplies with you for the long day.  Due to paperwork, I'm always later than bidders getting to the next location for auction.  Coming straight in after an auction and paying for unit(s) purchased will help me shorten the time from auction to auction.   If you are planning at catching up with us later in the day, please realize the time it takes to get from facility to facility.  The larger the attendence, the longer it will take to conclude each auction.
    Auctions can cancel last minute because the owner of the lockers for auction can pay for their locker right up to auction time.  If an auction has only one or two lockers for auction, you are best to keep checking the web site or call me for any changes.   You will need cash for the auction and a good, powerful flashlight to see into some lockers. 

As soon as I hear from any managers that an auction has changed, I post it immediately here first.
EMAIL DOES NOT ALWAYS GO THRU, so please do not rely on it.

Jamika Love, St. Louis, Mo.

That's awesome.  I'm surprised to see an auctioneer post that though.  More noobies and people in general to him should mean higher sales price which equals higher commission/buyers premium (or whatever he uses or calls it).  Still good to see, maybe it cause a few to reconsider this as a career.

She does them part time. It is her second job.  She always had a good crowd way before the tv shows. She use to put them on auctionzip has stopped that also. Most of her auctions are around St. Louis. She seems to be one of the better auctioneers.

RulesRebels, do you happen to have a link for his site?...would like to see it

I applaud him for posting this

I/we do "by the piece" auctions and he is spot on, saying most contain "Household" stuff.
I wish I had a nickel for every bag of clothes, toaster oven, mircowave, junk TV, crockpot, blender, busted kerosene heater, junk pressboard dresser and bookcase we have sold or tried to sell over the years...I'd be sailing 'round the world instead of posting this...

we have resorted to just "making a pile" of clothes in bags, by the door and selling the whole lot at once.

the thing that gets me is, the folks that will pay retail or above for this "Junk"....seriously who in their right mind, pays 28.00 for a pair of small kerosene lamps(metal & glass type) made in china...just boggles my mind!


RulesRebels, do you happen to have a link for his site?...would like to see it

I applaud him for posting this

I/we do "by the piece" auctions and he is spot on, saying most contain "Household" stuff.
I wish I had a nickel for every bag of clothes, toaster oven, mircowave, junk TV, crockpot, blender, busted kerosene heater, junk pressboard dresser and bookcase we have sold or tried to sell over the years...I'd be sailing 'round the world instead of posting this...

we have resorted to just "making a pile" of clothes in bags, by the door and selling the whole lot at once.

the thing that gets me is, the folks that will pay retail or above for this "Junk"....seriously who in their right mind, pays 28.00 for a pair of small kerosene lamps(metal & glass type) made in china...just boggles my mind!



This has nothing to do with this, but I didn't think it deserved its own thread. I think this is a step in the right direction. At least storage facility owners may be able to recoup their losses faster.


Offline MovieMan

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Thanks for the link.

  Here is a cut and paste from that site which I also found interesting.

It has came to my attention that there are new web companies taking my information and selling my auction information to "members". I do not authorize any of this abuse of my information. This information is listed here for my customers use and not for any other reason.  All information, rules, address's, etc. listed here is the facts of my auction and please disregard any information that you aquire from other websites.

For the companies using my info, it will not be tolerated and I'm in the process of contacting officials of the abuse, specially the companies selling my information. Please remove my info from your site immediately.

Offline rulesforrebels

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Thanks for the link.

  Here is a cut and paste from that site which I also found interesting.

It has came to my attention that there are new web companies taking my information and selling my auction information to "members". I do not authorize any of this abuse of my information. This information is listed here for my customers use and not for any other reason.  All information, rules, address's, etc. listed here is the facts of my auction and please disregard any information that you aquire from other websites.

For the companies using my info, it will not be tolerated and I'm in the process of contacting officials of the abuse, specially the companies selling my information. Please remove my info from your site immediately.

She doesn't have many auctions in the first place but good luck with that. All this is public information nothing wrong with people reposting it.

I understand where she's comming from in that she probably has people annoyed that tohers don't update info about cancelled auctions but the info she has is public, its not something that can be copyrighted or patented or protected in anyway.

Offline Travis

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The states mentioned above aren't trying to eliminate public notices in newspapers, they are simply allowing the storage facility to have a choice where the publish their legal notice. Some states, will have the option to continue publishing their legal notices in a newspaper of general circulation or to post their public notice on a storage, storage auction or classified website. The information must be made available for free. In Texas, the bill supporting these changes was recently confirmed unanimously in the House. They are also providing some special provisions which makes it impossible to foreclose on military personnel that are on active duty. Also, they are trying to do away with sending certified letters to the tenant and allowing emails or regular mail to be sufficient.

Most states lien sale laws are over 30 years old and they do not reflect changes in today's technology.

My own website

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When any of you have a minute or so go to this website

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Auction Lists on the website

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How do I post auctions to my own website?

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